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1、高三复习-读写任务要点写作分类击破1. 叙述经历这类要点中常含“以你或你朋友的经历说明”“讲述一次你或你朋友的经历”等。叙述经历一般包括记叙文的基本要素,即某人在何时何地因何原因做了何事结果如何,或者说,一般应包括时间、地点、起因、经过和结果。这个故事往往与阅读材料中的故事相类似,值得注意的是,所述经历一定要紧扣你要说明的主题。常用句式1. 读了这个故事后,我情不自禁地想起 After reading the story, I cant help remembering 2. 这个故事让我想起一次类似的经历。 The story reminds me of a similar experien

2、ce. 3. 这个故事让我想到了另一个故事,这个故事发生在This story reminds me of another story that happened4. 这篇文章/故事让我想起自己的一次的经历。两年前, 我 但是当 结果The passage reminds me of my own experience of Two years ago, I But when As a result5. 我确实有的经历。有一次,当我 但是 在那个时候I did have my own experience of doingOnce when I However At that time6. 我

3、永远也不会忘记我的经历。我记得当我I will never forget my own experience of I remember when I was7. 我曾有过难以忘怀的/相似的经历去年夏天 直到那时我才I once had an unforgettable experience that Last summer Not until then did I8. 我朋友的一次经历很有说服力。一天 然后 最后 直到那时,我才意识到 One of my friends experiences is a convincing example. One day Then Finally Not

4、 until then did I realize9. 我突然想起我朋友的一次相似的经历。这个故事始于然后 最后It occurred to me/It struck me that my friend had a similar experience. The story began when Later In the end10. 从这次经历中,我学到了/知道了/意识到From this experience, I learn/know/realize that要点写作模板 1. 叙述一次想家的经历(时间、地点、原因)。 (2011广东高考) The passage reminds me

5、of my own experience of feeling homesick. When I was 10 years old, I depended on my parents for everything. However, they once sent me to my uncles home in another city because they were too busy to take care of me. At that time, I did miss my parents and feel lonely.2. 叙述你因做了对不起父母的事而后悔的经历。(引出经历) I

6、once had an unforgettable experience that I did hurt my parents. (叙述经历) I remember when I was fifteen years old and I was addicted to playing computer. One day, I chatted with my friend about some interesting things on the Internet. Then, my mum had asked me to do my homework many times, I felt anno

7、yed and finally shouted rudely at her. After that, I realized that I was wrong and regretted having done that. I shouldnt have treated my parents that way.3. 叙述一次你或你的朋友助人的经历。(引出经历) I did have my own experience of helping others. (叙述经历) On an extremely hot day two years ago, I was taking a bus home.

8、But when I was thankful that I could take the bus so soon, an old lady in rags came into my sight. The conductor tried to drive her off for having no money to buy a ticket, and then I paid for her without hesitation. As a result, the old lady thanked me a lot and everybody in the bus praised me too.

9、2. 感受感想这类要点要求考生在阅读故事后,表达心情感受,然后就故事中的人和事发表看法。基本模板是:“感受句+就事论事”。这类要点通常含有“你读()后的感受。表示心情感受的词有disappointed (失望的), ashamed (羞愧的), sorry (惋惜,难过的), touched/moved (感动的), impressed (印象深刻的), inspired (受启发的,受鼓舞的), surprised(惊讶的), astonished(惊讶的)shocked (震惊的)等。常用句式1. 读完我真的很感动, 在这里 说实在的,这是我第一次 I was really moved/t

10、ouched when I finished reading , in which To be honest, it was the first time that I had 2. 读了后, 我相当兴奋/高兴/遗憾/惭愧/失望,因为。实际上,我真的 I felt very excited/ happy/ sorry/ ashamed/ disappointed after I read because As a matter of fact/In fact, I really 3. 看完的故事后,我因而感动。 After reading the story of I was touched

11、by 4. 阅读这篇演讲稿后, 我为那个学生感到非常惋惜。After reading this speech, I feel really sorry for the student5. 知道了关于的故事后,我深深感动了/震惊了。Having known about the story of , I was deeply touched/ shocked.6. 读完这篇文章后,我对有了更深刻的了解。Having read the passage, I have a better understanding of7. 看完这个故事后,我对这个男孩感到失望,他Having read the sto

12、ry, I feel disappointed with the boy, who8. 读完那篇文章/那个故事的那一刻, 我陷入了沉思。我确实相信The moment I finished reading the passage/ story, I was lost in thought. I do believe that 9. 让我最受启发/让我印象最深刻的是What inspired/impressed me most was that10. 在我看来,给我留下了良好的印象/对我的生活有很大影响。因此,我认为/相信As far as I am concerned/From my poin

13、t of view/As for me, have made so strong an impression on me/have had a great influence on my life. Therefore, I think/believe it要点写作模板1. 读信后的感受(2007广东高考)I was deeply moved when I finished reading your letter, in which I had a better understanding of your excitement over my coming to the world and y

14、our sincere hope on my growing. To be honest, it was the first time that I had realized your deepest love for me, which accounts for my great appreciation.2. 对中学生活的感受(2008广东高考)As far as I am concerned, the details of my life in high school have made so strong an impression on me. As a matter of fact

15、, I really had a good time in this school, where I gained a great deal of knowledge and made a large number of good friends. Therefore, I cherished the life of my high school. 3. 谈谈你知道张丽莉老师的事迹后的感受。Having known about the story of Zhang Lili who didnt care about herself in order to save the students, I was deeply touched. She deserved to be honored as “the most beautiful teacher” because of her bravery and kindness. It was she that showed the inner beauty as a teacher. Indeed, her spirit will be ever-lasting.3. 方法措施这类要点中常含有“怎


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