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1、 Section Writing如何写广告类文章写作技法指导文体指导广告是商品、器物、服务的宣传方式,旨在使消费者对某种商品、器物或服务产生兴趣,从而促使他们进行消费,因此,广告必须具有吸引力,能引起广大消费者的兴趣。一般说来,广告可分为标题(the headline)、文字说明或广告正文(the body text)、图像(the illustration)和厂商名称(the signature)四个部分。广告标题,是广告中最为重要的部分之一。它起着激起读者的好奇心、吸引读者的注意力的作用。1一语道破商品的优越性。2用迂回的手法,引起人们的好奇心,使人想看个究竟。3有鲜明的针对性,使读者感到

2、是为他们而写的。4现身说法。采用消费者对消费者说话的形式,多采用第一人称,读起来使人倍感亲切。广告正文的写法,按照不同的要求,选择不同的文体。广告的文字应尽量做到:1既要新颖,又要口语化;2尽量使用简洁、明了的语言;3多用较短的单词和句子;4用词要准确,不用模棱两可的词句;5主要宣传内容,如商品名称、牌号、特点等应在标题和正文中反复强调;6为了加强广告的吸引力,有时用谐音词或押韵的词句,来加强宣传效果。亮点句式1This kind of product contains.这种产品包含2Its convenient for you to.对你来说这种产品很方便3It has been warml

3、y received by.and is popular.这种产品一直被认可,而且在受欢迎4As for the price,it is.对于价格,它5.serve you 24 hours a day.24小时提供服务6You name it,and we can .你只要说出名字,我们就会7The first ever,the last youll ever need.一朝拥有,别无所求。8For further/more information,please call/telephone.,contact.想获得更多的信息,请致电(联系)满分佳作构建写作任务假如你是一名电脑销售人员,请根

4、据下列表格用英语向客户做一个口头的产品介绍。词数100左右。品名STONE HOME COMPUTER型号154200U产地天津家用电脑公司价格每台5 000元(人民币)性能1.硬盘更大,存储信息更多;2.图形处理更方便快捷;3.看电影或DVD更容易,画面更清晰;4.有助于人们学习和娱乐。审题谋篇体裁广告话题介绍产品时态一般现在时一般将来时人称第三人称为主结构第一部分:介绍该产品的品名、型号及产地。第二部分:介绍该产品的功能和价格。遣词造句.对接单元词汇1product产品2amusement 乐趣3comment 评论4bargain 便宜货5advanced 先进的.巧用单元句式、语法(一

5、)完成句子1它处理各种图形更为方便快捷。(用it作形式主语)It is more convenient and much faster to deal with all kinds of pictures.2多数人评论说它真的很便宜。(that引导宾语从句)Most people comment that its a real bargain3买一台这种计算机是你的最佳选择。(用不定式作主语)To buy one computer of this kind is your best choice.4它对我们来说将有很大的价值。(be ofn.)It will be of great value

6、 for us.(二)句式升级5This kind of home computer is made in Tianjin,by Tianjin Home Computer Company.It is a new kind,154200U.(用定语从句合并)This kind of home computer which is a new kind,154200U is made in Tianjin,by Tianjin Home Computer Company6The computer has a large hard disk and it can store much more us

7、eful information.(用so.that.改写)The computer has so large a hard disk that it can store much more useful information.7You can also see films or DVDs more easily.It has cleaner pictures.(用it作形式主语及with复合结构)It is also easier for you to see films or DVDs with cleaner pictures on it.妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Ladies and g

8、entlemen,Now let me introduce our new STONE HOME COMPUTER to you all.This kind of home computer which is a new kind of advanced product,154200U is made in Tianjin,by Tianjin Home Computer Company.The computer has so large a hard disk that it can store much more useful information.Besides,it is more

9、convenient and much faster to deal with all kinds of pictures.It is also easier for you to see films or DVDs with cleaner pictures on it.It will greatly help people learn and provide a lot of amusement.However,it will cost you only 5,000 yuan.Most people comment that its a real bargain.To buy one computer of this kind is your best choice.It will be of great value for us.Thanks.


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