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1、Book 5 Module5 Museums主备人:龚鹤明 审核人:奉鑫 一、 教学内容:Unit1 You mustnt touch it.二、 课型:Listening and speaking三、 教学目标: 1、 能够正确使用下列单词和词组: entry, familiar, photography, attention, upstairs, guard, sign, as well, downstairs, sculpture, either, pay attention to2、能够掌握表示禁止行为的祈使句。3、能够听懂指令并获取信息;能发出指令,提示某人不要做某事。4、能够初步掌

2、握合成词的构词法。5、引导学生提高自觉遵守公共规则的自觉性,受到公共道德方面的教育。四、 教学重难点:能听懂指令,并能够用多种表达方式提示别人不要做某事。五、 教学准备:1.利用PowerPoint制作课件,搜集一些常见规则标致性的图片和故宫博物馆的图片。2.布置学生预习单词。六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (2)1.Free talkTeacher asks: “Have you ever been to any museum?”“What kind of museums have you been to ?”2.Lead inShow

3、some pictures of the Palace Museum to the students. Ask: Pay attention to the pictures, are they familiar? When you enter it, do you think there is a guard at the gate?.1. Answer the questions2. See the pictures and answer the teachers questions.课前简单的闲聊,既能让课堂变得轻松又直击本课主题。利用网络资源收集的关于北京故宫博物馆的一些直观图片,设计几

4、个跟本节课所学新词汇相关的问题。Step TwoPre-task(8)Task1: Teaching new words and expressions1. According to the pictures and the sentences, organize the students to learn the new words.Task2: Talk about the rules(1) Show the rules and the signs. Let the Ss match and have the competition.(2) Have the Ss do Activity

5、1.(3) Show some groups of signs and let the students talk about them by using: You mustnt /cant do. No doing/ You arent allowed to do. Dont do., its against the rules.(4) Help the students to conclude the different ways about telling the rules.1.See the pictures and learn some new words (1). Match t

6、he rules and the signs.(2)Do Activity 1.(3)Tell the rules according the pictures.(4) Conclude.根据所展示图片进行相关词汇教学,直观、形象生动。由博物馆的话题自然过渡到到一些规则标致性的图片,为Activity 1做好练习准备。再通过更多图片来表达“不要做某事”,最后总结表达方式的种类,训练学生的表达能力。Step ThreeWhile-task(22)Step ThreeWhile-task(22)Task 1: Listening(1) Play the tape, ask the students

7、 to listen and underline the correct word in each sentence.(Activity 2)(2) Guide the students to listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and choose the best answer.1. Can they go upstairs?A. Yes, they can. B. No, they cant. C. We dont know.2. The Natural History room is _ now.A. closed B. open C. o

8、n show3. In fact, the sculpture is _.A. real B. Daming C. TonyTask 2: Reading(1)Let the students read the conversation in Activity 3 by themselves, and choose the best answer in Activity 5. They cant go to the Science and Technology room because . The Natural History room is . They think Daming is .

9、 Tony isnt allowed to .(2)Let the students read the conversation in groups, complete the sentences in Activity 6. Then ask them to check the answers in groups.(3) Ask one or two groups to act out the dialogue, the other students find out the difficulties.Task 3: Solve the language points(1) Organize

10、 students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found.(2)Help the students to solve the difficult points.(1)Listen to the tape and underline the correct word in each sentence. (Activity 2)(2)Listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and choose the best answer

11、.(1) Read the conversation in Activity 3 by themselves , and choose the best answer in Activity 5. They cant go to the Science and Technology room because . The Natural History room is . They think Daming is . Tony isnt allowed to .(2) Read the conversation in groups, finish Activity 6. Then check t

12、he answers in groups.(3) Act out the dialogue, and find out some difficulties.(1)The students find out the difficulties and solve them in groups.(2)Understand the difficulties with the teachers help.通过听力划出所听到的词汇,巩固所学词组。通过找出对话内容中含有禁止行为的句子并打乱其顺序,让学生边听边排序。不但提高了听力获取细节的能力,还让学生掌握了事态的发展。通过学生自主朗读,进一步了解和分析课文

13、内容,解决问题。这有利于学生形成独立自主解决问题的能力。分小组练习对话,加深内容理解和提高口语竞争表达能力。再通过小组合作完成并校对Activity6的答案,体现合作精神。通过让学生小组合作,讨论并解决课文的重难点,有利于培养学生自主学习的能力。教师点拨、补充语言点,让学生进一步理解知识点。Step FourPost-task(6)Task1:Do some speaking(1) Show some examples in the box and organize the students to talk about them like this:1. Play football2. Ent

14、er the room2. Take photos3. Use the mobile phoneA: Excuse me, what are you doing?B: Im smoking.A: Dont smoke./ You mustnt/cant. / You arent allowed to.Its against the rules.Look at the sign-“No smoking”.(2) Have the students act out the new dialogues.Task2: Discuss (group work)Tell the students there will be a new library in o


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