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1、 考点精练译林英语4年级下册 Unit 8A卷: 课堂点拨题 Story time1. (1)Hello! May I speak to Nancy? _ A. Yes, speaking. B. Yes, Im Nancy. C. No, Im not Nancy.(2)_ is Yang Ling speaking. A. She B. This C. He2. (1)【易错】Its time _ having the cake. A. about B. for C. to(2)【易错】-Can she come to school tomorrow ? - A. Yes, she can

2、. B. Yes, I can. C. No, she isnt.3. (1) Whats the matter? I have _. A .ill B. a cold C. cold(2)【易错】Im very _ . A. cold B. a cold C. cough(3)【易错】Whats the matter? He a headache. A.have B.has C.does have(4)Im hot. Heres _ for you. A. an umbrella B. a fan C. a chair4. (1)_are you ? Not so good. A. How

3、abou B. How C. What about(2)-I have a fever. - _ A. Thank you. B. Great! C. Im sorry to hear that.5. 【易错】Nancy is not school. She is ill. She is sleeping bed. A.at;in B.on;on C.in;in B卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.Hello, this is Bobby speaking. Hello, _ Sam. A. I am B. / C. this is( )2.I cant _ school today. A.

4、 go B. come C. come to( )3.Whats the matter with_? Hes got a fever. A. he B. his C. him( )4.Whats the matter _Tim? He has a fever. A. for B. with C. to( )5.【易错】He doesnt come to school today. He_ a bad cough. A. has B. have C. is( )6.【易错】Its today. Ive got . A.cold;cold B. cold;a cold C. a cold;cold

5、 ( )7.Helen has a cold. _ A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Take care. C. What a pity!( )8.Here _ some water. A. is B. are C. /9.选出每组词中不同类的一项( )1. A.may B.can C.have( )2. A.here B.hear C.there( )3. A.sorry B.fine C.thanks ( )4. A.fine B.good C.well D.matter( )5. A.how B.what C.feel D.where二填入适当的词1.hear(同

6、音词) 2.Ive(完全形式) 3.Hes(完全形式) / 4. Hello! This is Helen _(speak)5. Yang Ling _(have) a big bag.6. Can you _(see) that boy?7. The jeans _(be) my brothers.8. How _(be) your father?9. I want _(drink) some water.10. I can see some _(flower) over there.11. Heres some _(milk).12. Let _(I) have a look.13.How

7、 (be) your father?14.I want (drink) some water.15.When do you do (you) homework?三翻译1.take care 2.去划船 3.做家庭作业 4.去参加聚会 5.与某人通话 6.Dont be sad. 7.又累又渴 8.在我的学校 9.盒子里的派 10.想要来看你 11.去看一场足球比赛 12.have a cough 13.lunch for the fox 14.take this pill 15.感冒 16.我今天不能到校。 I school.17.【易错】他发烧了,他不能去公园。He a fever. He

8、go to the park.18.【易错】她怎么了? 她感冒了,咳嗽。 - the with ?-She a and a .19.星期天我们没有任何的课程。We dont lessons Sundays.四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1.can, I, to, school, come, tomorrow (.) 2.and, come, a, have, of, water, glass (.) 3.want, I, drink, water, to, some (.) 4.box, cakes, see, the, in, we, can, two ( . ) 5.school,

9、five, not, thirty, she, at, is, at ( . ) 6.want, ten, to, Tom, go, and, bed, at, Tim, to ( . ) 7.my, can, to, tomorrow, home, he, come ( ? ) 五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.I cant come to the school. 2.Im have a headache and a cough. 3.Is Mike a girl? No,she isnt. 4.Whats the matter? I have headache. 5.Lets go see her. 6.Liu Tao have a swimming lesson, too. 7.Whats the matter? -I have cough. 8.Here is some pies for you. 9.We have seven lessons at school. 10.Whos jeans are these? 11.I have headache. 12.Shes not very good. 13.Herere some hot dog for you.



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