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1、北重三中2022-2022学年度第二学期高一年级月考英语试题考试时间:2022年4月8日 总分值:150分 考试时长:120分钟第一局部 客观题总分值70分一、阅读理解共15小题;每题2分,共30分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Grandpa picked up several items and placed them on the counter. He told the clerk柜员) it would be on credit. The clerk was new and didnt know Grandpa, tho

2、ugh he had been coming to this same country store for 20 years. “Sign here, the clerk pointed to a piece of paper and said. Grandpa took the pencil beside the paper and carefully marked an “X on the dotted点line. “Youre supposed to sign your name, she said. Grandpas hand shook with the pencil. He was

3、 a tall man, thin with sandy blond金色的 hair and blue eyes. I hadnt seen him so embarrassed before, especially in front of a teenager girl. “I cant read or write, he said. “Ive always signed with an X. I could see he wanted nothing more than to get out of there. I wasnt sure what happened, but somewhe

4、re deep inside of Grandpa had been pricked. I went close to him and broke my chocolate bar in half. “Want some? I asked. He took it and cut into it. In spite of his smile, the sadness in his eyes said that chocolate wouldnt make the pain go away. Grandpa is no longer with us now, but I know he was n

5、ever simply “Grandpa X. He just didnt know how to read and he thought it was too late in life for him to start. What I would want to tell Grandpa more than anything else, if I could speak to him today, is that its not too late. There are programs and people who are willing to help him learn to read

6、and write. But the most important thing Id say is that whether he could read or not, he was never just “Grandpa X to me.1. Which of the following statements about the writers grandpa is WRONG?_.A. He didnt know how to read or write all his life.B. He felt embarrassed when the clerk asked him to sign

7、 his name.C. He had always signed with an “X in the country store before the new clerk came.D. He was a hard-working man but slow at learning.2. The underlined word “pricked in paragraph 7 means “ _ .A. ignoredB. fooledC. hurt D. worried3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?_.A. Its difficult

8、 for an old man to learn to read.B. The writers love for his grandpa wouldnt change.C. The writer would have respected his grandpa more if he had learned to read.D. You will be looked down upon if you cant read or write.B A very popular band, Jonas Brothers, released its fourth album this week. The

9、first album by the Jonas Brothers is Its About Time. It was written a few years ago by the youngest brother, Nick Jonas. He was sixteen in 2022. In most families, the little brother follows the bigger ones around. But in the Jonas Brothers band, Nick is the leader. In fact his brothers call him Mr.

10、President. Kevin, twenty-one, and Joe, nineteen, say they love Nicks organizational skills and work ethic(道德). Nick formed the band in 2022, but he had performed in Broadway musicals since the age of seven. The Jonas Brothers started with Columbia records but were dropped from the list after their f

11、irst album, Disney owned Hollywood Records then signed the brothers. All the brothers play the guitar. Nick and Joe are lead singers. Joe also plays the keyboard. Nick is the lead songwriter. The band is extremely popular, especially among young girls. The band does not write Christian songs but the

12、 brothers are influenced by their religion. The band and other family members give thanks to God before each Jonas Brothers performance. And each brother wears a ring on the third finger of his left hand. It is a symbol of their belief in waiting until marriage. Hollywood Records made a good move in

13、 signing the Jonas Brothers. Their second album with the company went to number one on Billboard Magazine popular music lists. One of the songs deals with the disease diabetes(糖尿病) . A few days ago, the Jonas Brothers came out with their fourth record. Critics (评论人)say it is an attempt by the band t

14、o move into the adult market without refusing younger fans. Some critics say the record succeeds. Others disagree. 4. From the passage, we can know Nick Jonas _. A. formed Jonas Brothers at the age of thirteen B. wrote all the music his band sings C. is good at skills of organization D. wants to bec

15、ome American president 5. Which group of people may like Jonas Brothers best? _. A. Young people. B. Girls at middle schools. C. Children. C. Middle-aged people. 6. Which of the following may play a key role in making Jonas Brothers well-known?_. A. Jonas Brothers don t write Christian songs. B. They give thanks to God before performing. C. Their songs deal with diseases such as the diabetes. D. They signed with Disney-owned Hollywood Records.C Earthquake rescu


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