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1、英语写作技巧一 措词1 具体明确 Tree Elm tree apple tree cedar tree The crabapple tree下面句子中的概括词(general words)使用不当:I saw an animal this afternoon. ( lion, tiger, etc.)I like to eat food. (cakes, noodles, etc.)2 适当得体词汇用得是否适当得体取决于该词汇是否与作者所写的内、对象、目的等相吻合。例如不宜说Our teacher is fat. (应改为 strong, plumpy, etc.) 不宜说 My frien

2、d is skinny.(应改为thin, slender,etc.)选词要适合文章的题材和风格。正式文体和非正式文体一般有以下几种区别:1) 用词区别。Formal InformalDepart leaveResign quitPosition jobCommence begin2) 正式体不宜用缩略式和缩略词,而非正式体中使用十分普遍。Formal InformalCan not cantAdvertisement adLaboratory labTelevision TV3) 正式体常使用单个动词,非正式体常用短语动词。Formal InformalEncounter come acro

3、ssParticipate take part inReduce cut downUtilize make good use of3 简洁精练一般来说, 在写作中, 尤其是普通的叙述文或短文,更应该选择简洁、朴实、准确的大众化词语,避免使用矫饰、复杂、故弄玄虚的词语,并且尽可能挑选积极的动词。一句话中最有分量的是动词,因为它传达的信息最多。例如 A few red flowers dotted the green leaves. 要比 A few red flowers were among the green leaves. 更简洁有力。下面的情形要特别注意。1) 下面括号内的词称为多余词,

4、因为它们只是重复的括号外的词的意思,而没有增加任何新的意义。 Yellow (in color) at ten p.m. (that night) (basic) essentials (true) fact Dash (quickly) in (the month of) July2) 在许多场合,一两个词语可以替代一个较长的词语,这种词语称为赘加词语,常出现在口语中,用以延长思考时间,但在写作中应尽量避免。例如: Bring all this to a conclusion-conclude During the same time that-while Has the ability t

5、o sing-can sing Because of the fact that-because The reason why-why4 巧用转折语5 巧用总括语Recreation: seeing movies, watching tv, listening to music, singing, dancing, etc.Household appliances: tv set, recorder, telephone, washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner, etc.Sports: basketball, football, skat

6、ing, swimming, etc.Fruit: banana, pear, apple, orange, etc.If there were no electric power, recreational activities would be canceled and household appliances would become useless.以下为实现文风简洁生动的途径之一。6 选择内涵丰富的词语:英语词有表层意义(denotation)和隐含意义(connotation),后者是对前者的引申也深入。选择隐含意义丰富的词语可产生言简意赅之效。Evaline suppressed

7、 a smile. (= wanted to smile but kept it.)She took a long breath and managed a weak smile. (=brought out by contriving)7 使用强势动词: 英语句子的核心是谓语动词。谓语有时态、语态的要求,两者常需借助助动词be来实现。而be动词时最弱势的动词之一,它的任何形式都可能会削弱表达的力度,特别是描述或记叙性的语言,所有在行文时,应克制使用被动语态。如需表达被动含义时,用诸如go, feel, have 和become 等常用词在很多情况下可以改善表达的效果。 Black smoke

8、 was coming out of the rear of the engine. Black smoke belched out of the rear of the engine.(选择内涵丰富的belch(喷出)替换was coming 这种弱势表达,既生动形象又压缩了字数。)Three visits were made to every major television studio, and this led to his finally being given a small role in a nationally televised variety(杂耍) show. Aft

9、er applying to every major television studio three times, he finally won a small part on a nationally televised show.(变被动语态为主动语态-主动语态如同向前做侵略性进攻的拳击手而被动语态就像往后闪避的败将。)8 借助背景知识:包括成语、谚语及具有历史内涵的特殊用语,这些用语可能出自童话、神话、历史事件或大众传媒等。During the Gulf War thousands of American families with sons or daughters over ther

10、e tied yellow ribbons around trees, front doors, even car radio antennas to show hope for a safe return.(Yellow ribbon 来自美国乡村音乐中的流行歌曲 tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree.)To see is to believe. That is why you failed to offer a vivid description of the accident. (谚语:眼见为实。)9 利用词性转换:如果一个动词是由其他词类

11、的词变性而来,那么这个动词就保有原来词性词义的部分内容,用其做谓语可省去冗长的赘释。He shouldered his way through the crowd. (= pushed with his shoulder)The students from the south have been seasoned to the severe cold of the north.(=cause to be accustomed to the climate)The boxer floored his opponent with one blow in a match.(=knocked down

12、 onto the floor)He possessed the self-confidence to partner himself with eminent people. (=joinas a partner)10 活用专业术语:随着语言文化的不断发展,一些专业语言已经融入大众语言当中,想股市的熊市与牛市,赛马场上的黑马等已是不需要注释的术语。在作文中,适度使用专用语汇调色会产生生动、明快、谐趣风雅的效果。Jim is nearly a dark horse in the composition contest.This threat isnt going to go away by i

13、tself. We are going to take the bull by the horns and settle the matter once and for all. (to take the bull by horns can find its root in bull fighting, which means now to face and deal boldly with a danger or difficulty.)Ward bulls his way to fortune. (=seeks to raise the price of stocks or prices

14、in a stock market.)二 句子写作1 句式选择的原则1)与文章体裁相关。不同的文体对句式有不同的要求,如论说文中长句较多,叙述文中短句较多;论说文中书面语较多,文艺作品中口语体较多。2)与语体相协调。人物身份、性格不同使用的句式也往往不同,如知识分子多用书面语,体力劳动者用口语句式较多。3)与语体风格相协调。如科技语体,为了适应周密严谨的表达需要,较多用长句、圆周句。文艺语体,为了适应生动、形象的表达需要,一般选用短句、松散句。2 句子开头写得多样化一些Liu hsin-wen is our monitor. He is from a workers family. He is a League member. He studies English. He is a good student. He s



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