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1、湖南XXXXXX学院学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 浅谈国际贸易结算方式的选择姓 名 : 班级、学号 : 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 开题时间: 完成时间: 2010 年 月 日22目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-19答辩委员会表决意见20答辩过程记录表21XXXXXXXX学院毕业设计任务书学生姓名班级学号专业商务英语所属系部经济管理系通信地址邮政编码Email地址联系电话号码设计(论文)课题指导教师姓名职 称指导教师工作单位联系方式电话讲师课题的主要任务及要求:开题时间:完成时间:XXXXXXXXX学院毕 业 设 计 成 绩

2、 评 定 表学生姓名班级学号专业所属系部毕业设计课题浅谈国际贸易结算方式的选择评分评语:指导教师(签名) 年 月 日备注注:毕业设计评价等级为:优秀(90100)、良好(8089)、中(7079)、及格(6069)、不及格(60分以下)。XXXXXXXX学院毕业(论文)设计答 辩 申 请 书学生姓名 班级、学号 专业 商务英语 课 题 浅谈国际贸易结算方式的选择 一、 课题(论文)提纲引言1 国际贸易结算方式的选择 1.1 汇付 1.2 托收 1.3 信用证 1.4 银行保函 1.5 备用信用证2 影响国际贸易结算方式的选择 2.1 国际结算方式的特点 2.2 客户信用 2.3 国际贸易术语

3、2.4 财政花费3 国际贸易结算方式的应用 3.1 汇付与信用证相结合应用 3.11 公开议付 3.2 汇付与托收项结合应用 3.3 信用证,银行保函,托收结合应用3.31 分期付款3.32 延期付款4 结论二、内容摘要 支付条款是国际易合同的一个主要内容。不同的支付方式对于贸易双方而言,在贸易结算中的风险以及经营中的资金负担都是不相同的。选择正确支付方式能使进出口双方在货款收付方面的风险得到控制,并在资金周转方面得到某种通融,从而促进交易目的的实现。在选择中,应从贸易双方共同的利益点出发,本着风险分摊的原则,选用综合结算方式,从而促成进出口商的双赢。 在现有的结算方式中,基本的有三种:汇款、

4、托收、信用证。另外,还有一些延伸的结算方式,如银行保函、备用信用证等。在实务中,现在还出现了一些比较新的结算方法,如电汇中加入第三方(船方)来控制风险。不同的支付方式对于贸易双方而言,在贸易结算中的风险及经营中的资金负担各不相同。 三、 参考文献1.国际贸易结算 作者:赵益华、仇荣国 北京大学出版社(2007-08出版)2.国际贸易 作者:许斌 北京大学出版社 (2009-09出版)3.国际贸易结算 作者:庞红 人民大学出版社 出版日期(2007-06)四、指导教师意见指导教师(签名) 年 月 日五、答辩资格审查小组意见 答辩资格审查小组组长(签字) 年 月 日注:学生凭此申请书和设计(论文)

5、全文参加答辩 The Choice forInternational Trade Settlement IntroductionThe Settlement is essential to the International trade. With the pass of time, the progress of the society, the international trade settlement also changes and become perfect. Some new settlement were developed inevitable in order to ad

6、apt to the changes of trade structure. Therere more and more settlement way for selection.Since the existing way can not meet the practical needs, we must combine with several ways of settlement for applications. What are these payment? How can make the most favorable choice? We hereby based on the

7、types, the factors influence the settlement, and the comprehensive application of payment for a brief introduction and analysis.Keywords international trade settlement,remittance, cllection, letter of credit, bank of guarantee.Chapter One The types of the international trade settlementInternational

8、settlement originated in the commodity business between different countries. With international trade and other international exchanges expands and continuous development. International settlement experienced from cash settlement to the non-cash settlement. From direct to indirect settlement, intern

9、ational settlement of payment also presents the diversification. At present, according to the international settlement ways status and the function, we can put it into two categories, one kind is a basic settlement way, another kind is the dependency and payment settlement.1.1 Remittance Remittance,

10、 is the most common settlement way, just like that we do business with you, after we delivered goods, you pay the money bybank collect. In international trade, many people deal with business by the international bank.Classified according to different conditions, remittance can be divided into differ

11、ent types. Basis on the different tools we used, it can be divided into T/T, M/T and D/D. According to the different order between the time of delivery and payment, therere two kinds of applications in international trade practice: advance payments and payment by receipt of goods.The remittance invo

12、lves four parties: remitter ,payee,remiting bank,paying bank. The relationship between the four parties are different, between the payer and ,remiting bank is contract relationship, and the remiting bank and paying bank is the agency contract. As fo the remittance business process: firstly, the paye

13、r needs to go to the paying bank and send in a remittance application, then the remiting bank will give a remittance notice to the paying bank according to the content of the application to the remittance. After received the notice, paying bank will pay to payee. If theres any problem, to the remiting bank and the paying bank is not liable for any responsibiltiy. 1.2 Cllection Collection.First, the exporter shall issue a bill of exchange to the importer fo


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