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1、module11theweatherunit3综合练习(无答案)(外研版初二上)答题时刻:10分钟 总分值:30分 I单项选择每题1分,共10分 1. Were going to Hong Kong. It not be war, in February. A. probably B. might C. must D. possible 2-is the best time to visit the USA? -Anytime you like! A. WhereB. WhenC. HowD. Which 3-is nice to meet you! -nice to meet you, to

2、o. A. That B. This C. ItD. Today 4. Its hot at noon it may be cool in the evening. So youd better wear a warm coat. A. so B. but C. becauseD. yet 5. In February, its usually and freezing in China. A. rainy B. cloudy C. warmD. snowy 6. The seasons of the year in England and the USA are nearly A. diff

3、erent B. the sam C. opposite D. strange 7. When it is summer in China, its winter in A. Japan B. England C. Australia D. the USA 8. My house is about 4000metres from my school. A. farB. farawayC. away D. far away 9. Please bring your to Hainan because you may want to swim in the sea.A. umbrellaB. sw

4、imsuitC. camera D. shoes 10. The best time to Dalian is in summer I think. A. to comeB. coming C. to comingD. come II阅读明白得每题2分,共20分(A) In America there are two terms学期in a school year: The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to, June. Most American children begin

5、 to go to school when they are five yesrs old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school. High school students take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class. They do m

6、any interesting things. After high school, many students go to college大学They can go to a small one ora large one. They usually have to give a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies. 1. In American, summer holidays begin in . A. SeptemberB. July C.

7、May D. February 2. Most American children go to school at the age of . A. fiveB. seven C. eighteenD. seventeen 3. High school students after class. their homework B.go to work many interesting things basketball 4. In order to为了 , many American college students work after class. A.he

8、lp their parents B. get the money for their studies others D.learn some useful things 5. After high school,many students go to A. workB. make money C. citiesD. college(B) No. 1 Middle SchoolBeijing, ChinaOctober 1st,2000Dear Tom, How are you getting along recently? I am free today. Now let me

9、 tell you something about Beijing. In our country, people drive cars on the left side of the road, but here in Beijing, on the right side. Many people in London go to work by car while most people in Beijing go to work by bike. The weather in Beijing is better than that in our country. Its fine for

10、long here, but we have so many cloudy days in London. Students here work hard at their les-sons and a lot of people can speak English. Its a pity that many students in our country dont work very hard and few people know Chinese. But I ,think I can teach you Chinese when I go back to see you. Now I m

11、ust stop writing, because its too late. Please write to me soon.YoursPeter 1. This letter is from to A. an English boy, his friend Tom B. Tom, Peter C. an American,an English boy D. an English boy, an American boy 2. Peter is a A. teacher B. student C. farmer D. worker 3. Tom may be a A. middle scho

12、ol student in Beijing B. bus driver in London C. middle school student in London D. middle school teacher in London 4. In England cars go along the road and in China, A. on the left side, on the left side B. on the right side, on the right side C. on the right side, on the left side D. on the left side, on the right side 5. Peter thinks that Chinese students A. can all speak English



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