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1、八年级上册教案设计Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 3 The school sports meet is coming.Section D. Material analysis本节课为单元第五课时,主要活动为Section D 的1。本话题谈论了与运动有关的话题,语法重点是将来时。通过学生自己参加运动会,为他人喝彩,强化了学生的团队意识。有关篮球历史和现代奥运会的学习, 帮助学生提升对运动的认识,有助于他们参与运动、保持健康的好习惯的养成。课后要求学生能学以致用,书面介绍自己参加运动会的经历;同时要求他们结合课本内容和已有的有关奥运会的知识,写一篇有关奥运会的文章。. T

2、eaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能正确拼读本话题单词表中的单词。2. 能在英语对话或文章中听懂并能运用本单元的重点短语。3. 能正确地理解将来时态的用法,能正确选用将来时态的形式。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关奥运会的对话及类似的英语文字材料。2. 能用英语和同学朋友简单谈论奥运会。3. 能读懂有关奥运会的对话或文章。4. 能介绍自己参加运动会的经历及意义。5. 能写一篇有关奥运会的文章。Emotional aims:1. 乐于接触到外国体育文化,增强跨文化意识。2. 积极参与集体活动,培养集体荣誉感。. The key points and difficu

3、lt pointsKey points:能正确运用下面短语的过去式写一篇日记。hold a sports meet, feel excited, run fast, do badly in, do well, take part in, do ones best, be the first to do sth., cross the finishing line, want to do sth., be a soccer player, do more exercise, be able to do sth. Difficult points:Describing the Olympics.

4、Learning strategies巩固学生整体复习Sections A-C 的习惯。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Everyday saying: A sound mind is in a sound body. 健全的精神寓于健全的身体。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3.

5、 Three students work4. The whole class work5. The whole class work1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Students sing with the flash.3. Three volunteers write their answers on the blackboard, while other students correct their own paper according to the teachers instruction.4. All the students

6、read their passages to their partner, correcting mistakes when reading.5. Students add the date and weather to their passages, changing them into diaries.1. Greet students ready for learning.2. Look flash “ Song of Health” sung by Fan Xiaoxuan.3. Teacher asks three students to write their answers on

7、 the blackboard, and corrects them as models.4. Ask the whole class to read their homework about a school sports meet to his / her partner.5. Teacher asks the students to observe the type of 1, then to change their homework into a diary. Presentation(12 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole cl

8、ass work3. Group work4. The whole class work1. Students read 1 silently and look for the information they need, then finish the reading exercises. 2. Students say the answers together.3. Each group answers one question. 4. Students check their homework to see if they have changed them into diaries c

9、orrectly.1.Teacher asks the students to read 1 silently and finish the exercises.2. Teacher checks the students answers.3. Teacher designs several questions to help students to write a diary:(1) What tense should be used in a diary?(2) What was the weather like?(3) What day was it or what was the da

10、te?(4) What happened?(5) Who did the thing and what did she/he do?(6) How did he/she/they do the thing?4. Teacher looks through six passages to see if they can write diaries correctly.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Two students work3. Some students work4. Group work1. Students wr

11、ite their own diary, remembering the using style. First, the students should know the past forms of the verbs:hold-heldfeel-feltrun-rando-didbe-was, werecross-crossedStudents can check the past forms in their books or ask the teacher.2. Two students write their diaries on the blackboard.3. All the M

12、ember A hand in their diaries for checking.4. All the Member A read B and C s diaries and correct the mistakes.1. Teacher asks the students to write a diary by using the following phrases:hold a sports meet, feel excited, run fast, do badly in, do well, take part in, do ones best, be the first to do

13、 sth., cross the finishing line, want to do sth., be a soccer player, do more exercise, be able to do sth.2. Teacher corrects the two passages as an example for the students to correct their own passages.3. Teacher lets the students choose out the best three diaries and read them for the whole class

14、.4. Teacher organizes Member A to correct the mistakes of Member B and Member C s diaries by reading them with B and C together.Practice(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work1. Students discuss in groups.2. Students read silently and underline something important they think.3. Students finish the exercises orally.1. Teacher asks the students to explain the Grammar and Functions. 2. Teacher asks the students to read the Future Tense on P126.3. Teacher pr


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