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1、二 O一四年五年级(下)英语半期学情调研(测试时间 60 分钟;满分 100 分)班级: 姓名: 考号:一、 听力测试(共 20 分)I、听音,选出你所听到的那个单词,每个单词念两遍。 (5 分)( )1、A. tofu B. tea C. talk( )2、A. English B. Chinese C. maths( )3、A. hard-working B. clever C. happy( )4、A. thinking B. singing C. sleeping( )5、A. library B. classroom C. corridorII、听音,选出你所听到的那个短语,每题念两

2、遍。 (5 分)( )1、A、fruit salad B、roast chicken( )2、A、Sports Club B、Art Club( )3、A、helping at home B、playing football( )4、A、keep quiet B、good at( )5、A、reading books B、eating ice creamIII、听音,选出你所听到的那个句子,每题念两遍。 (5 分)( ) 1、A、I am good at painting. B、I am good at reading.( ) 2、A、Let me see. B、Let me write.(

3、) 3、A、Look at Betty. She s running.B、Look at Sally. She s talking.( ) 4、A、What subject do you like? B 、What subject does Peter like?( ) 5、A、I like drinking coffee. B、I don t like drinking coffee.IV、听音,从方框中选出你所听问句正确的答语,每个问句读两遍。 (5 分)( )1、A、Yes,I do. ( )2、B、Im Sally. ( )3、C、I like running. ( )4、D、 He

4、likes English. ( )5、E、I live in Chengdu. 二、写(共 20 分)第 1 页 / I、根据汉语意思,用英语写出以下单词。 (10 分)1.、You should (走)in the corridors.2、I (想要)roast chicken.3、I can see Sally. Shse (懒惰的).4、I like (美术).5、We shouldn t play in the (礼堂).II、根据问句, 从方框中的 ABCDE五个答句中,先选出合适的答语,然后正确抄写在四线三格内 。(10 分)( )1、What subject do you li

5、ke?A、She likes singing a song. ( )2、What does she like doing?B、I like Chinese. ( )3、What club do you want to join? C、I want to join the Music( )4、How old are you?Club. ( )5、Do you want ice cream or fruit? D、I want ice cream, please.三、选择题(共 30 分)E、I am eight.I、下面有 5 组单词,选出每组中不同类的单词。(10 分)( )1、A、sing

6、B、walking C、talking( )2、A、write B、whose C、what( )3、A、tea B、coffee C、tofu( )4、A、music B、PE C、kind( )5、A、funny B、helpful C、mathsII、根据情境,选择正确的表达形式。 (10 分)( )1、当询问你喜欢做什么的时候,应该说:A、What do you like doing? B、What subject do you like?( )2、当你想表达“不用谢”时,可以说:A、Thank you very much. B、Youre welcome.( )3、询问某人住址时,应

7、该说:第 2 页A、Where do you live? B、What s your name?( )4、服务员询问客人是否准备好点餐,应该说:A、Are you ready to order now? B、Do you want some fish?( )5、当你违反学校的规定时,应该说:A、Thank you very much. B、Im sorry.III、从 A、B 两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线,意思正确的答。 (10 分)( )1、 eat in the classroom 。A. Do not B. Shouldn t( )2、you should in the library

8、 。A. keep quiet B. talk( )3、 -What are you good at ? - .A. I don t know. B. I like jumping.( )4、I like fish I don t like vegetables.A. and B. but( )5、I live Xingfu street.A. at B. in四、句型转换。根据要求完成句子。 (10 分)1、I am good at thinking and writing. (改为否定句)I good at thinking and writing.2、Does she like swee

9、t and sour pork? ( 作肯定回答 )Yes, .3、I want to join the English Club. ( 用 He 代替 I )He join the English Club.4、I like reading. (对划线部分提问)第 3 页do you like ?5、I like roast chicken. ( 改为一般疑问句 )like roast chicken?五、找出下列各句 A、B、C 中错误的那一项。 (10 分)( )1、I like do my homework.A B C( )2、You are clever and help.A B C

10、( )3、Thank you to your letter.A B C( )4、Mary s mother is drink coffee.A B C( )5、Keeping quiet in the library.A B C六、阅读理解。正确的写“ T ”,错误的写“ F ”。(10 分)This is Tina. She is nine years old. She lives in Guangming Street. Shelikes tea but she doesn t like coffee. She likes school. She likes music.She is go

11、od at singing songs. She should sing songs in the music room.She wants to join the Music Club. How about you?( ) 1.Tina is a boy.( ) 2.Tina is nine years old.( ) 3.Tina likes coffee.第 4 页( ) 4.Tina isn t good at singing songs.( ) 5.Tina wants to join the Music Club.听力材料一、 听力测试(共 20 分)I、听音,选出你所听到的那个单

12、词,每个单词念 两遍。(5 分) II、听音,选出你所听到的那个短语,每题念 两遍。(5 分)1. fruit salad2、Art Club3、helping at home4、keep quiet5、eating ice creamIII、听音, 选出你所听到的那个句子 ,每 题念两遍。(5 分)1、I am good at reading.2、Let me see.3、Look at Betty. She s running.4、What subject does Peter like?5、I like drinking coffee.IV、听音, 从方框中选出你所听问句正确的答语,每个

13、问句读两遍。 (5 分)1、What s your name?2、What do you like doing?3、Where do you live?4、Do you like dumplings?5、What subject does Peter like?试卷答案一、I 、ACBBB II、ABAAB III 、BAABA IV、BCEAD第 5 页二、I 、评分时,单词写对给 1 分,占格正确给 1 分。1、walk 2 、want 3 、lazy 4 、art 5 、hallII 、评分时,选对给 1 分,书写正确给 1 分。BACED三、I 、AACCCII 、ABAABIII 、AAABB四、1、am not2、she does3、wants to4、What doing5、Do you五、BCBCA六、FTFFT第 6 页


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