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1、(完整word版)人教版英语七年级上册unit8课后练习+单元测试卷Unit8综合测评Unit8综合测评(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第卷听力部分 (15分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1.2.3。4.5.听对话,选出与对话内容相符的选项(5分)6。A.Linda is ten years old.B。Linda is twelve years old。C.Linda is eleven years old。7。A。There is no School Day at Ginas school.B.There is a School Day at Ginas sc

2、hool。C。The School Day at Ginas school is on October 20th.8。A.Bills birthday is on October fifteenth.B.Bills birthday is on October fifth。C。Alices birthday is on October fifteenth.9.A.Eric is thirteen years old。B.Erics brother is twelve years old.C.Erics brother is thirteen years old.10。A.Sandy has a

3、n art festival on May 19th。B.Tony has a school trip on May 19th。C.Sandy has a school trip on October 20th。听短文,完成表格(5分)InformationcardChinesenameEnglishnameAgeBirthdayFavoritecolorFromZhang LiCindy Brownthirtysix13。14.EnglandGong WeiBill Millertwenty-fourSeptember 9thblack15.Tan Mei11.12。August 17thg

4、reenShanghai,China第卷笔试部分(85分)。单项选择(10分)16。are you?Im twelve。A.HowB。How oldC.How muchD.What17。-Is Jims birthday on May 26th?.Its on May 16th.A.Yes,it isB。No,it isntC。Yes,he isD。No,he isnt18.October is after .A.AugustB.SeptemberC.NovemberD.December19。father is a teacher。A。Lucy and LilyB.Lucy and Lilys

5、C。Lucys and LilysD.Lucys and Lily20。There are twenty-eight or twentynine days in .A。JanuaryB。FebruaryC。NovemberD.December21。My birthday is January and Peters birthday is March 26th。A。in;onB.in;atC。for;/D.at;on22.-is the school trip?May。A.When;InB。What;OnC。Where;InD。When;On23.The girl is .Today is he

6、r birthday.A.twentieth;twentyB.twenty;twentyC.twentieth;twentiethD。twenty;twentieth24。Do you have an art festival at your school?。We have it every year.A。No, we dontB。Sorry, I dont knowC。Yes, we doD。OK25.How many are there in a year?。A.month;sixB.months;TwelveC。months;FourD.months;the twelfth。完形填空(1

7、0分)The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year。It usually 26 in January or February。Everyone in 27 likes the Spring Festival very much。When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually 28 his parents clean their house and do some 29 and other housework。30 that day 31 in China eats 32, New Years cake an

8、d some other 33food.Li Lei likes New Years cake, but Wang Lin doesnt.The Chinese people 34 the New Years cake and jiaozi in their houses。35 happy they are!26.A.comeB。getsC。comesD.go27。A.AmericaB.ChinaC.EnglandD。Australia28。A.asksB.tellsC.takesD。helps29。A.dancingB。fishingC。readingD.shopping30.A.OnB.I

9、nC.OfD。To31。A。everyoneB。someoneC。no oneD.everything32.A.eggsB。meatC。jiaoziD.mooncakes33。A.niceB.oldC.bigD。bad34。A。eatB.doesC.buyD。sell35.A。MuchB.VeryC.WhatD.How.阅读理解(30分)ADear Grace,We have a really fun term。Do you love volleyball?On September 7th,we have a volleyball game at four in the afternoon。I

10、ts interesting for me。My teacher says we can see some great volleyball stars.InOctober,we have a school trip.Its relaxing for us.InNovember,we have an art festival and an English party。The art festival is on November 3rd.The English party is on November 18th。Its in our classroom.Sallys birthday is o

11、n December 11th.I want to buy a white model plane for her.Tim wants to buy a book。You can buy a birthday cake for her。She must be happy。Yours,Bob36。Bobs school has a on September 7th.A。soccer gameB。volleyball gameC。basketball gameD。tennis game37。The school trip is for Bob。A。boringB。interestingC。rela

12、xingD.easy38.When is the art festival?A.Its on September 7th.B。Its on December 11th。C.Its on November 3rd。D。Its on November 18th。39。The English party is .A.in the libraryB。in Bobs classroomC.in Sallys roomD。in the store40.Bob wants to buy for Sally.A。a model planeB.a bookC.a radioD。a birthday cakeBV

13、era is thirteen years old。Mrs.Smith is her mother。Today is July 27th and it is Veras birthday。There is a party for her.Lots of her friends come to her birthday party。A birthday cake is on the table.There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too。But Vera doesnt like them。W

14、hat does she want?Can you guess?Just then Vera sees a red card in her mothers hand.Itsays:Happy birthday to you, dear Vera。There is a nice present for you。Open the box on your dresser;you can find it.Vera runs to her dresser and opens the box。Ah, a nice Tshirt!How glad she is!41.When is Veras birthday?A。On November 27.B。On September 27。C.On July 27th.D.On July 29th。42。WheresMrs.Smiths present?A.On the desk.B。In the box。C.In the dresser.D。In the drawer。43。What does Vera want?A。Apples。B。Bananas.C。A Tshirt。D.A book.44。How old is Vera?A.13


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