冀教版八年级下册英语Unit 4Lesson 21 Books or Computers_ 表格式教案

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1、 教材版本冀教版初中英语八年级下册单元Unit 4课题Lesson 21 Books or ComputersI. Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Aims: To master the new words and phrases in the preview part.2. Ability Aims: By the end of class, students will be able to:1) Learn about the history of books through the process of listening, reading and exercisin

2、g;2) Talk about the differences between e-books and paper books.3. Emotion Aims: To realize the importance of reading and value different ways of reading. II. Analysis of StudentsStudents are in the second term of Grade 8. They have the basic ability to express themselves.On the one hand, they need

3、further training in listening and reading. On the other hand, theyneed a chance to listen to others and express their own opinions.III. Important and Difficult PointsImportant points: To learn about the history of reading and realize the importance of reading.Difficult points: To talk about the diff

4、erences between e-books and paper books.IV. Teaching ProceduresStepsTeachers ActivitiesStudentsActivitiesAimsStep 1Lead in1. Ask: “Imagine there is an empty room, you have to stay there for 3 days. You can take only one thing with you - books or computers, which one would you like to choose?”2. Advi

5、se students to choose books and let them watch a video about “Why should I read more?”3. Show some pictures, videos and sentences about paper books and e-books with the new words.1. 3 students answer the question. They all choose computers and share the reasons.2. Watch the video and finish the choi

6、ce on the learning paper.3. Learn the new words with videos, pictures and sentences.导入本课话题,帮助学生认识阅读的重要性,并且自然导入纸质书与电子书和新单词的学习,利用小视频,音标,句子,发散性问题帮助加强学生理解。Step 2Presentation1. Listen to the passage and put the sentences in the right order.2. Fast readingAsk students to match the main idea with each para

7、graph.Find out where the main idea is and ask “How can we read books now?” to present different ways of reading books now.3.Task-based ReadingAsk students to read and translate the red words (the key words).Ask students to finish the exercise and discuss the answers in groups.Check the answers toget

8、her and find out where the answers are from. 1. Read the sentences first, listen to the passage and finish the exercise.2. Read the passage fast, match the main idea of each paragraph and find out where the answers are from.3. Read and translate the read words first, read the passage carefully and f

9、inish the exercise.4. Discuss answers in groups.1. 通过听力排序训练,让学生初步感知课文。2.速读,抓住各段中心思想,了解文章整体结构。3.细读课文,通过任务型阅读的方式,讨论并找出出处,把握文章细节。4.通过对文本进行三层处理,全面而深入的把握文章。Step 3Exercise 1.Ask students to do the exercise, check answers together.2.With paper and printing press, we have paper books and e-books now. So whi

10、ch one do you prefer? 1. Do the exercise and think about why.2. Think about:” Which one do I prefer, e-books or paper books? ” 承上启下,巩固练习本课所学基础知识和书的发展历史,同时引出后续的话题并引发思考。Step 4FurtherReading1. Ask students to read something about Li Yangs family and finish the exercise.2. Summarize the advantages and d

11、isadvantages of e-books or paper books on the blackboard.Read and finish the exercise.通过阅读李阳家的读书情况,了解并认识到电子书和纸质书的部分优缺点,开拓思路,为下面活动做准备。Step5Debate1. Ask students to choose which one you prefer, e-books or paper books. If you choose the paper books, sit the right side. If you support the e-books, sit t

12、he left side.2. Ask students to discuss in groups and finish the mind map.3. Have a debate in class and write the good points on the blackboard.1. Think about which one to choose and sit on the correct side quickly.2. Discuss in groups and finish the mind map.3. Debate in class.通过辩论的方式,充分发挥学生的发散思维,运

13、用学生的英语知识和能力。首先小组讨论,集思广益,完成思维导图,全面而一目了然。辩论过程中,需要先听其他同学的观点并做出判断,同时根据前期所做准备,反驳并陈述自己观点。现场紧张的氛围,辩论的形式都促进学生思考能力,听力能力和表达能力的提升。Step 6Writing1. Ask students to write down the passage “I prefer _” to list the reasons why you like paper books or e-books.2. Show some writings with the projector.3. Summarize dif

14、ferent points.4. Show the saying about the value and importance of reading with light music-”Histories make men wise; poets make men witty; the mathematics make men subtle; logic and rhetoric able to contend. - Bacon”1. Write down the passage by themselves.2. Enjoy the writings on the screen by the projector.3. Enjoy the saying and music.根据前面的输出环节和板书总结,让学生将之前的辩论观点整理,写成作文,充分表达自己的观点。Step 7HomeworkPerfect your mind map and improve your writing “I prefer_” on the writing paper.Perfect the mind map and improve the writing.最后时间相对紧张,有部分同学没有完成作文,所以,布置作业让同学们完善思维导图和作文。


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