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1、Module4 PossessionsUnit1Its mine !教学设计教材分析:本课是新标准英语三年级起点第五册第四模块Possessions第一单元Its mine!本课通过一些图片、对话让学生理解和掌握本课的重点单词和句型,让学生知道如何表达自己所有的物品。教学目标:(一)知识目标:1、掌握单词mine yours hers his argue matter wear line clean2、能运用句型Its mine. (yours hers his) 证明物品的所属关系(二)能力目标:根据物品特征猜测物品所属。(三)情感目标:在发现他人丢失物品后分析失主是谁,遇事要沉着、冷静,互

2、相谦让,培养其正确地、优良地道德品质。教学重难点:(一)重点:证明物品所属关系,会说:“Its mine yours hers his. ” (二)难点:1.名词性物主代词(mine, yours, hers, his)与形容词性物主代词(my, your, her, his)的区别2.发现他人丢失物品后,分析失主是谁。教学过程:Step1: Warm up.1. Greeting with each other.2. T: Lets sing a song. Do the action. The songs name is IF YOU ARE HAPPY Step2: Leading in

3、.1. Show a bag and asks: “Whats this?” The ss say: “bag”. “Yes, This is my bag. I can also say: Its mine. ” The teacher says(学习单词mine)2. 拿起一个学生的书说: “This is your book”. Its yours(学习单词yours) (同样的方式学习hers ,his)3. Read the new words many times (让学生理解形容词性物主代词my, your, her, his对应的名词性物主代词mine, yours, hers

4、, his)Step3: Presentation.1. Show a picture and says: “This is my T-shirt. Its mine. It isnt yours.” 让学生拿起自己的物品练习说Its mine. It isnt yours.2. 拿出事先收集的学生的东西练习句型。3. The teacher asks:“Is this T-shirt yours? ”The ss answer: “No, it isnt mine.” “Its mine.” The teacher says “And my T-shirt is very clean. (学

5、习单词clean) I can wear it. (学习单词wear) If our T-shirt is not clean, we should wash it, and put it on the line. (学习单词wear) ”4. Show a picture. (学习单词argue) Its not good to argue. So we should say: Dont argue.Step4: Text learning:1. Show the questions and listen to the CD-ROM. First listen and point, then

6、 listen and repeat.2. Read the dialogue in groups then answer the question.3. Role play in groups.Step5: Moral education:Dont argue with friends. 不要与朋友争吵We should be calm. 遇事沉着、冷静Friends should help each other.朋友之间要互相谦让,互相帮助。Step6: Homework:1. Listen and read the text at least three times.2.Lost and Found (失物招领) Using the sentence “Is this yours?”to practice.


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