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1、材 料:鸡脆骨500克、干辣椒50克、青椒100克、红椒100克、料酒1汤匙、麻辣香锅底料3汤匙、蒜泥10克、姜末15克、糖1茶匙 做 法:1、将鸡脆骨切成小块,用料酒抓匀腌制片刻待用;干辣椒煎成段,青红椒去蒂去籽切成菱形块待用。2、炒锅烧热,放入姜蒜、干辣椒炒香。3、放入鸡脆骨用大火翻炒变色。4、加入麻辣香锅底料炒匀。5、加入青红椒块炒匀,最后加入适量糖和盐调味即可。小贴士: 鸡脆骨要用刀切成小块,这样更入味脆嫩,还可以在这道菜中加入油炸花生米等,作为下酒菜很不错。Materials: 500 g chicken cartilage, 50 grams of dried chillies,

2、100 g, 100 g green pepper, red pepper, cooking wine,http:/ TBSP, spicy incense pot material, 3 TBSPS garlic 10 grams, 15 grams of ginger, 1 TSP sugar To do: 1, chicken gristle, cut into small pieces, with cooking wine well preserved for a moment to use; Dry red pepper fry into a paragraph, go green

3、red pepper, seeds, cut into LingXingKuai. 2, heat wok, add ginger, garlic, dried chilli until fragrant. 3, add chicken cartilage with stirring the fire become angry. 4, add spicy balsamic pot material stir well. 5, add green,http:/ red pepper stir well, add right amount of sugar and salt can. Tip: Chicken gristle to cut into small pieces with a knife, a serving platter, so also can join in this dish Fried peanut, etc., as a kind of snacks should we have is very good.


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