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1、九年级英语Unit3亚洲3-初中三年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、测验题、复习资料-初中英语试卷-试卷下载 九年级英语Unit 3 亚洲3测试总分:分班级_ 姓名_ 桌号_ 得分_I. 听力。(20分)A. 根据所听句子,选择正确的答语。(听一遍)(5分)()1. A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Yes. Here you are.C. No, we are here.D. Nice to meet you.()2. A. No problem.B. Good idea.C. Yes. I will.D. Thanks.()3. A. Yes, I like sport

2、s games.B. I often listen to it on the radio.C. It doesnt matter.D. Yes, you like music, dont you?()4. A. Ive got my friends here.B. Since I was born.C. Once in a year.D. IN two years.()5. A. Hes tall and thin.B. Hes very kind.C. Hes a teacher.D. He likes sports.B) 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。(听两遍)(5分)()6. A. Fou

3、rteen. B.Thirteen.C.Fifteen D. Sixteen()7. A. Shes at work.B. Shes in ashop.C. Shes on a farm.D.Shes in a hospital.()8. A. They are looking for Kitty.B. They aremaking a telephone call.C. They arehaving a lesson.D. They areshopping.()9. A. Shed like a cup of tea.B. Shed like aglass of water.C. Shed

4、like aglass of milk.D. Shed like acup of coffee.()10. A. Its sunny B.Its rainy.C. Itscloudy D. Its windy.C) 听短文,根据其内容回答问题。(听三遍)(分)11. When did Simon go to his farm?_12. Where does Simon live now?_13. What animals did they have?_14. What did his mother do when they livedon the farm?_15. What did they

5、 do after the hard work?_II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(分)16. The hotel in Beijing are _(comfortable).17. Guilin is famous for its _(colour) caves.18. Have you ever seen the raising of the_ (nation) flag?19. The emperors used to _ (spend)their summers in the Summer Palace.20. Youd better keep patient and not give

6、up _ (easy).21. Guilin is a very beautiful city in the_ (south) part of China.22. My favourite _ (attract) is theGreat Wall.23. The Great Wall is one of the _(wonderful) of the world.24. You can experience the _(beautiful) of the Great Wall.25. This story is _ (amazed), isntit?III. 选择填空。(分)()26. I h

7、ave _ things to do, but I have _ time.A. too much;too manyB. too much;too muchC. too many;too much D. too many;too many()27. The children without parents _ good care of by their teachers.A. aretakenB. is takenC. take D. takes()28. Tommy is _ go for a walk alone.A. enoughB. enough old to C. old enoug

8、hD. old enough to()29. Mr. Wu always spend time _ us something about South Korea.A. speakB. speakingC. tell D. telling()30. _of us knew anything about soul.A. NoneB. NobodyC. No oneD. Nothing()31. There _ in that museum.A. is many furnituresB. is a lot of furnitureC. are manyfurnitures D. are a lot

9、offurniture()32. There are _ shops in Myeong-dong Shopping District.A. tow hundredsB. hundred ofC. hundredsofD. two hundreds of()33. Although there were enough glasses, there was _ water in each.A. too fewB. too many C. too little D. too much()34. _ all the problems, they enjoyed the food very much.

10、A.Although B. Because C. Despite D. Since()35. Im busy now. Ive got _ to do.A. anything important B. important anythingC. something importantD. important somethingIV. 根据汉语,补全句子。(10分)36. 尽管紫禁城有六百我年了。它还是很漂亮。_ the_ _ is almost 600 years old, it is _ very beautiful.37. 颐和园是一座建在自然风景中的中式园林。The Summer Pala

11、ce is a _ _ garden built in a _ _.38. 通过一步一步登上长城,你能体验到它的美和雄伟。You can _its _ and _ through _ the Great Wall step by step.39. 骑自行车环绕桂林是非常有趣的。Its great _ _ _ _ Guilin.40. 在韩国有许多有趣的事可做。There are lots of _ _ _ _ in South Korea.V. 完形填空。(分)Mr. Hodge was a 41 farmer. He had hundreds of chickens, andsold egg

12、s and the meat and got a lot of 42 them, but he lived in a very 43 part of the country, and he found 44 his hens laid 45 in the summer. So he decided to putair-conditionings(空调) into his chicken-house 46 they would lay well all through the yearand he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money. The owner of thecompany which 47 the air-conditioning came to see him, andwhen he saw Mr. Hodges house, he thought that he might be able persuade(说服) him to buy someair-conditionings 48 . “Your wife would be much happier andmore comfortable then,” he said to Mr. Hodge.



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