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1、2006-2008年高考英语全国卷和陕西卷单词拼写研究 单词拼写是高考英语全国卷和陕西卷都有的一个题型,设题相近,主要考查学生对初、高中四会单词拼写的掌握情况,该题的设题可以覆盖所有词类,但主要以实词为主。考生答该题时除考虑使句子结构完整,意思明确外,还应特别关注所拼单词的词形变化,如:单复数问题、时态语态问题、重读双拼问题、不规则动词的-ing和-ed形式问题、星期、月份和序数词的正确拼写问题等等。除以上提到的两种试卷外,江西卷中的对话填空题目,浙江卷中的单词拼写题目和这个题目都比较相似,只不过前者提供的是汉语意思,后者提供的是单词的首字母。另外,湖北卷的完成句子也是考查单词的,但是和语法的

2、结合比较大些,考生要根据语境和时态填写正确的词或短语,和前四种试卷中只填写一个单词有很大的区别。下面就对近三年来试卷中出现的单词拼写题目做一下简单的分析,以求找出设题和解题的一些规律来。1. 2006-2008年高考英语全国卷单词拼写简要分析2006年高考全国卷66. Im very hungry I (错过)lunch. 6 1(前者为题干词数(含所填词),后者为所填词的音节数,下同。)67. Jack took a deep (呼吸)and then dived into the water. 11、1 68. Ive got an (普通)sort of car, nothing spe

3、cial. 9、469. I want to thank everyone who has (鼓励)and supported me. 11、370. Jenny spends hours in front of the (镜子)! 8、271. It is (稍微)colder today than it was yesterday. 9、272. The story is written by an (澳大利亚)engineer. 8、373. Tom was (羞愧)of having lied to his parents. 9、274. (一月)is the first month

4、of the year. 8、375. Can you (想象)standing up there and giving a speech? 10、366. missed67. breath68. ordinary / average69. encouraged70. mirror 71. slightly72. Australian73. ashamed74. January75. imagine【简要分析】1、句子最短词数为6个(包括所填词语,下同),最长词数为11个,平均词数为8.9个。2、所填词中单音节词2个(66、67),多音节词8个,平均音节数为2.4个;3、单纯考察单词原形的有7

5、个(67、68、70、71、72、74、75),考察根据句子变化作适当词形变化的有3个(66、69、73);4、词性分布:动词4个(66、69、73、75),名词3个(67、70、74),形容词2个(68、72),副词1个(71);5、初中词汇6个:(66、68、69、73、74、75),高中词汇5个:(67、68、70、71、72)。2007年高考全国卷66. Theres a 66 (留言)from Karen on the phone.8、267. They football game was 67 (播出)live on TV across Europe. 10、268. Theyre

6、 going to 68 (庆祝)their victory with music and dancing. 10、369. The 69 (大多数)of students find it quite hard to learn German. 11、470. Very few people 70 (成功)in losing weight these days. 9、271. The book gives a short 71 (描述)of the city. 9、372. The doctor 72 (表扬)our daughter for her courage this morning.

7、 10、173. There were piles of newspapers 73 (到处)in the house. 9、474. What is your 74 (最喜欢的)color? 5、375. The little girl is wearing a 75 (粉红色的)dress. 8、166. message67. broadcast / broadcasted68. celebrate69. majority70. succeed71. description72. praised73. everywhere 74. favo(u)rite75. pink【简要分析】1、句子

8、最短词数为5个(包括所填词语),最长词数为11个,平均词数为8.9个;2、所填词中单音节词2个(72、75),多音节词8个,平均音节数为2.5个;3、单纯考察单词原形的有8个(66、68、69、70、71、73、74、75),考察根据句子变化作适当词形变化的有2个(67、72);4、词性分布:动词4个(67、68、70、72),名词3个(66、69、71),形容词2个(74、75),副词1个(73);5、初中词汇5个:(66、70、73、74、75),高中词汇5个:(67、68、69、71、72、)。2008年高考全国卷66. Lisa, I didnt _(认出) you-youve had

9、 your hair cut!10、367. I usually just have a _(三明治)for lunch. 8、268. Mr. White announced that he would go to China in _(二月). 11、3 69. The story was first written in English and later _(翻译)into Chinese. 12、370. The village children like to go _(游泳)in the nearby river. 11、271. One of our _(邻居)kept a v

10、ery beautiful garden. 9、272. The English teacher gives the class a _ (听写)almost every day. 11、3 73. David turned and walked off in the _(相反)direction.9、3 74. I suggest that we have _(定期)meetings.7、3 75. Rose rushed _(向楼下) to answer the door. 7、2 66. recognize (-ise)67. sandwich68. February69. transl

11、ated70. swimming 71. neighbor(u)rs 72. dictation 73. opposite74. regular75. downstairs【简要分析】1、句子最短词数为7个(包括所填词语),最长词数为12个,平均词数为9.6个;2、所填词中单音节词0个,多音节词10个,平均音节数为2.6个;3、单纯考察单词原形的有7个(66、67、68、72、73、74、75),考察根据句子变化作适当词形变化的有3个(69、70、71);4、词性分布:动词3个(66、69、70),名词4个(67、68、71、72),形容词2个(73、74),副词1个(75);5、初中词汇7个

12、:(67、68、70、71、73、74、75) ,高中词汇4个:(66、69、72、74、)。2. 2006-2008年高考英语陕西卷单词拼写简要分析2006年高考陕西卷66. We should make sure that the (事故) scene is no longer dangerous. 12、367. We had great difficulty in (呼吸), for the air was thin.11、268. Well,youve acted (愚蠢地) and you will pay for it.10、369. He was wearing dark gl

13、asses to (保护) his eyes from the sun.12、270. Honestly I thought the fried chicken was (可口的).8、371. In (地理) lessons we learn about countries and people in them. 11、372. They got lost in the desert and (挨饿) to death.10、173. The car was a (廉价货) at that price.8、274. Their living conditions have been (改善)

14、 in the past few years.11、275. Please give my (祝贺) when you see her. 8、566. accident 67. breathing 68. foolishly / stupidly 69. protect 70. delicious / tasty 71. geography 72. starved 73. bargain 74. improved / bettered 75. congratulations 【简要分析】1、句子最短词数为8个,最长词数为12个,平均词数为10.1个(包括所填词语,下同);2、所填词中单音节词1个(72),多音节词9个,平均音节数为2.6个;3、单纯考察单词原形的有5个(66、69、70、71、73),考察根据句子变化作适当词形变化的有5个(67、68、72、74、75);4、词性分布:动词4个(67、69、72、74),名词4个(66、71、73、75),形容词1个(70),副词1个(68);5、初中词汇4个(66、70、71、74、):高中词汇7个:(67、68、69、70、72、73、75)。2007年高考陕西卷66. Spring has come, and the trees are thick


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