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1、Module3 unit1 colours 平定师范附属小学 高志娟教学内容:牛津小学英语三年级下册三单元第一课第一课时。教学目标:1.learn the sentences: what colour is.?/what colour are ?2.Learn the words: sea, sky, clouds, mountains.3.Using the simple present tense to ask and answer the colours.4.Developing their abilities of speaking and listening.设计理念:关注每个学生的

2、情感,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的自信心和成就感,使他们在学习过程中发展语言综合运用能力,培养小组合作能力和创新精神,提高人文素养。教学重点:mountains 的学习和单复数的比较。教学难点:单复数的比较及运用。教学准备:多媒体课件,录音机教学步骤:教学过程设计意图热身复习Warm-up1, Greetings2, Sing a rhyme on page 12.3.free talk: do you like?轻松愉快的儿歌既活跃了课堂气氛,又复习了旧知识。呈现操练Presentation呈现操练Presentation1、 导入 T: do you like fish? W

3、here can you see the fish? Ss: in the sea.问题导入新课,新颖活泼,抓住了学生的注意力。2、 学习sea, sky(1)出示课件:T: look, whats this? Ss: its the sea.T: do you like sea?Ss: yes no.(2)认读 sea. (3)ask and answer: what colour is the sea. (4)chant: sea, sea, l like the sea.(5)guess: whats this? It has the same colour with the sea.T

4、:yes, its the sky.(6)game: do and guess(7)chant together.单词放在句子中学习,并在口语交际中加以巩固,体现了“词不离句,句不离用”的思想。适当进行口语交际,扩大语言容量。游戏巩固的单词,气氛活跃。3、学习clouds, moutains.(1) 出示课件:T:in the sky, what can you see?Ss: clouds.(2) 认读 cloud.(3) 课件出示:cloudsT:how many clouds? 学习复数。 (4) 扩展:T: what are they? Theyre. Clouds.(5)game:

5、引出mountains(1)出示课件:T:under the sky, what can you see?Ss: mountains.(2)认读mountain mountains. (3)ask and answer: how many mountains?.(4)chant: mountains, mountains, theyre big,big,big mountains, mountains, theyre tall.tall,tall(5) 扩展: 出示课件 Huang Mountain, Mountain Tai.(6)game: 通过课件引导学生学习复数,直观形象。列举其他单词

6、,扩大了知识面4,summerize(1)教师小结:T: boys and girls, there are many things, What can you see?Ss: I can see.(2)game: say and listen.(3)review the words: trees , flowers, the sun, butterfly, bird.由动到静,既锻炼学生的听力,游戏活泼轻松,又给学生一个调节的机会。5、learn : what colour is / are? (1) 出示课件T: this picture is colouful, is it beauti

7、ful?Ss: yes, it is. (2)出示课件把图片变成黑白图: (3)T:now, is it beautiful?Ss: no, its black and white. T: now ,lets colour it。(4)Ss colour the pictures. (5) ask and answer: what colour is the sun? What colour are the trees? T -S S-T(6) studetents practise in pairs. 通过动手操作学习句子,培养了学生的自主学习能力,小组活动,使语言由输入到输出。巩固运用6、

8、review the words and compare.(1)compare the sentences: what colour is the? What colour are the ?(2)学习课文: listen and follow.通过比较使句子记忆一定会根深蒂固。Homework1, listen and read.2.act out the dialouge. 说课:本节课我所讲的是牛津小学英语三年级下册三单元第一课第一课时。通过这一课的学习,要求学生掌握个sea, sky, clouds, mountains 4个单词 和what colour is.?/what colo

9、ur are ?句型,并在具体的情境中巩固单词和运用句型。本节课的重点是掌握mountains 的学习和单复数的比较,难点是单复数的比较及运用。教学内容是对第一单元的延续,因此,在教学方法上我采取了如下措施:一、 充分利用多媒体呈现新知。在教学单词的时候有效利用课件,直接呈现动态的画面,形象生动的揭示了单词的意义,同时注重把单词放在句子中学习,体现了词不离句,句不离用的思想理念。二、 注重多种教学方法的并用。本节课除采用听说法,游戏法外,还注重TPR活动的运用,让学生动动做做,容易抓住学生的注意力。三、 注重扩展,有效提高学生的综合语言运用能力。学习完本节课的内容外,及时从课本过度到课外知识,如Huang Mountain, Mountain Tai.,既扩展了知识,又培养了学生对祖国河山的热爱之情。不足的地方有:一、 本节课呈现单词的方式较为单一,四个单词都采用直接呈现的方式,较为枯燥。二、 课堂活动形式单一,师生之间的对话较多,生生和小组活动较少,学生没有普遍参与进来。三、 板书不认真,书写没有做到规范到位,设计死板。四、 新旧知识的连接不太好,句子难点没有落实到位。五、 评价做的不到位,本节课忽视了对学生的多元评价,是 由于教师粗心而致。


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