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1、The place of justice in utilitarian theory功利主义学说中的正义Bentham dismissed the notion of justice as a fantasy, which was created for the purposes of convenience in the discussion of issues and situations which were the practical products of the application of the principle of utility.边沁反对将正义的理念作为一个想象中的事物

2、, 这个存在于想象中的 正义理念产生于对讨论争议问题以及功利原则适用的实践结果的便 利性目的考虑。Mill believed that the idea of justice occupied a central place in the creation of a balance between social considerations of utility and individual considerations of liberty and equality 密尔主张:正义观点在创造一个社会功利与个人自由和平等考虑中 占有中心地位。The notion of justicemade

3、it possible to create a balance, which would have the effect of increasing happiness in society. 正义理念使创造一个增加社会幸福感的平衡点成为可能。The relationship between justice and other social values正义和其他社会价值之间的关系The notion of justice, formill, was closely tied in with his ideas on morality, equality and liberty. Justic

4、e implied the identification of interests which came together to form somethiwnghich is not only right to do and wrong not to do, but which some individual can claim from us as his moral right.对于密尔来说,正义的理念与他对道德、 平等和自由的理解息息相关。 正义寓意着对利益的识别和与之而来的形成的“不仅仅可以做什么, 不可以做什么,而且独立个人可以要求得到自己的道德权利。 “ Equality of t

5、reatment is an essential element in the organisation of social life and its contribution to the maximisation of happiness orsatisfaction cannot be denied.平等对待在社会生活组织中是重要元素, 平等对待对幸福和满意感的 最大化过程中的贡献是不可磨灭的。Liberty helps to clarify the distinction and balance between the interests of the individual and t

6、he goals of society. 自由帮助我们分清个体利益和社会公共目的的界限, 同时也帮助我们 平衡二者的冲突 .The scope of justice 正义概览According to mill, the concept of justice has developed to cover many areas of activity which are not necessarily controlled through the agency of the law.根据密尔的理论, 正义的概念已经发展到涵盖许多社会活动领域, 而 很多领域是没有必要受法律调整的。For examp

7、le, inutilitarianism(1861),he argues that: it is true that mankind consider the idea of justice and its obligations as applicable to many things which neither are, nor is it desired that they should be, regulated by law.例如,根据功利主义,他主张:人类考虑在许多方面适用正义以及正 义的责任,但正义本身并不渴望一定被法律规制。In his view,therefore,justi

8、ce must be seen as covering both constituted rights, which are regulated by the law, and other actions and claims which are not subject to law.他认为,因此, 正义必须被看做涵盖所有制定出来的权利,即被法律 调整的权利,并且还涵盖其他没有受法律约束的行为和要求。Utilitarianism and the position of the individual: libertyv social goals功利主义和个人地位:自由 V 社会公共目的The identification of liberty 对自由的认定In his essay On Liberty(1859),Mill set himself the task of maximizingthe liberty of the individual. Within this general category, he included such specific freedoms as the:在他的论自由 一书中,密尔给自己设定了将个人自由最大化的任 务。在大体分类中,他纳入了如下几种特殊的自由权利:



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