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1、2013年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷(A 卷)(考试时间: 2013 年 5 月 19 日 上午 9:0011:00)一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。每小题1 分,共 40 分)1根据INCOTERMS 2000的规定,就买方承担的货物风险而言,()。AC 组和D 组术语最小,F 组其次,E 组最大B E 组术语最小,F 组和C 组其次,D 组最大CF 组和C 组术语最大,E 组其次,D 组最小D D组术语最小,F 组和C 组其次,E 组最大2我国一般原产地证书的官方发证机构是()。A 贸促会B出入境检验检疫局C制造商D出口商3自2009 年1 月1 日起,

2、我国一般纳税人在进口设备作为固定资产时所发生的(),可从销项税额中抵扣。A 进口关税B进口环节增值税C进口环节消费税D进口环节增值税和进口环节消费税4在我国进出口贸易中,若按FAS 术语成交,下面说法错误的是()。A 卖方要在约定时间内将合同规定货物交到指定装运港买方所指派船只的船边B若买方所派船只不能靠岸,卖方要负责用驳船把货物运至船边,仍在船边交货C装船的责任和费用由买方承担D在船上完成交货义务5山东邹可进出口有限公司出口一批大蒜到日本,该批货物于2009年 4 月7 日装运,要求船公司以2009 年4 月 6 日作为提单日期签发提单,则该提单称为()。A 顺签提单B倒签提单C过期提单D预

3、借提单6根据我国票据法规定,当汇票大小写金额不一致时,()。A 以大写金额为准B以小写金额为准C票据无效D由付款行决定7我国加工贸易合同审批的主管部门是()。A 国务院B国家发改委C海关D商务厅(委)8我国出口商品检验时,对产地和报关地相一致的出境货物,经检验检疫合格的,出入境检验检疫局出具()。A 出境货物通关单B出境货物换证凭单C出境货物换证凭条D出境货物不合格通知单9经中华人民共和国国务院批准,我国于2009 年 4 月 1 日已将纺织品、服装出口退税率提高到()。A14%B 15%C 16%D 17%10我国的进口许可证最多只能延期()次,延期最长不超过()个月。A 1、2B1、3C

4、2、6D2、911商品名称及编码协调制度规定,商品编码的第五、六位码表示()。A 类B章C目D子目12以下属于中国强制认证标志的是()。A FCCB CCCC FTCD UL13()是属于委托代售的贸易方式。A 寄售B经销C代理D回购14当预测本币汇率上升,计价外币汇率下降,进口商应争取()。A 提前付款B提前收款C推迟付款D推迟收款15根据国际惯例,唛头一般不包括以下哪项内容?()A 收、发货人名称的英文缩写B参考号C件号D包装尺寸16我国流通型外贸企业在办理出口退税时,以下哪种单据可以不用向国税局提交?()A 出口货物报关单(出口退税联)B出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用联)C商业发票D增值税

5、专用发票(抵扣联)17 Bidding Documents 是由()编制的。A 招标人B投标人C开标人D评审专家18计算航空货物的体积重量时,其计算公式为:货物体积重量=货物体积()。33A 6m /kgB 0.6m /kgC330.06m /kgD 0.006m /kg19在我国进出口贸易中, 知识产权权利人在口岸发现侵权嫌疑货物后,可以直接向 ()申请采取责令停止侵权行为或者财产保全的措施。A 工商局B人民法院C口岸海关D商务部20假远期信用证中贴现费用由()支付。A 开证申请人B受益人C开证行D通知行21 What is the term when the consignment is

6、delivered with all the charges up to arrival at theport of destination paid by the seller? ()A FOBB FCAC DDUD CIF22Where goods are to be dispatched by road, rail or air instead of by sea, the documentary creditwill call for a road transport document or a rail transport document or an airway bill ins

7、teadof().A a bill of exchangeB a certificate of originC a bill of ladingD a certificate of insurance23 The drawee of a cheque is() .A the person who is to receive paymentB the bank that has to make paymentC the last person to endorse the chequeD the person whose bank account will be debited24 A bank

8、 that opens an L/C at the request of an importer is a (an) () .A issuing bankB paying bankC accepting bankD informing bank25 Tariffs can () .A decrease the domestic price of a productB increase government earnings from taxesC increase the quantity of importsD decrease domestic production26 Foreign t

9、rade can be conducted on the following terms of payment except forA open accountB documentary collectionC documentary creditsD public bonds27 The risk of breakage is considered to be() .A Free from Particular AverageB General Additional RisksC With AverageD Special Additional Risks() .28 If a seller

10、 finds any discrepancies in the letter of credit against the sales contract, whomshould he write to asking for an amendment? ()A the issuing bankB the advising bankC the applicantD the negotiating bank29 A clean transport documents is one which bears no clause or notation declaring a defectivecondit

11、ion of the() .A vesselB B/L itselfC goods or their packagingD voyage30 Which of the following payment modes may bring the lowest risk to a seller?A T/T in advanceB L/CC D/PD D/A()Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Negotiations work wonders. This is particularly so in international business since it is mostly through negotiations that exporters and importers bridge their differences and



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