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1、英语16种时态英语共有十六种时态,其表现形式如下(以study为例)一般时 进行时现在 study be studying 过去 studied be studying将来 will study wil be studying过去将来would studywould be studying 完成时完成进行时现在have studiedhave been studying过去had studied had been studying将来will have studiedwill have been studying过去将来would have studied would have been st

2、udying时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。其相应的被动语态如下:一般时 进行时现在 am/is/are +done am/is /are being done 过去 was/were done was/were being done 将来 shall/will be done shall/will be being done过去将来shouldwould be doneshould/would being done 完成时 完成进行时现在has /have been done null过去had b

3、een done null将来shall/will have been done null过去将来should/would have been donenull时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。专门查了一下薄冰语法:完成进行时态一般不用被动语态。它们的被动意义可用完成时态来表示。如he has been being examined代之以he has been examined.薄冰英语语法245页现在完成进行时被动语态Have/has been being done过去完成进行时被动语态had bee

4、n being done将来完成进行时被动语态 shall/will have been being done过去将来完成进行时被动语态 should /would have been being done现在完成进行时是没有被动语态的,如果有现在完成进行时的主动结构的句子变为被动结构,可以用现在完成时。Have/has been being done例:We have been discussing the problem for 2 days.变为:The problem has been discussed for 2 days.另外,将来进行时也没用被动语态。例:We shall be

5、 discussing it tomorrow.变为:It will be discussed tomorrow.过去完成进行时的被动语态貌似had been being done,但英语里并不采用这种表达方式,因此遇到这种问题一般都用had been done表示就可以了。例如:The method had been (being) used for 500 years.Will have been being done shall/will be donebe going to be donebe about to be done/ be to be done一般将来时shouldwoul

6、d be donewaswere going to be donewaswere about to be donewaswere to be done过去将来时/第七章 英语动词的被动语态系统学习(二)动词的语态表示的是主语和谓语之间的关系。被动语态所表示的是主语是动作的承受者而不是动作的执行者。在强调动作的承受者、没有必要说出动作的执行者以及有意隐瞒动作的执行者时使用被动语态。凡是及物动词和及物动词短语都可以构成被动语态。被动语态由be加及物动词的过去分词构成。be有人称、数、时态的变化。如果要说明动作的执行者,须在被动语态结构后用by 短语。下面将分别讲述由于be本身的变化以及和其他助动词

7、组合形成的一些常用时态的被动语态用法。7.2.10 过去完成时的被动语态过去完成时的被动语态用had been加及物动词的过去分词构成。例如: It was said that the resolution had been adopted by a vote of 92 in favour to 9 against it.据说决议案以92票对9票获得通过。 He was able to ride a horse, but had not been taught any of stable lore.他会骑马,但从来没有人教过他养马知识。 People living in the neighb

8、ourhood said that problems had been aggravated by long neglect.住在这一地段的人们说因为长期以来弃之不顾,问题越来越严重了。 7.2.11将来完成时的被动语态将来完成时的被动语态的主语是第一人称时用shall have been加及物动词的过去分词构成;主语是第二、三人称时用 will have been加及物动词的过去分词构成。例如: Every obstacle to agreement will have been removed by the end of the month. 到这个月末为止达成协议的各种障碍将都已经排除。

9、 It is predicted that he will have been brought low by misfortune by the end of the year. 据预测他年底之前会因为遭到厄运而穷困潦倒。 7.2.12 过去将来完成时的被动语态过去将来完成时的被动语态的主语是第一人称时用should have been加及物动词的过去分词构成;主语是第二、三人称时用would have been加及物动词的过去分词构成。例如: The experienced fisherman predicted that the raging sea would have been lul

10、led by tonight.这位有经验的渔夫预言今晚之前波涛汹涌的海面就会平伏。 The tractor and trailer would have been jackknifed by the diesel when he realized.当他意识到的时候,牵引车和挂车就会已经被那辆柴油车撞得弯折了。 He said that the garden shed would have been being cleaned for two hours by nine oclock.他说到九点为止花园的小棚子将已经被打扫了两个小时了。 7.2.13 现在完成进行时的被动语态现在完成进行时的被动

11、语态的主语是第一、二人称或复数时用人称时用have been being 加及物动词的过去分词构成;主语是第三人称单数时用has been being 加及物动词的过去分词构成。 Pain has been being juxtaposed to pleasure as a form of emotion.痛苦一直被作为一种感情形式与欢乐相提并论。 Mary has been being trained for the law for a year.玛丽接受律师培训已经一年了。 7.2.14过去完成进行时的被动语态过去完成进行时的被动语态由had been being 加及物动词的过去分词构成

12、。例如: He said that the essay had been being translated from French to English for three days by Friday.他说到星期五为止,这篇由法文译成英文的文章将整整译三天了。 He said he had been being surrounded by troops of fans for forty minutes. 他说他被狂热的爱好者们已经围了四十分钟了。 7.2.15将来完成进行时的被动语态将来完成进行时的被动语态的主语是第一人称时用shall have been being加及物动词的过去分词构

13、成;主语是第二、三人称时用will have been being加及物动词的过去分词构成。例如: By three oclock, the basketball match will have been being watched for two hours.到三点种为止,已经观看这场足球比赛两个小时了。 By the end of the month, the new edition will have been being collated with the earlier edition for three weeks.到本月末,照旧版本核对新版本工作将已经进行三周。 7.2.16过去

14、将来完成进行时的被动语态过去完成进行时的被动语态的主语是第一人称时用should have been being加及物动词的过去分词构成;主语是第二、三人称时用would have been being 加及物动词的过去分词构成。例如: He said that the commonplace of the day would have been being talked over for two hours by four oclock.他说到四点中为止眼下的日常琐事将已经被谈论了两个小时了。 He said that the Cherry Wine would have been bein

15、g guzzled like lemonade for fifteen minutes by the end of the game.他说到游戏结束为止,将连续十五分钟的时间樱桃酒像柠檬水一样被一杯接一杯地灌下肚去。 7.3一些常见的被动语态的句型:1. It is alleged that. 据称 2. It is announced that. 据宣布 3. It is asserted that. 有人声称 4. It is assumed that. 假设, 假定 5. It is believed that. 大家相信, 人们相信 6. It is calculated that. 据计


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