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1、广东省仲元中学2017-2018学年高二英语下学期期中试题第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ALost cities that have been foundThe White CityIn 2015, a team of explorers to Honduras in search ofthe Lost City of the Monke Godled to the discovery of the White City. They found the ruins in

2、the Mosquitia region of the Central American country which is known for poisonous snakes, vicious jaguars and deadly insects. It is believed that local people hid here when the Spanish conquerors(征服者) occupied their homeland in the16th century.Canopus and HeracleionModern researchers were teased by

3、the ancient writings about the Egyptian cities Canopus and Heracleion- where Queen Cleopatra often visited. But the cities werent found until 1992, when a search in Alexandria waters found that the two cities had been flooded for centuries. Artifacts(史前器物) showed that the cities once highly develope

4、d as a trade network, which helped researchers piece together more about the last queen of Egypt.Machu PicchuA Yale professor discovered the Lost City in the Cloudsin 1911. A combination of palaces, plazas, temples and homes, Machu Picchu displays the Inca Empire at the height of its rule. The city,

5、 which was abandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons,was hidden by the local people from the Spanish conquerors for centuries keeping it so well preserved.TroyThe ancient city of Troy in homers The Iliad was considered a fictional setting for his characters to run wild. But in 1871, explorat

6、ions in northwestern Turkey exposed nine ancient cities layered (层叠) on top of each other, the earliest dating back to about 5,000 years before. It was later determined that the sixth or seventh layer contained the lost city of Troy and that it was actually destroyed by an earthquake, not a wooden h

7、orse.1. Why did people hide in the White City in the 16th century? A. To survive the war B. To search for a lost city. C. To protect their country. D. To avoid dangerous animals 2. Which of the following was related to a royal family member? A. The White City B. Canopus and Heracleion C. Machu Picch

8、u D. Troy 3. What can we learn about Troy? A. It was built by Homer. B. It consisted of nine cities C. It had a history of 5,000 years D. It was ruined by a natural disaster. BMy motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish: I could not bear listening to A Se

9、same Street Christmas for another 10 hours. My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summers road trip As I began to prepare for our next 500-mile car trip,I came across a book-Jim Treleases The Read Aloud Handbook. This could be the answer to my problem. I thought. So I

10、put Roald dahls James and the Giant Peach into my bag. When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach, my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats. But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to list

11、en We soon learned that the simple pleasure of listening to a well-written book makes the long miles pass more quickly. Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip. I read Wilson Rawlss Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach. We arrived just behind the power cr

12、ews restoring(恢复) electricity after a tropical storm. The rain continued most of the week, and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm. When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip. He answered without hesitation, The book you read in the car.Road trips still offe

13、r challenges, even though my children now are teenagers. But we continue to read as we roll across the country. And Im beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time. For at least a little while, we are not shut in our own electronic worlds. And maybe weve started somethin

14、g that will pass on to the next generation.4. Why did the author start reading in the car? A. She wanted to have a better journey. B. She wanted to keep a family tradition C. Her children were addicted to reading. D. Her children were tired of the cassette 5. How did the children react after the aut

15、hor read a few lines? A. They kept fighting B. They hid themselves C. They soon settled down D. They read together aloud 6. What can we learn about the author and her familys trip to the beach? A. They were caught in a storm B. They enjoyed reading on the road C. They had a good time on the beach D.

16、 They thought it had passed too quickly. 7. Which can be the best title for the text? A. Better Traveling than Reading B. Books that Changed My Children C. Road Trips Full of Challenges D. Reading Makes Great Road Trips CWhat would you think if someone suggested knocking down St Pauls Cathedral to widen the road? Or pulling down Big Ben to



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