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1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教学设计Section A Period 1望城区乔口中学 唐雄鹰一、教学目标 1、知识与技能1) 正确表达部分电视节目的名称talent show, sports show, talk show, game show, sitcom, news, soap opera等;2) 正确表达喜好程度I cant stand them. I dont mind them. I like/love them. / I dont like them. 3)掌握以下句型 What do you want to watch? W

2、hat do you think of talk shows? 2、 过程与方法通过对话和听力训练,能够实际运用目标语言谈论对电视节目、身边事物的看法与偏好。3、情感态度价值观目标: 学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称;学习谈论对某些事物的喜欢与不喜欢;树立正确的文化观念,形成自己独立的个性。二、教学重难点1、教学重点:学习掌握各类电视和电视节目的名称;学会谈论自己的喜好。2、教学难点:学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。三、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up 1、Listen to the music of Dad,where are we going an

3、d introduce the TV show.2、The families plan to visit Qiaokou,then talk about the places.Step 2 Presentation1、Task TimeTask 1 Know the names of TV shows.(1)Listen to the music and show some pictures ,learn the names of TV shows.talent show, sports show, talk show, game show, sitcom, news, soap opera(

4、2)Explain the meaning to the Ss. Then talk about them. (3)Work on 1a: Match the TV shows with the pictures a-gTask 2 Talk about the shows.(1)Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher. Then let Ss make their own conversation using the shows and preferences. (2)Let some pairs ask and answer about

5、 the shows. (3)Ask them to act out their conversations. Step 3 ListeningTask 3 Listen and match.(1)Work on 1b:Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them.(2)Check the answers with the Ss.(3)Play the recording again. Choose the right answer.Step 4 Exercise Task 4 Challenge yourself.2、G

6、ame TimePlay a game of Lucky Wheel.3、Lunch TimeTalk about the situation and the food.Step 5 Summary (1)What did you learn this class?(2)What do you think of the tasks/activities?Step 6 Homework1. Write a small passage about your favorite TV show and why you like it.TV showThink ofWhy2. Memorize the new words we learnt in this lesson.Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? talk shows soap operassports shows What do you think of sitcoms ?game shows talent showsnewsI cant stand them. I dont mind them. I like/love them. / I dont like them. 四、板书设计五、教学反思


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