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1、Selection and Rating of TransformersA). IntroductionThe number of non-linear loads which draw non-sinusoidal currents even if fed with sinusoidal voltage -connected to the power supply system is large and is continuing to grow rapidly. These currents can bedefined in terms of a fundamental component

2、 and harmonic components of higher order.In power transformers the main consequence of harmonic currents is an increase in losses, mainly inwindings, because of the deformation of the leakage fields. Higher losses mean that more heat is generatedin the transformer so that the operating temperature i

3、ncreases, leading to deterioration of the insulationand a potential reduction in lifetime.As a result, it is necessary to reduce the maximum power load on the transformer, a practice referred to asde-rating, or to take extra care in the design of the transformer to reduce these losses.To estimate th

4、e de-rating of the transformer, the loads K-factor may be used. This factor is calculatedaccording to the harmonic spectrum of the load current and is an indication of the additional eddy currentload losses. It reflects the excess losses experienced in a traditional wire wound transformer.Modern tra

5、nsformers use alternative winding designs such as foil windings or mixed wire/foil windings.移B)宫.忽Tr屡an著sf往or号me御r 拔lo穗ss体es插Tr邀an扬sf来or伴me域r 吨lo袋ss员es侍 c梨on梁si旨st占s 暴of陶 n俱o-水lo厚ad饺 (尸or糕 c半or爱e 开lo剖ss奋) 剪an式d 涂lo嚼ad龙 l主os什se搜s.怜 T您hi革s 圣ca闹n 都be眠 e望xp舅re怪ss秃ed掘 b防y 连th阳e 属eq匹ua锁ti灵on凑be阶lo陪w.帅wh讲e

6、r切e:柱P凶C 粪= 旦co漆re办 o桃r 随no棵-l厨oa杨d 从lo搏ss修,朗P竿LL闸炉= 般lo呼ad肾 l碎os械s寸P馅T 表= 画to抚ta扬l 鬼lo植ss征.削Co洞re而 o钱r 届no版-l那oa愿d 纱lo希ss境 i手s 驻du慨e 着to省 t士he草 v卷ol东ta巡ge淋 e呆xc误it悔at灿io茶n 被of宅 t土he绢 c惠or泪e.供 A属lt锈ho卡ug迹h 且th泡e 关ma淹gn污et百iz选in哥g管 c急ur芝re志nt栋 d顿oe姓s炼in仙cl最ud钓e 另ha采rm碑on征ic潜s,讯 t辈he葛se床 a珍re诱 e测xt婶re

7、蚂me隔ly犹 s崇ma怖ll凤 c禁om归pa眨re邻d 菠wi泳th鄙 t秆he滴 l上oa去d 峰cu哀rr颂en巾t 必an浓d 挡th躲ei缩r 貌ef站fe劝ct要 o少n 胡th歌e 剖lo毙ss忠es盛is式 m相in萄im检al妈.珍 L材oa丸d 最lo完ss剧es惑 a五re燥 m帐ad降e 锄up邮 o辞f 稼I扑 R铜 l肿os毁s,蛮 e比dd谨y 作cu吊rr芬en裂t 合lo潮ss用 a男nd翁 s萌tr伞ay冰 l洒os路s,葱 o懒r 螺in替 e续qu胆at博io芽n 详fo耍rm砍:辰W娱he鸣re扣:阀I寒R 钓= 殊lo膜ss寻 d协ue尊 t皆o

8、区lo匠ad终 c促ur俩re问nt甘 a每nd佩 D皂C 帜re膀si烤st蔑an铲ce肚 o晌f 蜂th辣e 昨wi概nd摩in删gs电P姐EC英龟= 雁wi规nd即in美g 勒ed敞dy肆 c昼ur场re汽nt年 l振os捉s西P丘SL民晴= 畅st扫ra轧y 垄lo预ss剧es授 i帽n 阅cl底am漫ps夹, 铸ta色nk榆s,滴 e脑tc献.单Th粘e 句I匹R 稻lo耐ss名 i乘s 骡du猾e 酷to大 t叼he做 c花ur张re塑nt制 f件lo铁wi奴ng猎 i翻n 规th津e 蔽re朗si旱st醋an嫂ce女 o必f 氏th群e 够wi斩nd尸in斑gs底. 悦It溪 i

9、康s 减al隔so堪 c跌al绒le球d 崭oh游mi叠c 短lo匙ss若 o庭r锣dc辫 o蜜hm薯ic临 l淋os挎s.常 T屠he视 o溉hm捡ic泰 l幸os侮s 坡is帐 p坟ro胜po瞒rt奸io扑na刺l 誉to讽 t字he反 s御qu及ar考e 铜of碗 t匹he侮 m穷ag臭ni工tu塌de甚 o伶f 羞th尸e 竖lo锯ad办 c辈ur较re弃nt秧,坚in燥cl惜ud鼠in肾g 跪th域e 篮ha延rm仗on啦ic精 c桨om滋po态ne专nt杏s,灯 b虏ut箱 i坑s 您in局de径pe驱nd贩en证t 巨of胡 t瘦he熟 f执re娘qu晃en严cy宿. 萝It筝

10、i炕s 宫de乔te党rm浅in医ed敞 b忽y 倒me乳as华ur鲜in熟g映th朱e 证dc摸 r舍es淡is址ta说nc妈e 岔an钞d 梅ca缘lc思ul纵at脑in详g 丸th房e 软re界su握lt跪in宜g 着lo熟ss备 u泪si被ng框 t抢he守 w访in迫di掏ng精 c治ur由re针nt代s 西at畏 f比ul暮l 感lo余ad季.龙Th驶er既e 凳ar杆e 牛no杀 t挤es胶t 脸me垦th圣od跟s 猪av禁ai遣la即bl船e 执to毁 d格et拳er讽mi刑ne舍 i聪nd雀iv保id类ua驰l 舱wi棒nd窄in盯g 弱ed植dy魔 c兵ur气re甚nt前

11、 l炉os登s 档or号 t附o 页se据pa钟ra眠te狱tr始an鞠sf蔑or崭me前r 爱st姐ra枪y 校lo许ss菜 f渠ro睬m 铸ed巨dy尽 c牺ur检re挤nt捎 l绪os载s.毒 I做ns诸te苦ad目, 哲th煤e 村to神ta凯l 熊st愿ra寺y 蝴an青d 幸ed资dy储 c观ur鱼re僵nt赚 l州os藏s 赢is右 d含et逆er贸mi讲ne邪d届by扯 d稀et板er艳mi若ni凤ng恳 t城he员 t至ot荒al喉 l醉oa帽d 荒lo同ss绕 a益nd果 s弱ub奸tr乏ac责ti鼻ng扛 t笛he慧 c例al脑cu脂la饲te骨d 皆oh拖mi悔c 翻l

12、o营ss脏es应, 畜i.斯e.再,昂Th龟e 殖ed科dy副 c维ur栽re脉nt棚 l犬os享s 口is蝶 a抗ss收um到ed肆 t胡o 烟va挪ry欺 w湿it待h 夏th怒e 肤sq酱ua辆re安 o彼f 岗th日e 扇rm牧s 搬cu觉rr误en本t 留an沉d 兰th裹e 砍sq加ua尺re量 o瓣f 真th我e 遇fr跃eq农ue眯nc块y胶(h缺ar残mo连ni氧c 基or院de钱r 择h漏),剥 i垒.e订.,亦W疲he涂re迁:杏h 喘= 劝ha据rm再on在ic域 o轿rd把er效, 悄1,泻2,桨3,矿 e收tc抢.犁h巨ma滤x 瓶= 船th鼻e 破gr饮ea疯te

13、巩st慕 h尚ar丢mo衫ni魄c 越or转de浇r 畜to添 b阁e 饼co凝ns遥id售er星ed抓I坡h 挎= 锁cu崭rr腾en双t 兰at戚 h南ar梦mo案ni害c 琴or经de迁r 货h诸, 亦am嗽pe柔re详s稳 h痒,陕I餐R 扭= 堡ra裂te蛛d 增cu糠rr轧en惨t,附 a运mp棕er杀es山,谨P想EC崖,R搅忠= 炎ed可dy胡 c饰ur密re费nt欢 l紧os灾s 缝at押 r乞at档ed倍 c严ur列re获nt搞 a砌nd岂 f酿re魔qu仇en身cy逗.辉Th碎e 删ed瓣dy金 c汤ur赵re巾nt夺 l宅os魂s 当de睡pe眼nd播s 适on密 t俭

14、he能 s翻qu寄ar的e 结of轿 t燕he智 c异on剧du居ct丰or均 d俩im腿en脂si燃on适 p再er卡pe右nd约ic纹ul客ar扑 t沿o 赴th琴e 按le际ak席ag机e 星fl脊ux将fi拆el浆d.陵 A锋t 悔th扩e 贡en挣ds卧 o大f 肯th杨e 监wi壁nd惑in即g 申th谷e 天fl恳ux桥 f菊ie拍ld默 b姐en乞ds劳 a宗nd愁 t友h羞e 渗la屠rg言er语 d疾im顶en捐si炼on拣 o雅f 勒th缎e 隔re赏ct病an让gu僻la野r 胡co衫nd泊uc燕to电r森is烟 p责er郊pe童nd乐ic卧ul关ar虾 t测o 专a

15、侮ve串ct便or猜 c菜om很po遗ne欧nt去 o季f 培th际e 倡le到ak穴ag如e 封fl职ux资 f剂ie闻ld验. 络Eq摄ua无li秒zi伶ng初 t扛he穴 h伟ei送gh堡t 扶of冬 d廊ie忧 p载ri胁ma绵ry壳 a垃nd英se顶co阿nd净ar疾y 习wi驼nd悼in倡gs泄, 监wh鞭ic采h 嘴ca冠n 苏be氧 a慎ch消ie阻ve橡d 状wi汇th外 a律ny仰 w楼in侮di齐ng纽 d昆es良ig蜓n,逮 r段ed搅uc午es惠 t割he饺 c辱on惭ce脆nt代ra西te盛d 托ed猴dy喘 l慌os绩s他at贷 t抖he雀 w乒in因di飘ng谷

16、 e询nd艳s.量 U刷si广ng旱捏Fo份il趴 w识in裂di驳ng慧s 棒or暑它mu差lt屡ip击le驾 s萍tr鞋an梅ds短 p版er帝 w劳in锁di壮ng歉 r献ed弟uc景es些 b霞ot止h 异ed镇dy稼 c际ur悔re按nt限 l国os饼s凉.局St头ra住y 形lo吴ss原 o酒cc面ur蒸s 坝du拦e 眼to穗 t煎he下 s雨tr泪ay霸 f高lu只x 仇wh而ic著h 诊in辞tr舒od掘uc榨es胃 l承os炮se协s 门in蕉 t脉he繁 c杨or之e,栏 c泰la段mp钟s,沾 t级an还k 代an奏d 台ot辰he芦r 谎ir贵on家 p野ar妥ts剩.动St委ra晃y 棋lo宰ss连 m习ay栗 r袭ai贪se侮 t侧he背 t推em辱pe业ra乌tu讨re忽s 船of渣 t格he中 s能tr恭uc乐tu近ra么l 统pa环rt铺s



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