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1、 3edu教育网,教学资源集散地,完全免费!2008-2009学年度第二学期八年级英语期中试卷Mid-term Exam(Units 15)班级 姓名 学号 考试成绩 一、Choose the best answers. 单项选择题。(每题1分,共20分)( )1I hear shell be back _ a week. A. afterB. inC. fromD. at( )2If he studies the law hard, he will probably be a _ .A. lawyer B. scientist C.singerD. terrorist( )3My siste

2、r cant cook, I cant, _ .A.too B. also C. either D. neither( )4Wheres my report card? I cant find it _ .A. somewhere B. everywhereC. nowhere D. anywhere( )5We didnt know the good news _ he told us. A. after B. or C. because D. until( )6I_ my best friend yesterday. What should I do? A. argued withB. a

3、gree with C. have a fight with D. argued to( )7If there are _trees, the air in our city will be _cleaner. A. fewer, much B. more, more C. more, much D.much, more( )8You are a little_. Im afraid you should do sports every day. A. nervous B. strange C. fat D. lucky( )9-Whats wrong with him? -He got _

4、in an accident.A. happy B. injured C. excitedD. hard-working( )10The teacher said the earth_around the sun. A. went B. goesC. will go D. is going( )11We ll go to the zoo if it _ tomorrow. A. wont rain B. dont rainC. doesnt rain D. rain( )12-Linda has a bad cold. -_.A. Its my pleasure. B. ci dont thi

5、nk so.C. tid love to. D. Im sorry to hear that.( )13Linda is mad _ her best friend because she always has the same haircut _ her. A. at, as B. with, atC. on, as D. at, with( )14-What did you uncle say? -He told me he _ call me the next day. A.will B. should C. ican D.would( )15We are all here _ Tom,

6、 because he is ill at home. A. exceptB. besideC. besidesD. excepts( )16.If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will _. A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it D. take away them( )17. How much do you need _ that bike? A. to pay for B. tto pay C. pay for D. buy( )18. In our dormitory

7、, we are all friendly to each other. It makes us _like a big family.A. feeling B. feel C. to feel D.feels( )19.He does _ English than Chinese. A. better at B. good at C. better in D. well in( )20. While she_ on the phone, a man walked into his room. A. is talking B. talked c. was talking D.talk 二、Co

8、mplete the conversation补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话(填写字母序号,其中有两项是多余的)。A: What are you going to do tomorrow?B: To Lilys house.A. When will the party start?B. Im going there by bus.C. Who will go to the party?D. Where are you going?E. Why are you going there?F. Why are you going there?G. I hope she

9、 will have a happy birthday.A:(21)._B: Because Lily will have a birthday party.A:(22)_B:It will start at eleven thirty in the morning.A:(23)_B: All the students in our class.A:(24)_B: I think she will.A: How are you going there?B:(25)_A:OK! Have a good timeB: Thank you!三、Cloze test完形填空。阅读短文选择最佳答案(每题

10、1分,共10分) It was the end of the term. It was the last 26 of school. The teacher gave the children their report cards and 27 goodbye. David and Sue went home together. They took their report cards 28 them. “Youre lucky, Sue. You 29 have a good report.” David said. When they got home, Sue gave her repo

11、rt card to her father 30 . He read it carefully. “Mm,”he said , “ Sue works well.” Then he looked at David, “What about you, David?” David gave his report card to him. The father 31 to read. “He doesnt work very hard and he is lazy sometimes.” He said, “ Thats not very good.” Davids face turned 32 .

12、 Then the father looked at the report card again. “ Just a minute,” he said, “I havent read it all. It says, But this year, his work is good. Thats nice, David. now you 33 can have a wonderful holiday. 34 will your holiday last?” “ Itll last eight weeks,” the children said. “ Eight weeks! Lets go to

13、 Hawaii 35 vacation!” said the father.( ) 26. A.year B.day C. week D.month( ) 27. A. told B. talked C. said D. spoke( ) 28. A. from B. with C. of D. in( ) 29. A. ever B.never C. always D. hardly( ) 30. A. once B. first C. second D. third( ) 31. A. liked B. finished C. began D. wanted( ) 32. A. black B. blue C. green D. red( ) 33. A. both B. other C. all D. every( ) 34. A. How often B. How far C. How much D. How long( ) 35. A. on B. at C. to D. about四、Reading. 阅读理解。 (每个2分,共



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