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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语笑话1分钟|英语笑话 笑话不仅是我们生活中不行缺少的,而且也是我们工作学习之余缓解压力、舒缓心情的重要渠道。我整理了1分钟英语笑话,欢迎阅读! 1分钟英语笑话一 善解人意 I had iust learned to drive and, like most teen-agers,begged at every opportunity to take over the wheel. During a family vacation my father finally allowed me drive on a long,straight stretch o

2、n highway.I was in my glory until there was a sudden turn in the road.Caught unaware, I swung too wide and ran into a service stations advertising sign. I stopped the cat and waited for a lecture. 像大多数的青少年一样,我刚学会开车时,总想利用一切开车的机会。有一次家庭外出度假时,我经过恳求,爸爸最终允许我在笔直的高速大路止驾驶。我感到非常荣幸,直到开到了一个急转弯,由于转盘转动得太大,车直奔着加油站

3、的广告牌冲去。我停下了车,等着挨训。 My father,always considerate of his childrens feelings,turned back to the rest of family and said. As long as were here,does anyone need to use the rest room? 我的父亲总是考虑到孩子哟心情,转过身对家里的其他人说:既然我们已经把车开到了这儿,有人想上厕所吗? 1分钟英语笑话二 只是提示而已! Trying to cut down on expenses,I decided to bring a sac

4、k lunch towork. Unfortunately, I kept forgetting my sandwiches in my morning rush. One night I left myself a note near the front door. 为了削减开支,我打算工作时自带午餐。不幸的是,在早上的忙乱中我总是忘了带事先预备的三明治。一天晚上,我在前门上给自己贴了个纸条。 Next morning I spotted the message and went to the refrigerator, but my lunch wasnt there. I retrace

5、d my steps and took a closer look at the note. Underneath Dont forget your lunchmy roommate had scrawled,Thanks! 其次天早上,我观察了条子,来到了冰箱前,却发觉我的午饭不见了。我顺着原路,到了那张纸条前认真一看,在我那张写着不要遗忘带你的午饭的纸上,我的室友在下边写下了感谢。 1分钟英语笑话三 赐予与提取 My friends preparations for a visit from her children included a trip to the bank. Waiting

6、 in line at the tellers window, she lamented to the middle-aged man behind her,My children are in their 20s,and Im still giving them money. When does it end? 我的伴侣为其子女的光临做着一些预备工作。这些工作当然包括要到银行去一超。当她在出纳员的窗外排队等候时,她对她身后的一位中年男子说:我的孩子们都20多岁了,可我仍旧得给他们钱。这种事什么时候才算完呢? Im not sure,the man replied while glancing uncomfortably at a paper in his hand,but Im not the one to ask. Im here to deposit a check my mother gave me. 我可不知道。那位男子边回答边担心地看着手里拿着的那张纸。我可不是你该问的人,我到这儿是来支取我妈妈给我的支票的。 看了1分钟英语笑话的人还看了: 1.一分钟经典英语笑话大全 2.一分钟幽默英语笑话故事 3.1分钟最短英文小笑话 4.有关英语小笑话1分钟 5.英语笑话1分钟演讲稿 6.高中英语一分钟小笑话第 1 页 共 1 页



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