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1、时态教学设计 江苏省扬中市实验小学 高云芳一 教学内容:1词汇:stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk2句型:What are you doing? Imwere .What are they doing? Theyre .What is heshe doing? HesShes .二教学目标:*认知目标:1能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写六个表示动作的单词stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk. 2 初步掌握现在进行时态的概念、构成、用法等。*能力目标:能正确运用现在进行时态询问别人正在做什么,培养学生用英语交际、用英语解决实际问题的能力

2、。*情感与策略、文化等方面目标:1关注学生在学习过程中积极愉悦的情感体验。培养学生自信开口、积极思维的习惯。2养成学生积极自主地体验、实践、参与、合作的学习方式。3引导学生用丰富多采的课余活动构建自己健康愉快的生活方式。三、教学重难点:1.重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写六个表示动作的单词stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk;掌握句型What are you doing? Imwere .What are they doing? Theyre .What is heshe doing? HesShes . 2.难点:现在进行时态的理解、运用;现在分词的常见构成形

3、式及读音。四、教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、习题卷五、教学过程:Step 1 : Warming up1.GreetingsT: Class begins ! Good morning, boys and girls .S: Good morning, Miss Gao .T: How are you this morning?S: Fine , thanks .And you ?T: Im very well .Because I have many new friends here, you make me very happy. Thank you .Sit down ,please

4、!(设计意图:课的开始以师生间亲切的问候导入,师生情感互融,迅速营造温馨愉悦的教学氛围,帮助师生以良好的精神状态进入课堂教学。)T: Boys and girls, wh2Free talken Im happy, I like singing. Please listen. 师唱“You are my sun shine, my only sun shine ” I like singing. What do you like?S1: I like swimming.T: Oh, a brave boy! I cant swim.T: Do you like swimming?S2: No,

5、 I dont. I like dancing.T: You like dancing!Can you dance for us?S2:Yes.(该生简单跳几个动作)T: Excellent ! (教师带领其他学生鼓掌)T: What do you like?S3:I like .T: By the way, do you like me?S3:Yes, I do.T: Thank you .3. Revisiona. 课件出示一组动词及其“+ing”形式:Look and read:sing singing read reading do doingwrite writing dance d

6、ancing make makingjog jogging swim swimming shop shoppingb. 引导认真读,体味“动词+ing形式”的正确发音;仔细看、找规律并总结。i 直接在动词后加“s”. ii去词尾“e”加“s”. iii双写词末字母加“s”.(设计意图:教师以诙谐流畅的语言和学生就爱好方面进行“寒暄式”交流,贴近学生生活实际,避免强制、机械地操练。同时swimming, dancing, singing等单词的复现以及规律的总结,激活了与新知密切联系的已学知识,为这节课现在进行时态的教学“搭梯”。)Step 2:Presentation & Practice1.

7、 课件一一出示照片(教师课前抓拍的授课班级学生课间活动场景)Photo1:A boy is reading a story book.T: Whos he?Ss: Hes xxx.(学生兴奋地指向该同学)T:Hi, xxx. What are you doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)S1:引导理解并回答“Im reading a book.”板书领读此问答句。Photo2:A girl is dancing.T: Whos she?Ss: Shes xxx.(学生兴奋地指向该同学)T:Hi, xxx. What are you doing?S1:引导回答“Im dancing.”T

8、:Boys and girls. What is she doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)Ss:引导理解并回答“Shes dancing.”板书领读此问答句。Photo3:Two boys are playing chess.T: Are they dancing reading ?Ss: No , they arent.T:Hi, the boy(照片中人). What are you doing?S1:引导回答“Were playing chess.”板书在Im下面添上Were .T:Boys and girls. What are they doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡

9、片至黑板)Ss:引导理解并回答“Theyre playing chess.”板书领读此问答句。(设计意图:以授课班级内学生有趣的活动照片导入现在进行时态的教学,一下子便抓住学生的兴奋点与注意力。然后以师生问答的形式进行操练,强化学生对于现在进行时态的感知,为现在进行时态的进一步学习“搭梯”。)2小组活动:练读黑板上的句子并讨论自己的发现。3班内汇报总结。i 动词都加了ing. ii句子中有相应的be动词. iii都表示正在做的事情.(设计意图:重视学生的发现与探究,这样的学习过程是学生主动求知、记忆的过程。教学效率要远远高于让学生直接被动地接受知识。高明的教学不仅要让其“知其然”,更重要的是让

10、其“知其所以然”。)4课件出示一幅缺失了一半的图:(几个可爱的小动物庆贺万圣节的场景图)a.鼓励学生根据提示先模仿练说故事的前半部分。There is a Halloween party. The pandas_ _(eat) a very big cake on the bed. The pigs _ _(make) pumpkin lanterns. The rabbit _ _(cook) in the kitchen. Look ! The bears_ _(dance) over there. . They look so funny.b. Would you please help

11、 me to go on telling this funny story?(鼓励学生插上想象的翅膀续编这个故事。)T: Good job! The story is so funny. How lovely the animals are!(设计意图:在学生对现在进行时态的构成、语意、现在分词的构成及读音有了一定认识后,以有趣的童话故事作为载体帮助学生进一步建构自己的所学。至此完成了对知识的感知体验模仿运用的初步认知过程。)5T: Do you like this story and these lovely animals?S:Yes.T: Do you like sports? PE l

12、essons?Shall we see a movie about a PE lesson? And please listen to my questions carefully.“ What are they doing?”6课件播放一节体育课的录象片段(内容为学生在教师口令调动下齐步走跑步走原地跳打小篮球赛其他学生或坐或站着喊加油)。S:观看体育课录像。T:教师适时暂停并问“What are they doing?”引导学生答Theyre walking. Theyre running. Theyre jumping. Theyre standing. Theyre sitting.T:

13、播放完毕,画面定格在或坐或站的观众身上。What is she doing? Shes standing.出示单词卡片教学stand standingT: What is Miss Gao doing?S: Youre standing.T:同法教学sit sitting(发现双写)What are you doing?S: Were sitting.T: What are you doing?S1:Im sitting.T: What are you doing?S2:Im sitting.T&S: 同法配合体势语学习另外三个表示动作的单词“walk walking, run running

14、(发现双写), jump jumping”.T&S: Good job! Shall we play a game? Now follow me, please.(学生跟随教师一起做动作并进行答问“What are you doing?”“Were running walking jumpingsittingstanding.”T: Who wants to try?指名学生来当小老师继续这个游戏。(设计意图:再一次用非常贴近学生学习生活实际的体育课画面,吸引住了学生的注意力。且在观看录象的过程中巧妙地将5个表示动作的单词呈现出来,结合时态进行进一步操练、巩固。进一步加深学生对现在进行时态句式

15、的认识。这个环节中频繁的身体活动也让学生获得了“学中乐、乐中学“的美好情感体验。)T: We did so many sports, so Im very tired. I want to go to bed .Do you want to go?S: Yes, were tired, too.T: The boy is tired, too. What is he doing?8课件出示夜晚,一个小男孩睡觉的情景,引出 sleep sleeping的教学。(设计意图:教师顺着上面一环节刚进行了剧烈运动的实际情况,巧妙设置累了想睡觉的情景,引入了新词sleep sleeping,Hes sleeping.的教学,衔接自然流畅.)9课件出示“Say a chant”Doing, doing, what are you doing?Standing, sitting and sleepi



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