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1、门厅日常工作礼貌用语一、接听电话:1、Hello, front desk.你好,前厅部。 2、This is XX speaking.我是XX。(自我介绍)二、欢迎语: 1、Hello, welcome to our hotel.欢迎光临白山宾馆。 2、Hello, I am very glad to see you again.您好,很高兴再次见到您。三、操作服务时:1、提行李:Hello, may I help you?需要帮忙吗? 2、寄存:You check baggage altogether X, right?您寄存的行李共X件,对吗? Please leave behind yo

2、ur telephone? 请留下您的联系电话? Please sign your name to conformation. 请签字确认。 3、取行李:Please show me your baggage ticket. 请出示您的寄存卡。 One moment, Ill take it as soon as possible. 请稍等,我马上去取。 Please check your luggage.请您核对行李。 4、与客人同乘电梯:Hello, for how many floor? 您好,请问您去几楼? Here it is. Watch your step. X楼到了,请慢走。四

3、、大厅引领时:1、Where are you going? Can I help you? 请问您去哪里?需要帮助吗? 2、Please follow me.请跟我来。 3、Please go straight ahead, turn right and take lift to forth floor. 请直走到头,乘右侧电梯到四楼。 4、In the east of front desk is washing room.卫生间在总台的东侧。总台接待处礼节礼貌用语一、 欢迎语:Hello, welcome to our hotel. Im very glad to see you again

4、. 您好,欢迎光临。很高兴再次见到您。二、 入住登记:1、We have the commercial room a 480yuan, the deluxe room a 380yuan, economical room a 200yuan dont contain early, which kind of room do you need?我们有商务标准间480元,豪华标间380元,经济房200元不含早,请问您需要哪种房间?2、One moment, let me check the reservation.稍等,我查一下预订单。3、May I have your passport or I

5、D card, please?请出示您的身份证(护照)。4、For how many nights?请问预计住几天?5、Would you please pay X yuan as deposit?请交付预金X元。6、Please sign here.请您签字。7、One moment, let me make the room key for you.请稍等,我为您做钥匙。做钥匙时: 1、You should go through the formalities if you want to stay. 如果您续住请到总台办理延期手续即可。 2、I have put breakfast co

6、upon in the welcome card already. 明天的早餐票已经为您放在欢迎卡里了。 3、This is your room key and deposit ticket. Please keep it well. 这是您的房间钥匙,预金票,请保管好。 4、Your room is on X floor and room number is X. Enjoy your stay. 您的房间是X楼X号,愿您住店愉快。三、 等候语: 1、One moment, please.对不起,请稍等。 2、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

7、 3、Ill connect with my manager as soon as possible.请稍等,我马上与经理联系。 4、Sorry, Ill reply you when I ask clearly.请稍等,我问清后马上答复您。 5、One moment, Ill go through with your telephone(film) at once. Hello, it have past already.请稍等,马上为您开通电话(电影)。您好,已经开通了。四、 接打电话:1、Hello, front desk. Hello, BaiShan hotel .您好,白山大厦前厅

8、部。 2、One moment, let me write down it.请稍等,我记录一下。 3、Our manager isnt in. You should call him(her) with his(her) mobile phone.经理不在,请拨打他的手机好吗? 4、Im sorry, the line is bad, please redial it.对不起,线路不好,请重新拨好吗? 5、 I beg you pardon.请您再说一遍好吗?五、 接受查询:1、One moment, let me check it.请稍等,我为您查询。 2、Sorry, there is n

9、o information in computer.对不起,电脑没有此信息。 3、Hello, the guest have checked out already.您好,客人已经退房。 4、The guest is in X room. You should make a connect in advance. 客人住在X号房间,您可以先电话联系一下。六、 接受预定:1、Could you leave your name and telephone number?请留下您的姓名和联系电话。 2、How many people are there in your party? 请问住店客人是几

10、位? 七、 更换钥匙:1、One moment, let me check it.请稍等,我马上查一下。 2、Let me change another room key, please.请让我帮您换一把钥匙。 3、If the key and the mobile phone put on the same place, will be able to affect magnetism.如果钥匙与手机放在一起,将会影响磁性。商务、票务中心日常服务礼貌用语1、 您好!早晨好、中午好、晚上好。Hello.! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.2

11、、 有什么需要帮助的吗?What can I do for you?3、 很高兴为您服务!I am always at your service.4、请问您要发传真吗? Could you send the fax?5、感谢您的耐心等待。Thanks your patience waiting.6、请问您有预定机票吗? Could you have prearrange the airplane ticket?7、请稍等,我来帮您查一下。 Just a monment,let me check it.8、不必客气,这是我应该做的。 It doesnt matter. My pleasure.9

12、、先生/女士您要确认机票吗?Should you confirm the airplane ticket,sir/madam?10、您的机票已确认。Your airplane ticket confirmed.11、再见,欢迎您下次再来。Goodbye and hope to see you again.12、抱歉让您久等了。 I am sorry to have kept you waiting.13、您要买哪天北京的机票? Which day do you want to buy the airplane ticket of Beijing?14、对不起,只有头等舱。 Sorry, only then first-class cabin.15、请您认真填写旅客订座单。 Please earnestly to fill the list in the passenger to make reservations.16、请您出示您的护照或身份证! Please exhibit your passport or the ID card!17、您如何付账,是现金还是信用卡? How are you going to pay,by cash or by credit?18、这是您的机票和证件,请您收好! This is you



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