高中英语 基础巩固(Unit 7 Living with disease)大纲人教版第二册

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1、高中英语人教大纲版第2册 基础巩固(Unit 7Living with disease)基础巩固汉英翻译1.感染上 答案:be/become infected with.2.接受HIV病毒检测 答案:get tested for HIV3.破坏免疫系统 答案:break down the immune system 4.让某人活下去 答案:keep sb.alive5.缺乏;缺少 答案:a lack of6.为某人加油;使某人振奋答案:cheer sb.up7.患有严重的疾病 答案:suffer from a serious disease8.与某人握手 答案:shake hands with

2、 sb.9.正相反;相反地 答案:on the contrary10.暂时;目前 答案:for the moment11.避免;免除 答案:be free from12.利用时机;碰碰运气 答案:take every chance13.充分地;尽情地;完全地 答案:to the full/fullest单项填空1.Could people become infected HIV by swimming in a pool or sitting in a bath?A.withB.ofC.intoD.to解析:be/get/become infected with“感染上病”。答案:A 2.Ru

3、nners for the Olympic Games have to before and after the race.A.get testB.get testingC.get testedD.get to test解析:get tested相当于be tested,是一种被动语态形式。答案:C 3.Some people transmit HIV by receiving infected blood transfusions or, ,through birth.A.in Janes caseB.as in Janes caseC.in case of JaneD.with Janes

4、 case解析:“正如的情况那样”用as in ones case,其中as是连词。答案:B4.At the meeting they made a decision which me powerless to act.A.stoppedB.leftC.broughtD.caused 解析:“leave+宾语+宾补”,其中宾补可用形容词、分词、不定式、介词短语等,意为“使/让怎么样”。答案:B5. This computer doesnt work properly, because a certain virus has the operating system.A.broken upB.b

5、roken downC.broken outD.broken away解析:题意是“一种病毒破坏了操作系统”。break down“破坏;出故障”。答案:B6.I tried to persuade her on the thin ice,but she wouldnt listen to me.A.not skatingB.not to skateC.of not skatingD.not skate 解析:persuade sb. not to do sth.“劝说某人不要做某事”。答案:B7.What do you think of the film?The story is amusi

6、ng,but it pace.A.lacks ofB.lacks inC.is lacked ofD.is lacking in解析:lack是及物动词,后不接介词,但be lacking in是固定短语,意为“缺乏”。答案:D8.with foreign countries can bring us much information about the world.A.CollectionB.CompetitionC.ContactD.Consumer解析:题意是“与外国联系可使我们了解世界”。contact with“与联系”。答案:C9.Why is the university doi

7、ng so much building? number of students so rapidly.A.The;have increasedB.A;have increasedC.The;has increased D.A;has increased解析:题意是“学生的数量在飞快地增加”。the number of意为“的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。答案:C10.2006湖北黄冈一模 you make so much notise?Im sorry,Ill take care not to.A.CanB.MustC.WouldD.Will解析:A、C和D项均有“邀请”之意,排除。B

8、项表责问。 答案:B11.Id like to book a room for tonight.Sorry,sir,but we dont have any rooms at the moment.A.availableB.usableC.suitableD.comfortable解析:“我们目前没有房间了。”available“可用的;可提供的”。答案:A12.Lets have dinner in the hotel dining-room.Oh,Im afraid it may be .A.too much expensiveB.expensive too muchC.much too

9、expensiveD.too expensive much解析:too much一般修饰名词或动词;much too多修饰形容词或副词。答案:C13. my car is being made ready for a long journey.A.In a momentB.In the momentC.For a momentD.For the moment 解析:“目前我的车作好了长途旅行的准备。”for the moment “目前;暂时”。答案:D14.He is not a millionaire,but he that he were.A.hopesB.wishesC.believe

10、sD.promises解析:由句中的he were可判断出这是虚拟语气;四个选项中只有wish后接从句时用虚拟语气。答案:B15.2006北京东城目标检测We usually go hiking for vocation,I like it,but I want to try something more challenging this year. A.Lets go.B.Cheer up.C.Like what?D.Take care. 解析:语境为A想尝试比徒步旅行更有挑战性的度假活动,B询问对方究竟想做哪些活动。Like what“比如哪些活动呀?”答案:C介词、副词填空1.AIDS

11、is a disease that breaks the bodys immune system and leaves a person defenseless infections and illnesses.答案:down;against2.People get AIDS after having been infected HIV which spreads blood and other body liquids.答案:with;through3.The disease is spreading fast in Africa because a lack proper health c

12、are.答案:of;of4.Xiaohua goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals the country to cheer them .答案:across;up5.Many people do not know much AIDS and afraid that any contact people who have AIDS is dangerous.答案:about;with6.Cancer doesnt spread one person another.答案:from;to7.The cancer in his body has

13、been defeated the moment,but he knows he will never be completely free it.答案:for;from8.Living cancer has made him realize how precious life is and how important it is for him to live his life the fullest.答案:with;to9. all the AIDS deaths date,16 million have been in Africa.答案:Of;to10.As many diseases

14、,children seem to suffer the most AIDS.答案:with;from句型转换完成B句,使其与A句意思相同或相近。(每空一词)1.A.I am not clever enough to find a possible solution to the problem.B.If I clever enough,I a possible solution to the problem.答案:were;would;find2.A.Its a pity that I cant recite that poem.B.How I that I that poem!答案:wish;could recite3.A.AIDS is a disease that stops a person from defending himself against infectio



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