大保养方程式 终结与痘为伴的肌肤( maintenance formula ends with pox skin).doc

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大保养方程式 终结与痘为伴的肌肤( maintenance formula ends with pox skin).doc_第1页
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1、6大保养方程式 终结与痘为伴的肌肤(6 maintenance formula ends with pox skin)You are with acne were, but miss the point? Your new years, and still with acne? Join our literacy classes, simple yes or no for you. get rid of, easy to cause acne 6 maintenance methods! Oil field muscle and pox flower muscle, acne is a big

2、 family, skin care should be simple, light weight, less number of bottles and other principles, get rid of the following 6 big mistakes. As for types, whitening, anti oxidation, moisturizing, sunscreen, anti wrinkle, as long as you can use.1 skin care products too stuffy, the skin can not breathe Th

3、e trigger acne index assumes:Situation 1. like to use excessive sticky moisturizing essence, and this sticky because the polymer glue too much, resulting in stuffy skin, and finally suppressed the acne.Condition 2. uses airtight good nourishment cream, not glue stuffy, but oil or wax stuffy. The sam

4、e is stuffy, acne follow.What to do: stick to the sticky essence! Usually look oil free, transparent glue like sticky texture, are based on water-based maintenance ingredients, and then thickening with polymer glue. With the finger will be like the egg like smooth smooth touch, this is because the g

5、um is too much, resulting in low permeability, and more will rub off crumbs. The essence of the best use of the first point with the infiltration of water to guide the make-up. If you want to use it is recommended to use lotion, emulsion and cream, and more sticky essence, will use less, because the

6、 polymer glue will hinder the absorption of subsequent products, but also stuffy acne culprit, with more security. Similarly, other maintenance products are the same, as long as you can rub off crumbs, that contains polymer glue, you need to use less or not. And oil cream, oily skin is too much burd

7、en, should be less or no use.2 a stacked smear care products, lead to clogged pores The trigger acne index assumes:Maintenance steps are too much, each use more than 6 kinds, leading to the skin to bear too many complex ingredients and matrix, increase the stimulation of the skin. And excessive prod

8、uct stacking, smearing too much, but also plug the skin important external contact channel pores, resulting in acne.What to do: reduce the amount of steps and skin care, gel, gel, cream, these products have a high degree of consistency, not at the same time, although they do not contain pox caused b

9、y the component, but also can use a stacked out of acne.3 excessive use of sunscreen products, skin irritation due to pox Cause acne index: assumes.There are two types of sunscreen, physical sunscreen and chemical sunscreen (details can be seen 120 Sun numerical special). The principle of chemical s

10、unscreen is to absorb ultraviolet light, then heat low out into the biggest weakness of this kind of composition is irritating, easy to cause sensitive chemical sunscreen, and most of the fat soluble, so sticky texture. Skin often because of excessive sunscreen, and lead to acne.How to do: suggest e

11、asy acne oily muscle, do not use higher than spf30/pa+ high SPF sunscreen, because the higher the value, the more chemical sunscreen ingredients, the greater the irritation, the more likely to lead to sensitive and acne. Usually sunscreen spf15/pa+ multiples is enough, it is best to choose physical

12、sunscreen (titanium dioxide and Zinc Oxide). How much an umbrella, wearing a hat and sunglasses. To remind you, with sunscreen, go home, immediately remover + wash your face, one can not lazy!Copyright 2009-2012 a href=, http:/ target=, _, GUI ICP, 10200331 a href=, http:/ target= _blank value-added

13、 telecom business license GUI B2-20100036Advertising links QQ:8831381 a href=, http:/ target=, _blank class=, LLS advertising service feedback E-mail:img src= http:/www.4738.COM /模板/ xinmoban / index_new /图像/ email.gif a href =“http:/ 4卸妆不彻底,在毛孔口留下一堆脏污引发痘痘指数:状况1:卸妆湿巾随便擦过,感觉妆都卸掉了,但,很抱歉,毛孔口没清洁到。状况2:化了

14、妆却懒得卸妆,只用洗面乳洗脸。怎么办:每天回家后,尽量在第一时间用以下三个步骤,把妆卸彻底,把脸洗干净。1。将卸妆油涂抹于干爽面部,在脸上温柔按摩约2分钟(手法要轻柔,太重易把脏东西按进毛孔)。2。待彩妆浮出后,用半湿的毛巾或洗脸海绵把眼、唇部的卸妆油轻轻擦掉,再用温水轻按,待卸妆油乳化成乳液状后用水冲掉。3。用温和的洗面奶正常洗脸,按摩依然保持温柔,将发际线以及下巴等容易忽略的死角,用温水冲净。 5用老妈的保养品,营养过剩也长痘引发痘痘指数:给妈妈级熟龄肌使用的全效面霜,对你的肌肤来说绝对是营养过剩,就像一个健康人,每天都吃人参一样,反倒会补出问题来。怎么办:停止使用。 6清洁过度,导致分泌更多油引发痘痘指数:皂类或清洁力超强的洁面品,会破坏皮脂膜,导致皮肤以为缺油而分泌更多油脂。怎么办:改用温和低泡的清洁用品,并在夏季出油较多的季节,定期给肌肤去角质,每周使用泥膏面膜或含角质分解酶的敷脸品,帮助清洁毛孔,避免角质代谢不畅造成阻塞。版权所有2009-2012年 href =“http:/ a href =“http:/ a href =“http:/ s



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