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1、 Unit 3 Travel journal2、We all know that he is too s_(顽固) to apologize.3、Do you remember every d_ (细节)of the story you have just read?4、Most students keep a j_ (日记) of their everyday life.5. Excuse me, what is the f_ (费用)to Paris? Is $ 10 enough?7. In the past, the villagers t_(运送、运输) their goods by

2、 goat not by truck.9. He is a d_(有决心的)person. If he d_(决定)to do something, he will do it well.11. Finally they were p_(说服) to cycle around China.12. We _ _ (将要去)for Beijing tomorrow.13. The scientists are searching for the s_ (来源)of the river.14. I d_(梦想) about flying last night.15. He was c_(骑自行车)

3、along the street when he was knocked off his bike.18. The plane is flying at an a_(海波高度) of 10,000 feet.19. Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to g_ _ _(让步)my view.20. He i_ (坚持说) that he hadnt stolen the girls handbag.21. Milu often says “a_(态度) is everything.” to encourage the players to

4、 devote more.23. They discussed his position in the company and other t_(主题).24. We f_(最后) got home at eleven oclock.25. First we p _ _(支起) our tents and then we ate.26. Peter soon _ them _(使感兴趣)in playing basketball.27. After supper, Tom went to sleep but I _ _ (仍然清醒).28. _ _ _ (其一),a journey isnt

5、as personal as a diary. For another, a travel journey has a different purpose.29. If you _ _ _(改变主意) about the job, just give me a call.30. She _ _(毕业于) Harvard with a degree in law.完形填空。One will feel happy when others flatter(奉承) him. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is 16 him a “

6、top hat”.A student was going to leave the capital to become an official in a city faraway, and he came to see his teacher 17 he started.“Its not easy to be a good official,” his teacher began to give him some advice. “You must be strict with 18 and never be careless.”“Dont worry about me, sir.” the

7、student answered 19 , “I have already prepared one hundred top hats 20 will make those people quite happy.”“But we are real gentlemen! 21 could a real gentleman do such a thing?” His teacher was a bit angry, “Never forget what I taught you 22 ”.“You are always right, sir. I 23 hate such things. But,

8、 sir, almost no real gentleman 24 you can be seen in the world now,” said the student. After hearing this, the teacher was 25 , “What you said is true!”“Of my one hundred top hats, I only have ninety-nine top hats now.” the student said to his teacher later.( )16.A.giveB.givenC.gaveD.to give( )17.A.

9、afterB.beforeC.whenD.as( )18.A.youB.yoursC.yourselfD.yourselves( )19.A.politeB.politelyC.impoliteD.impolitely( )20.A.thatB.whoC.whomD.whose( )21.A.WhereB.HowC.WhatD.Why( )22.A.in classB.at homeC.in the officeD.in lesson( )23.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.as well( )24.A.asB.withC.likeD.to( )25.A.sorryB.angryC

10、.sadD.pleased阅读理解。(A)Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881. His father was a painter and art teacher who gave his son the first lesson in drawing. He won a prize “Science and Charity” for his first important painting when he was only fifteen. He studied in several cities in Spain. But there was no

11、 one to teach him all that he wanted to know. When he was nineteen, he visited Paris.Paris was then the center of the world for artists. Everything that was new and exciting in the world of paintings seemed to happen there. When he was twenty-three, Picasso moved there to live and lived in France fo

12、r the rest of his life.When he was over ninety, this great painter still lived his life like a young man. He was still looking for new ideas and new ways to use his artistic materials.When he died in 1973, he was ninety-one years old.( )26.What did Pablo Picassos father do?A.A teacher.B.A painter.C.

13、An artist.D.A painter and art teacher.( )27.What prize did he win when he was fifteen?A.Science and Painting.B.Science and Art.C.Science and Charity.D.Painting and Charity.( )28.Where was he born and where did he visit when he was nineteen?A.Paris and Spain.B.London and Paris.C.Spain and Paris.D.Lon

14、don and Spain.( )29.How old was he when he moved to Paris and how old was he when he died?A.Twenty-three and ninety.B.Twenty-three and ninety-one.C.Nineteen and ninety-one.D.Nineteen and ninety.( )30.What did he do when he was old?A.He lived his life like a young man.B.He looked for new ideas.C.He l

15、ooked for new ways to use his artistic materials.D.All the above.(B)Many teenagers (青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members dont know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite usual for brothers and sisters to fight with each other, and the


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