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1、无线传感器网络多径路由抗干扰的研究摘 要作为一种新型的测控网络,无线传感器网络因为种先进技术的综合和良好的应用前景,受到研究界的一致关注。作为核心技术之一的路由协议直接影响着无线传感器网络的性能。相较于单经路由技术而言,多径路由技术因其独特的优势而被寄予更多的关注,但是这种优势在实际网络运行中的发挥一直受到多路径之间相互干扰的影响和制约。因此,研究无线传感器网络中的多径路由技术以及抗干扰能力,其意义非常重大。本文的研究目的在于设计一种能量高效的多径路由及抗干扰算法,所研究内容主要包括以下三部分:(1)首先叙述总结了关于多径路由技术及抗干扰算法的基础知识,分析探讨了多径路由的概念模型、基础结构、


3、对多径路由造成的严重影响,设计出一种基于联合信道分配及功率控制两种技术的抗干扰算法。其基本原理是集合所有的链路可选信道,计算出切换信道和抗干扰所产生的能量代价,通过概率方法确定信道,然后用虚拟功率对符合条件的信道施行控制博弈,就可得出节点的发射功率。实验表明,该联合信道分配和功率控制两种技术所优化设计出来的抗干扰技术,能够非常好的抵抗多径路由所产生的相互干扰。关键词:无线传感器网络,多径路由,流量分配,抗干扰,信道分配,功率控制VIIAbstractAbstractWireless sensor network is a novel measure and control network wh

4、ich composites multiple advanced technologies, and it has drawn widespread attention of the research field due to its great application prospect. Routing protocol as one of the key technologies in wireless sensor network directly reacts on the preferences of network. Multi-path routing has been wide

5、ly attended due to the unique advantages which single-path routing doesnt have, but the multipath interference has become a main factor that restricts the advantage of multipath played in actual network operation. Therefore, it has both theoretical and practical significance for wireless sensor netw

6、orks to study on multi-path routing and anti-interference. This paper aims to design a kind of energy efficient multi-path routing and anti- interference algorithm, Specific research works are as follows:(1)Relevant basic knowledge of the research on multipath and anti-interference were summarized,

7、the model, structure, transmit mode, advantages and developing trend of multipath routing were analyzed at first, then we expound the definition of interference in wireless network, introduce two kinds of widely used interference model in research field and give the geometric analysis of them, final

8、ly, two kinds of typical anti-interference strategies were introduced, these lay the foundation for the design of our multipath and anti-interference algorithm.(2)Based on the thinking of multipath routing can optimize energy efficiency through flow allocation, we consider the influence of flow on b

9、oth transmission energy consumption and its equilibrium characteristic, take maximum of the total remaining energy and minimum of the remaining energy variance as optimal objectives to build energy efficiency optimization multi-path routing model. Then a multi-path flow allocating routing algorithm

10、has been proposed based on the model, it can optimize energy efficiency of the network by reasonably allocating the flow on multi-path, and achieve the goal of reducing energy consumption and balancing its distribution simultaneously.(3)According to the problem that there exists interference serious

11、ly between multiple path in multipath routing, a joint channel allocation and power control algorithm for interference management in wireless sensor network has been presented. In this algorithm, available channel set is established for each link, and channel is probabilistic allocated according to

12、the energy cost of anti-interference and channel hopping, then virtual power control game on each channel is played to determine nodes transmit power. Simulation results show that, our algorithm can achieve the goal of reducing interference energy-efficiently by optimal design of joint the anti-inte

13、rference technologies of channel allocation and power control.Keywords:wireless sensor network; multipath routing; anti-interference; flow allocation; channel allocation; power control目 录毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研

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