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1、关于200字英语故事观赏|简短英语小故事20字 幼儿英语故事是提高英语教学的有效方法之一,幼儿英语故事教学是幼儿英语教学中的一种基本形式。细心收集了关于100字英语故事,供大家观赏学习! 关于100字英语故事:聪慧的兔子 The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasnt easy to catch him. One day the wolf said to the fox, You go home and lie in bed. Ill tell the rabbit that you are dead. When he c

2、omes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him. Thats a good idea, said the fox. He went home at once. The wolf went to the rabbits house and knocked at the door. Who is it? asked the rabbit. Its the wolf. Ive come to tell you that the fox is dead. Then the wolf went away. The rabbit went to the

3、 foxs house. He looked in through the window and saw the fox lying in bed with his eyes closed. He thought, Is the fox really dead or is he pretending to be dead? If hes not dead, hell catch me when I go near him. so he said, The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesnt look like a dead fox. Th

4、e mouth of a dead fox is always open. When the fox heard this, he thought, Ill show him that Im dead. So he opened his mouth. The rabbit knew that the fox wasnt dead, and he ran as quickly as he could. 狼和狐狸想要吃掉兔子,但是这只兔子太难抓到了。 一天,狼对狐狸说:你回家假装躺在床上。我去告知兔子你已经死了。当他来看你的时候,你就可以跳起来抓住他了。真是个好办法!狐狸说。 于是他立即回到家。狼

5、去兔子的房前敲了敲门,是谁啊?兔子问道。狼,我是来告知你狐狸已经死了。说完狼就走开了。兔子去狐狸家看状况。他通过狐狸家的窗户看到闭着眼睛的狐狸躺在床上。他想,狐狸是真的死了,还是在假装呢?假如他没有死,那么我走近他就会被他抓住。于是他说:狼说狐狸死了。但是他看起来并不像死掉了呀。死去的狐狸通常都是张着嘴的。狐狸听到这些话就想:我得证明自己是真的死了。于是他张开了嘴巴。 这时兔子知道狐狸并没有死,他就以最快的速度跑开啦。 关于100字英语故事:The pig Watermelon In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the

6、foot of the mountain. They planted some watermelon. When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the field. One day, the sun was burning like a fire, it was terribly hot on the ground. The mother pig said to the little pig:Lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok? Lulu said h

7、appily:Ok! No problem. Then he ran to the watermelon field. When he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green watermelons. He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine. Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it home. Wow!Its so

8、heavy! Lulu tried several times, but he failed. And he was socked with sweat. He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a rest. Suddenly he saw the monkey Pipi. He was playing with a hoop. Lulu patted his head and said:Ive got it. He thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it

9、 can roll too.He then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly. At last he got home with the watermelon.The mother pig knew the story, she exclaimed:My child, youre really clever! 春天的时候,猪妈妈带着小猪噜噜,在山坡下种了一大片西瓜。到了夏天,西瓜地里结满了又圆又大的西瓜。 有一天,太阳完火辣辣地照着大地,天啊,可热了。猪妈妈对小猪说:噜噜,你到咱们的地里摘个大西瓜回来解解

10、渴吧!小猪噜噜兴奋地说:好吧!说完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,处处躺着大西瓜,水灵灵的,真惹人宠爱!噜噜挑了个最大的摘了下来。它双手搂着西瓜,想抱 抱起来放在肩上扛回家。哟,好重呀!噜噜试着抱了几次都没有抱起来,还累得满头大汗。 它直起身来,擦了擦脸上的汗水想休息一下,再去试试抱西瓜。突然,它看到小猴皮皮在山下边的公路上滚铁环玩呢。小猪噜噜一拍后脑勺兴奋地说:有了,我有方法了。什么方法呢?小猪噜噜心想:铁环是圆的,可以滚动。西瓜也是圆的,不也可以滚动吗?想到这儿啊,小猪噜噜顾不上休息,把大西瓜放在地上。咕噜噜,咕噜噜地向前滚,始终把西瓜滚到家里。 猪妈妈看到小猪噜噜把又圆又大的西瓜搬回家,夸奖噜噜是个爱动脑筋的猪娃娃! 看了关于100字英语故事的人还看了: 1.100字英语短文小故事 2.100字的英语美文摘抄 3.100字左右的英语美文 4.简洁美丽100字英语文章 5.关于100字英语短文带翻译


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