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1、教 学 设 计制作人李英所在学校阎良区西飞第二中学所教年级八年级所教单元Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?课型新授课听说写课整体教学设计思路教学内容分析: 人教版Go for it八年级上册教材共有十二个单元,本单元是其中的第三单元,其主要内容是“Talk about future plans”。通过对be doing 形式的学习,清楚的认识到现在进行时表示将来计划安排。引导学生能够通过问句“What are you doing for vacation?”来询问同伴的近期计划,熟悉各种日常交通方式的英文表述习惯,达到互相交流、获取所需信息的目的。本

2、单元主要教学目标是让学生学会询问他人上学方式、距离远近、以及到达某地所需时间的英文表达方式,这是教学的重点,也是教学的难点。同时,学习英文数字中,二十以上的数字的英文读、写表达。在进行听、说、读、写的能力训练的同时让学生初步掌握英语中对交通方式,距离,花费时间的各种表达方式,使学生逐步学会在日常生活中恰当地运用语言。单元课时设计思路: 根据英语课程标准对八年级教学要求和八年级学生的学习水平,按照由易到难的思路,我将本单元教学内容分为4课时:Period ISection A1a-2c,Grammar FocusPeriod IISection A 3a-4Period III Section

3、B 1a-2c Period IVSection B 3a-3c,4,学生情况分析:初二学生有一定的词汇和句型基础,具备一定的口语交际能力,但还需进一步的提升。由于中西方文化的差异,学生最容易犯的错误是“I by bike to school.”对于用动词表达交通方式并不熟悉,容易混淆。尽可能的用对比的方式进行教学活动,让学生尽快的掌握这种表达方式,提高学生灵活运用英语的能力教学过程设计Unit 4 How do you get to school? 第二课时 教学设计教学目标By the end of this session, most students will be able to t

4、alk about transportation.This will be achieved by reviewing how to get to places and the times, as well as leaning to talk about the distance.1. Knowledge objects:(1)New words and phrases: bicycle ,kilometer ,mile, how far, bus station (2)Sentence structures: How do you get to school? I take the bus

5、. How long does it take? It takes 20 minutes. How far is it? Its 10 miles.2. Ability objects:(1)Most students would be better able to choose the suitable ways of transportation to get to different places.(2)Train the students speaking ability.3. Moral object:, Students would be able to aware the imp

6、ortance of protecting the environment by using the green tools.教学重难点Teaching key points:How do you get to school? I take the bus. How long does it take? It takes 20 minutes.(It takes sb. some time to do sth. ) How far is it? Its 10 miles.Teaching difficult points:1. Students might feel confused by u

7、sing the patterns “I ride my bike to school.” and “I go to school by bike.” 2. Students might feel it hard to finish the survey in P23. 教学方法及策略1、运用“组内合作,组间竞争”的小组合作机制。2、恰当运用多媒体辅助教学。3、充分调动学生的积极性,以学生为中心,开展各项英语教学活动。 教学过程 教学意图Step 1 Greetings and free talk 通过师生自由问答,轻松自由地导入,让学生感知本节课的主题与交通有关,引起学生的注意,起到热身的作

8、用。Step 2 Pre-speaking1. Watch a video about transportations and find out the ones in the song.2. What other kinds of transportation do the students know? Collect the answers by using a web spider.歌曲传达轻松学习交通工具的氛围,能激发学生学习交通工具的兴趣。运用“组内合作,组间竞争”的小组合作机制。Step3 Talk about the transportations.1. Teacher pres

9、ent the sentences by describing her own information.2. Present the conversation with a student.结合课本,学习句型常见交通方式的表达。How do you get to school? I take the bus. I get to school by bus.How far is it from your home to school?How long does it take ?通过询问学生真实情况,无形中操练对话。和一个同学共同完成一个对话,为下面的结对练习起到示范作用。Step 4 Pair

10、 work:1. Show students some pictures. Students ask and answer in pairs.2. Students ask and answer about their own information.谈论有关自己的话题,让学生觉得有话可说。Sample conversation可以降低难度。Step 5 Survey: Ask the students to survey how they get to school and let them give the class a report.通过调查活动,既可以巩固所学知识,又能锻炼学生的口述

11、能力和合作意识。Step 6 Reading: Read the small passage and answer the questions.提高学生的阅读能力。教师结合本地实际,进一步强调所学知识,并对学生进行情感教育。在日常生活中尽量选择Green tools or public tools。Step 7 Have a try: Do some exercises.通过课堂练习,巩固新知识。控制题目难度,让每个学生都有所收获。Step 8:Summary: Ask individual student to sum up what they learned in this period.

12、让学生自己总结本节课所学重点内容,学生很有成就感。作业Write a conversation about how your friends and your parents go to school or work and how long it takes,then perform it in the next English class.通过对父母朋友的上班上学方式,路程远近,所需时间的调查了解达到进一步运用本课单词和句型的目的。板书设计I ride my bike to work. I go to work by bike. take a bus by bus.I walk to school. I go to school on foot. ride a bike by bike.How far is it? Its 3 miles. How long does it take? It takes 10 minutes.教学评价设计形成性评价与终结性评价相结合。1. 对于对话做得好的同学,报以热烈的掌声。2. 对于个别有问题的学生,及时纠正,并给予鼓励。3. 综合各小组各个环节的课堂表现,对各小组进行最终积分奖励。教学反思设计1.本节课的成功之处:2.本节课表现好的同学有: 具体表现在:3. 本节课的不足之处: 我(们)应该:


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