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1、教学设计教学基本信息课题Module 7 Summer in Los AngelesUnit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! 姓名孙燕梅 学科英语学校北京市第十七中学年级初二年级是否已实施未实施指导思想与理论依据英语新课程标准中指出的基础教育阶段英语课程的任务,是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣树立自信心,尤其对于初中学生,更应注重培养和保护他们的学习积极性、主动性。课堂活动的设计要注重听说读写技能的训练和学习策略形成,以达到培养学生综合语言运用能力的目标。合理地运用多种评价手段有利于激励学生的进一步学习,

2、并能有效地反馈教学效果。教学背景分析教材分析:本教材采用的是新标准初中英语初二下册(外研社)Module 7 Summer in Los AngelesUnit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! 课型为读说课。本课时主要是通过阅读对洛杉矶英语课程的介绍,学会设计和介绍一个汉语暑假课程内容,并在班中进行招募。本课采用and ,but, or等连词进行叙述。学情分析:本节课的教学对象是本校特长班的学生,共36人,大部分学生对英语学习比较感兴趣。有参与学习的主动性和积极性,有用英语表达的愿望,但是有7人英语较薄

3、弱。教学我们采取了合作学习,发挥小先生的作用。每组有(group leader , apple 1, banana 1,banana 2) 4人组成。其中,每组banana 2基础较弱。经过初中一年多的英语阅读技能训练,学生已经具备一定的阅读能力。能够在语境中正确运用一般现在时和将来时,通过Module 7 Unit 1和Mr Bai的口语的学习,学生已经了解了洛杉矶的一些背景知识和大明和玲玲暑假去洛杉矶的信息,对于学生较好地理解本节课的内容有一定的帮助。其中,洛杉矶的一些信息学生在七年级下册Module10也已经学习过。教学方式:Interactive Approach教学方法:PWP me

4、thod技术准备:PPT, computer, handouts, 教学目标(内容框架)Teaching aims: By the end of the class, Students will be able to 1. read the passage effectively and get some information about English course in LA through the proper reading strategies.2. describe a summer course using and, but ,or etc.and the words and

5、expressions in this passage.3. introduce one summer course and persuade the other students to take part in it.Key points: By the end of the class, Students will be able to 1. read the passage effectively and get some information about English course in LA through the proper reading strategies.2. des

6、cribe a summer course using and, but ,or etc.and the words and expressions in this passage.Difficulties:Get the information by using the reading strategies and plan a summer course for others. 教学过程教学阶段教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1.Pre-reading(5)u Guess and revisionGreet to the students and review the words in s

7、entences quickly. Lead in the topic by questions and picturesWhere are Daming and Ling going in the summer holiday? What are they going to do ? What do you think of the course?How much do you know about LA? Get ready for the class. Read the sentences carefully and remember the meanings. Lean-in the

8、topic by questions 根据学生的层次特点,通过检查预习短文,帮助学生巩固生词,尽快进入学习状态。Step 2While- reading(15) Getting main ideasAsk the student to read the passage for the first time quickly and try to get the main idea and then read it for the second time to match the paragraphs with the key words. Skim the passage and find th

9、e main ideas and get the headings of the paragraphs.对所学材料进行整体阅读,指导学生运用略读策略迅速搜索到主题句及段落关键词,培养学生根据关键词归纳段意的能力。Getting detailed information Ask the students to read the passage again and find more information of the summer course in LA and complete the form.See appendix 1 Read the passage carefully and f

10、ind out the key sentences which can help them.通过细读进一步理解课文的结构,培养学生根据提示定位正确信息和整体阅读的能力。Step3 Post -reading(10) RetellingShow the chart and retell in pairs. Make sure that the students can ask and answer the questions by themselves freely. Try to retell the text by using the phrases which have given . T

11、hen answer them to practice the language and the useful sentences.熟悉描述一个课程内容的句型的同时,练习使用and but or来进行表达。为帮助学生运用语言知识奠定基础。Step4TaskIntroduce a course in groups.(10) Task completingAsk the students to work in groups and make up a passage. The students listen carefully and know what to do well, then they

12、 can discuss in groups and practice.通过小组合作学习,帮助学生树立合作意识,培养协作精神,更好地为学生提供相互学习,帮助学习的机会,促进语言运用能力的发展,为接下来的语言输出做准备。同时,引导学生热爱学习和热爱文化的意识。Step 5 Out-put(5) Work showing Ask the students to present in the class. Evaluation Ask them to evaluate their activities . Act out their work and consolidate the key sent

13、ences.Fill the form of evaluation. 帮助学生增强自信心,反思自己的学习过程,确定新的学习目标。Homework1 Read the passage of Unit 2 on page 58 in supplementary reading. 2 Write a passage to introduce a summer course.3 Aim book M7U2 understand what to do after class.巩固所学知识,为 独立写作做好准备。Blackboard Design: Module 7 Summer in Los Angel

14、esUnit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!Information about English courses:e) Study English with us; American culture ,your English,at the same timea) Teachingc) Places to stayb) Free timed) More informationAppendix 评价量规: 学生自评EvaluationYes No I listened to the teacher carefully in class.I was quick to answer the teachers questions in class.I was a friendly and helpful partner in group work.I was active in group work.



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