四川省宜宾县蕨溪中学高中英语 Module5 Cloning period 4导学案(无答案)外研版选修6

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《四川省宜宾县蕨溪中学高中英语 Module5 Cloning period 4导学案(无答案)外研版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省宜宾县蕨溪中学高中英语 Module5 Cloning period 4导学案(无答案)外研版选修6(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 4 Speaking, Function, Everyday English,Reading practice and Culture Corner学习目标:1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识,提高阅读理解能力。2.通过自主学习与合作探究达到理解课文。3.激情投入,享受学习。 预习案使用说明和学法指导:1.在预习Reading practice和Culture Corner 时,要把课文诵读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点,了解地震的危害,进而思考在地震中应如何避险。 2.完成时间30分钟。教材助读 (二轮阅读)一、 一轮阅读做题目1

2、.Read the passage on P67 and do activity 3,4&5 on P68.2. Read the passage on P69, answer the questions._(1)Who wrote the book? When ?_ (2)On appearing ,what happened to it ?_ (3)Why is it so famous? _二、 二轮阅读找难点 1.翻译下列短语1). 科学事实_ 2). 对公众开放 _3). 活恐龙_ 4). 摧毁 _5). 摆脱控制_6) 据我们所知_7). 分解_8). 反之亦然_9).为 准备好_

3、10). 道德和人权问题_11).使复活 _12). 习惯于_ 2.补充下列句子。1) It became a subject of much discussion _ as it first appeared.2) Its aim is for people to be happy, _ there are no more wars or violence.3) As small children,each _group is taught to like and dislike certain things and people.4) _,very few people are unhap

4、py or feel any strong emotion.我的疑惑_探究案.质疑探究质疑解疑、合作探究探究点一 语篇探究 Read para2 and answer the questions 1.When does the new world take place ?_ 2.How many types of clones are there?_ 3.Who is the leader?_ 4. Why scientists havent created thousands of identical clones?_ 5.How will the government keep its p

5、eople happy with their position?_探究点二 重点词汇用法1.accompany v. 陪伴,陪同 (to go with ) I accompany him on the trip. 我同他一起去旅游。他陪我们去公园。(翻译) _2.absorb v. 吸收,吸引的注意 A sponge absorbs water. 海绵吸水。Vitamin D is slowly absorbed by the body. (翻译)_【拓展】 absorbing adj. 令人神往的 be absorbed in全神贯注于 学生们专心致志地读书。(翻译)_ _3. But a

6、 tropical storm hits the island, knocking out the power supply, and an employee destroys the security system so that he can steal dinosaur embryos and sell them. 但是一场热带风暴袭击了岛屿,摧毁了电力供应,一位雇员为了偷恐龙胚胎贩卖破坏了这里的安全系统。分析该句:_ 4. The dinosaurs start to get out of control. 恐龙开始失去控制 get out of control 失去控制,摆脱控制 T

7、he situation has got out of control. 局势已变得无法控制了。 Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge. 除非你控制不了,一定的压力对于向人们提供动力和挑战极其重要。【拓展】control n. 控制, 支配, 管理a control on prices; price controls 物价管制;物价统制in / under the control of 处于 控制之下beyond / out o

8、f control 失去控制,超出控制范围lose control of 失去对. 的控制bring/ get sth. under control 抑制,控制control vt. controlled, controlling, controls(1) 控制;支配;管辖The Ministry of Education controls all schools. (翻译)_This handle controls the flow of electricity. (翻译) _(2) 抑制;克制Control yourself; dont get angry. 你要克制自己,不要发火。(3)

9、 调节; 操纵to control prices and wages调节物价和工资5. When life ends, DNA breaks down and does not repair itself.当生命结束, DNA也随之分解且不能自我修复。 break down(1)机器的等出故障(vi.) The car broke down on his way to work.他的车在上班途中抛锚了。(2)谈判等受挫, 摧毁(vt.) Peace talk breaks down. 和谈中断(3)改变想法、观点(vt ) break down his prejudice 改变他的偏见(4)精

10、神、身体等垮掉(vi) His health breaks down. 他身体垮了。 理解下列句子并指出下面句中break down的汉意: Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.( ) The peace talks are said to have broken down.( ) The car broke down halfway to the destination.( ) We must break down the old customs.( ) She broke down and wep

11、t when she heard the news, but quickly recovered.( )【拓展】break into 打断,闯入 break off 挣脱的束缚,断绝(关系) break out (战争,瘟疫等)猛地爆发 break up 把分裂成碎片, 散开 To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into parts. A. downB. up C. off D. out6.The reason why Brave New World is still so famous is that it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible.(翻译)勇敢新世界仍然闻名世界的原因是它描写了一个越来越有可能的恐怖的未来世界。分析该句



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