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1、不问收获,但问耕耘,最好的资料给最好的自己!英语试卷分析与反思【高二英语试卷分析】时间:20XX年X月X日英语试卷分析与反思【高二英语试卷分析】 时间:2021-07-29 09:41:43 20212021 学年第一学期高一英语试卷分析任稔秋 苏小英 吴景美 武冠芳高二年级第一学期期末英语考试试卷分为客观卷题型为:听力测试、单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解、主观卷题型为:单词拼写、补全句子、短文改错和书面表达。下面针对考试情况分大题进行逐题分析与探讨,并结合教学提出建议。一、试卷评析及措施试题满分为150分,试题紧扣教材,符合大纲要求,体现了课程标准的方向。题量适当,难度适中。各题中,既注重了对


3、的英语语法(过去分词、倒装句、现在分词、虚拟语气、it句型、省略等。词汇知识突出大纲的重点词汇。在今后教学中,我们要指导学生掌握基本的英语语法知识、词汇知识和较为简单的表达方式,还要在此基础上培养学生在特定的语言环境中运用语言的能力。3、完形填空。完形填空题所选取主题很好,题材贴近学生生活实际,这就有利于学生理解本文的大意。侧重考查对全文的整体理解,多次逻辑关系解题。在今后的教学中,我们要指导学生加强阅读,增加完形填空题的训练。教师要指导学生通读短文,了解、掌握文章大意,综合运用所学的词汇、语法知识;要严格要求学生多读课文,读熟课文,增强对课文的理解能力。4、阅读理解 很多学生得分情况不很理想



6、思考问题习惯的培养,不致于让学生因为非智力因素丢分。3、作文训练还需加大,特别是一些综合性较强的作文,是今后训练的一个重要环节。这次考试也终于尘埃落实,我们教师不仅要从这次考试中摸清学生的情况,更要从中找出自身平时教学中的不足,为以后的教学作参考、指导。唐山市20212021学年度高二年级第一学期期末考试甲卷A 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12.C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. C单项选择:17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C 21.D 22.A 23. C 24. B 25. B 2

7、6. C完形填空:27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. B 36.C 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. A 41. C 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. C阅读理解:47. C 48. D 49. B 50. B 51. D 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. C 56. B57. D 58. A 59. C 60. G 61. E甲卷B 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12.A 13. A 14. C 15

8、. B 16. C单项选择:17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D完形填空:27. C 28. A 29. D 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B36. D 37. A 38. A 39. D 40. B 41. C 42. C 43. B 44. B 45. D 46. D阅读理解:47. A 48. C 49. A 50. B 51. A 52. A 53. A 54. C 55. B 56. B57. D 58. A 59. C 60. G 61. EII卷 62. two

9、/ 2 63. snow 64. camp/ tents 65. horses66. blame 67. informed 68. liquid 69. flexible 70. panches71.consists of 72. appeal to 73. concentrate on/ focus on 74. running out75. on behalf76. burned/ burnt 77. 3/ three 78. skin 79. treated 80. importantIt was quiet, sunny afternoon. I was sitting in the

10、garden, read the Sundaya readingnewspaper and expecting a couple of hour of peace. Then I hear a loud knock onhours heardthe door. I saw about twelve ladies wearing her Sunday clothes. They said, Well.their We hope we are not late, so it was not easy to find your house. One lady said,butWell, your h

11、usband was very kind to inviting us to tea. I thought, My God, myinvitehusband must have been mad. I asked for them into the house and they sat downand started talking happy. But when my husband appeared, it was quickly happilydiscovered that we should have gone to the house on the other side of the

12、 street.they书面表达 Nowadays, heavy fog in the city has resulted in lots of problems. Trafficis nearly stopped and many people even have difficulty in peathing.Reasons may be many but the following two are not to be ignored. Too muchfossil fuel is being consumed, thus pouring great quantities of waste

13、into the air. Also,too much car exhaust is produced, as more and more cars are running on the roads.Both contribute to global warming and pollution.I suggest that we should lead a healthier and simpler life. Lets use less coal, gasor electricity if possible. Try walking or cycling to work instead of

14、 driving a car. Ibelieve we can peathe fresh air again soon as long as we change our way of life.听力录音稿Text 1M: We spent our vacation in Japan last year. Shall we go to Canada this summer? W: Honestly, Id prefer to go somewhere like Greece instead.Text 2W: How much weight are you trying to lose?M: I

15、weigh 190 pounds now. If I can just get down to 160 pounds, I will be very happy.Text 3W: Im preparing to go to an evening class in a university. You know learning French is difficult. I hope that will be helpful.M: Well, for me, Id like to watch some TV programs to learn a foreign language, such as

16、 BBC and so on.Text 4W: Hi, John. Ann invited me to her house for Joes birthday tonight.M: Oh, you havent forgotten my dinner party, have you?W: No, so I didnt accept her invitation.Text 5M: We have a lot of housework to do. Do the dishes, sweep the floor, and W: Yeah, there are also a lot of dirty clothes. I want to finish this job first.Text 6M: Mum, can I stay up and watch mo


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