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1、理解和表达理解和表达是翻译过程中两个紧密联系的阶段,理解是表达的前提,没有正确的理解就不可能有正确的表达。具体到八级考试翻译测试中,考生应正确理解原文中的词法和句法结构,修辞手法,以及原文中涉及的文化背景知识等。请看下面的例子: 我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁. 误译: My advisor, an Asian, was addicted to alcohols and cigarettes. 改译: My advisor, an Asian American, was addicted to alcohols and cigarettes. 这是1997年八级考试汉译英试题中的一句,很

2、多考生将亚裔人理解为亚洲人,而译成Asian,这显然是不对的.根据原文的语境,这里的亚裔人指的是已经取得美国国籍的亚洲人,应翻译成Asian American. Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. 误译: 在著名的夏天的逝世者中,我们会想起玛丽莲梦露和詹姆斯迪恩,他们的生命都是既短促又圆满的. 改译: 在著名的英年早逝者中,我们会想起玛丽莲梦露和詹姆斯迪恩,他们的生命都是既

3、短促又圆满的。 这是2000年八级考试英译汉试题中的一句,居中summer deaths 短语中的summer不是夏天的意思,而是壮年,全盛期的意思。如此错误的理解导致译文在意思上和原文相去甚远.英语八级汉译英练习:追忆往事 老太太总以自家花园里那棵高大的玫瑰树为荣。她非常喜欢告诉别人,数年前她初次结婚时从罗马带回来的枝条,是如何长成如今这般高大的。那时,她与丈夫乘马车从罗马旅行归来(那时还没有火车),途经锡耶那南部的崎岖路段时,马车坏了,他们被迫就宿于路边的小屋里。住宿条件当然非常差;她一夜未能安眠,一早便起身穿好衣服,立于窗前,感受着扑面而来的席席凉风,等待着黎明的到来。事隔多年,她仍然记

4、得那情景。明月高悬在青山群峦之上,远处山峰上的小镇逐渐明亮起来,月亮慢慢消退,晨曦把群山涂得粉红。突然之间,一束阳光照亮了城镇。城里的窗户相继明亮起来,反射出耀眼的光芒。最后,整个小城宛若繁星,在天空中不停闪烁。The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from Italy, when she was first marri

5、ed. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome ( it was before the time of railways ) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. The accommodation was wretched of course; she

6、had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. She could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them, and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually

7、grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the sun beam, till at last the whole little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a

8、nest of stars.英语八级汉译英练习:进取的幸福 正是因为不停地追求进取,我们才感到生活幸福。一件事完成后,另一件随之而来,如此连绵不绝,永无止境。对于往前看的人来说,眼前总有一番新天地。虽然我们蜗居于这颗小行星上,整日忙于锁事且生命短暂,但我们生来就有不尽的希望,如天上繁星,遥不可及。只要生命犹在,希望便会不止。真正的幸福在于怎样开始,而不是如何结束,在于我们的希翼,而并非拥有。We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in an endless series.

9、There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hoping is prolonged until the term of life. To

10、 be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have. 英语八级汉译英练习:婚姻使人肥? 我和丈夫结婚已经五年了,从我们的腰围就能看出来。虽然我们俩都还算天生苗条,也尽量定期健身,但自打结婚生子以来我们还是无可避免地长胖了一点。(事实上,我那个还在学步的孩子这段时间最喜欢的活动就是揪着我的肚皮狂笑。真是多谢了。)刊登在肥胖(Obesity)杂志和商业周刊网站(BusinessW)的新研究发现,已婚夫妇变得肥胖的机率是正在恋爱但尚未结

11、婚或同居的人的两倍。结婚时间越长,体重增加、变得肥胖的风险就越大。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的研究人员说,两个人生活在一起就会一同行动,比如说一块儿吃饭看电视。科学家们还强调,婚姻会带来许多健康方面的好处,比如说少抽烟,死亡率也会降低。Does Marriage Make You Fat?My husband and I have been married for five years and you can tell by our waistlines. While were both naturally

12、 pretty slim and try to exercise somewhat regularly, weve definitely put on a few pounds since we exchanged vows (thats us in the picture) and since we had our son. (In fact, my toddlers favorite activity these days is squeezing my belly and giggling hysterically. Thanks.)New research, published in

13、the journal Obesity and written about at BusinessW, found that married couples are twice as likely to become obese as people in romantic relationships who werent married or living together. The longer couples are married, the greater the risk of gaining weight and becoming obese.The researchers, fro

14、m the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, say when people are living together they share behaviors, such as eating meals together and watching TV. The scientists also note that marriage provides a number of health benefits, including decreased cigarette smoking and lower mortality.英语八级汉译英练习

15、:压力效应一艘货轮卸货后在浩瀚的大海上返航时,突然遭遇了可怕的风暴。水手们惊慌失措,经验丰富的老船长果断地命令水手们立刻打开货舱,往里面灌水。“船长是不是疯了,往船舱里灌水只会增加船的压力,使船下沉,这不是自寻死路吗?”一个年轻的水手嘟哝着。看着船长严厉的脸色,水手们还是照做了。随着货船里的水位越升越高,随着船一寸一寸地下沉,猛烈的狂风巨浪对船的威胁却一点一点地减少,货轮渐渐平稳了。船长望着松了一口气的水手们说:“百万吨的巨轮很少有被打翻的,被打翻的常常是份量轻的小船。船在负重的时候,是最安全的;空船时,则是最危险的。”Homeward bound after unloading its ca

16、rgo, a ship ran into a violent storm in the middle of a vast ocean. The seamen were thrown into a panic. Without hesitation, the old but seasoned captain ordered water be poured into the hold immediately. A mad man, isnt he? He is going to bring his own destruction by filling water into the hold and making the ship go down, grumbled a young sailor.Not


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