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1、第4单元1. give the money to charity 把钱捐献给慈善机构2. put the money in the bank 把钱存入银行3. medical research 医疗研究 4. research on sth. 在某方面的研究5. get / be nervous紧张6. look friendly 看起来友好7. get pimples 起鸡皮疙瘩/长青春痘 8. take a big exam参加大考9. take a long walk 散一大段步10. help you relax帮你放松11. give a speech in front of the

2、 school在全校面前作演讲12. without ( ones ) permission 未经允许 13. with ( ones ) permission 在某人许可的情况下 14. ask ones permission 请求某人的允许15. speak in public = speak in a public place在公共场合讲话 16. hardly ever几乎不曾17. ask sb. to be in a movie邀请某人拍电影18. introduce oneself to sb.向sb做自我介绍 19. would rather do than= prefer t

3、o do rather than do = prefer doing to doing 宁愿 也不愿20. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事21. be easy to get along(on) with 容易相处 22. not in the slightest = not at all一点也不23. a circle of good friends好友圈24. say something bad about sb. 说某人的坏话25. the company of的陪26. right away = at once = in a minute立即,马上27. let sb.

4、down 使某人失望 28. the rest of the students其余的学生29. the answer to the question问题的答案26.solutions to the problems问题的解决办法30. come up with = think of 提出、想出31. come out出来、出版、开花32. cover A with B用A覆盖住B33. be covered with 被覆盖34. go downstairs / upstairs下/上楼35. running water 自来水36. get hurt 受伤 37. an internet f

5、riend 一个网友38. go alone 单独去39. ask sb. for advice向某人寻求建议40. cut yourself by accident无意间切到你自己41. by accident = by chance偶然地、无意之中42. have experience (in) doing sth.在某事方面有经验43. hurry to do sth. 匆忙做44. hurry up = come on 赶快,快点45. offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth. 主动给某人某物46. offer to do sth. 主动提供做47. hide from把藏起来远离



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