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1、课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit2 This is my sister. 授课时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓。2. 学会询问别人的家庭成员,向别人介绍自己的家庭成员。教学目标知识与技能1. 词汇:1)学习名词:day2)学习代词:they 3)学习动词:have4)学习感叹词:well, bye2. 了解句子:Oh, I see.Well, have a good day! Thanks! You, too. 3. 语法:1)初步学习词的复数形式 2)了解缩写词:thats, whore, whos, theyre 3

2、)了解同位语: This is my sister Kate.过程与方法By greeting ,bingo game, revision , revise what they learned. Then present grammar ,make the students do some practice.情感态度价值观By learning , make the students learn to be thankful to their family.学情分析By learning the front periods , most of students have mastered th

3、e knowledge. But several students havent learned them well. Need revise them further.教学分析教学重点Mainly learn to use the key language goals 教学难点难点介绍家庭成员时对单复数词汇的正确使用。解决办法 Let the students do some exercises教学资源Textbook , CAI, 板书设计Unit 2 This is my sister.Thats =that is Oh, I see.Well, have a good day! Tha

4、nks! You, too. Whore =who are Whos =who is Theyre =they are教学过程设计(第 二 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)Step 2. Work on 2d (完成2d)Step 3. Grammar Focus (语法焦点)Step 4. Work on 3a (完成3a)Step 5. Work on 3b (完成3b)Step 6. Homework (课后作业)1. Daily greetings to the studentsT: Good mo

5、rning/afternoon, boys and girls! T: Nice to see you!T: I am fine/great/OK, too. / I am not bad. How is your mother/father/? / How are your parents?T: Whats your name, please?T: (to the whole class) So thats 2. Play a Bingo gameHave Ss write down nine words from page 7 in the boxes. Then read the wor

6、ds in random order. Have Ss check the words they hear. If three words in a line are checked, they are the winners. T: Please draw a chart like this. Write down nine words from page 7. You can write down one word in each box as you like. T: Now Ill read out nine words and you check what you hear. If

7、you checked three words that in one line, you can say “Bingo!” and put up your hands. If you are the first to say “Bingo”, you are the winner.3. Revision Talk about the picture in 2b using these sentence patterns: This/That is Whos she/he?Shes/Hes These/Those are Whore they?Theyre 1)T: Look at the c

8、onversation in 2d. You can role-play it. (解释role-play:分角色表演). Ill give you five minutes to practice it with a partner. (While the Ss are practicing, move around and help those who need help.)2)T: Now you can look at the picture in 2d and answer my questions. Who are the girls?T: Whos Kate?T: Whos th

9、at boy?T: Whats his name?T: Are those Janes parents?3)Explain some of the sentences.a. Oh, I see. 噢,我明白了。b. Well, have a good day! 那好,愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!c. Thanks! You, too. 多谢了!也祝你玩得高兴。1)T: Look at the sentences in Grammar Focus. Try to read them aloud. 2)Write the sentence patterns on the blackboard.This

10、 is Thats These are Those are Whos she? Shes Whos he?Hes Whore they? Theyre T: “Thats” is the short form of “that is”.“Whore” is the short form of “Who are”.“Whos” is the short form of “Who is”. “Theyre” is the short form of “they are”. 3)Suppose you are Sally. Look at the picture in 2d again and in

11、troduce the family members to me first. T: (point at the persons in the picture and ask)Whos he/she? T: Who are they?1)T: Please look at the conversation in 3a. You can complete it by yourself. 2)Ask two Ss to read aloud the conversation and check the answers. 2)T: Now practice the conversation with

12、 your partner.3)Ask some pairs to act out the conversation for the class. 1)T: Look at the picture in 3b. You can make sentences with the words in the three boxes.2)Ask some Ss to present their sentences. This is That is These are Those are Oral: 1)熟读2d & 3a两段对话。 2)背诵语法焦点上的句子。 3)利用所学基本句型谈论自己的家庭照片,在下

13、一堂课带到课堂,与同伴轮流谈论图片上的人物。(完成3c)Written: 1)抄写语法焦点上的句子。2)介绍3b 图片中的人物,写出句子,不少于五句。S: Good morning/afternoon, Mr./Mrs. S: She/He is / They are S: My name is (I am) S: They are Jane, Sally and Kate.S: Shes Sallys sister.S: Hes Sallys brother.S: Hes Paul.S: No. They are Sally and Kates parents.S: This is my sister Kate. Thats my brother Paul. Those are my parents. Thats my mother and thats my father.S: He/She is my S: They are my parents日常问候是为了帮助学生尽快进入学习的良好状态,老师引导他们用不同的语句进行问答,让他们知道在不同的情景下可以用不同的表达;通过Bingo游戏,让学生听辨并巩固上堂课所学的词汇;通过询问学生姓名,用Thats


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