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1、读后续写示例与写作训练7【写作示例】【原文呈现】阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Tringg-Tringggggg! Anna rolled in bed hoping the ringing would stop. When she eventually answered, her maid was calling to inform she wouldnt come as usual, as rains had flooded her house. Unhappy, Anna slid back under the quilt, wishing she also

2、 could stay in. Having moved to the city few months back, Anna lived alone and worked with an advertising firm. Assisting her colleague Mary on a presentation for a rich customer Mr. John, Anna worked rather hard. However, the fact that she wasnt part of the team handling the deal was highly dishear

3、tening. Reaching for the bedside clock, she woke up hurriedly. 8:00 am the red figure glared back. Damn! Late AGAIN! Taking a quick shower, she rushed to the bus-stop. She had barely stepped out when downpour caught her in the middle. Blaming the rains, she made her way through the crowd when she sp

4、otted her bus leaving. She ran after it but lost her balance and her purse contents spilled out. Frustratingly looking up towards heaven, Anna sighed. Stuffing her purse, she decided to take a taxi. Attempting to hail an empty taxi for 20 minutes, Anna paced restlessly, when someone pulled at her. A

5、 young beggar girl was vying for attention. Anna shrugged her off, assuming the girl wanted money. However, the girl held out her hand holding Annas mobile, which Anna left behind when she dropped her bag. Embarrassed at her insensitivity, Anna offered her chocolate for appreciation, which the girl

6、grabbed quickly. The prize lighting up her face, she joined her companions, playing in the rains with joy. Annas heart soared seeing the poor children treasure the little things. Half-hour later, Anna stepped into her office which to no surprise wore a deserted look. Before she could reach her desk,

7、 Chris was walking towards her. “ Meeting with John now! Mary is not in because of water logging in here, we will go ahead”, Chris ordered seriously. Shocked yet excited at the development, Anna followed. Post the meeting, Chris announced that staff should leave instantly as thunderstorms were predi

8、cted. 注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 应使用5个以上短文标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。Paragraph 1:After an eventful day, Anna reached home, hungry and exhausted._Paragraph 2: Lost in thought, Anna looked back on the events of the day._【思维路径】核心内容 文本主要内容为:一大早,Anna诸事不顺:女佣因大雨不能来做家务;上班时错过了公

9、交车;追赶公交车时摔了一跤;打的迟迟等不到车。但幸运的是,手机失而复得、工作出现了转机 写作思路(1)明确故事人物关系(characters)。公司职员Anna、Anna的女佣、Ann的同事Mary、上司Chris、大客户Mr. John、捡到她手机的乞丐。(2)理清故事主要事件(events)。下雨天女佣请假,Anna上班错过了公交车,追赶公交车时摔了一跤,等出租车久候不至,乞丐送回了捡到的手机,上班后因同事请假意外地被委以重任。(3)根据已知人物、事件及续写段落首句预测故事发展(development)。故事总体的发展应该是Anna下班后又累又饿,但是因为女佣请假只能拖着疲惫的身躯继续做家


11、;如果不是因为大雨同事Mary没来上班,她就无法得到上司的重用。可见,塞翁失马,焉知非福等。(4)结合下划线词罗列写作要点(points)结合下划线词和文本内容,展开尽可能丰富的想象,罗列出尽可能多的故事发展情节。例如,第一段可以通过问以下问题来获取写作要点:“What did Anna do at home? How did she feel at first? Did something unexpected happen to her again?等”。 第二段可以问以下问题来获取写作要点:“How did she think her maids absence? What would

12、happen if she caught the bus? Was it a coincidence for her to get her mobile back? What does this story intend to convey?等”。参考范文After an eventful day, Anna reached home, hungry and exhausted. The moment she came in, she saw a messy house. “Why is the universe out to get me?” she screamed, taking on

13、the boring tasks of cooking and cleaning. After a while, Anna realized she was enjoying herself and the “me-time” made her refreshed. Coffee for company, she settled to catch the news. Disturbing images of a minor accident were being broadcast. Annas heart sank when she figured that it was the bus t

14、hat she had missed. Lost in thought, Anna looked back on the events of the day. Had the maid showed up, Anna wouldnt have the chance to appreciate lifes simple joys. If she caught the taxi earlier, she wouldnt have got her mobile back. Had it not been incessantly raining, Mary would attend the meeti

15、ng instead of Anna. Overcome with a strange feeling that the universe was sort of looking after her, Anna smiled, closed her eyes, said a small thank you to GOD and promised to look more carefully for the tiny bright spot in every gloom and be more patient in understanding lifes hidden meaning. When one door closes, another opens. 范文解析 范文围绕文章的内容进行了合情合理的拓展。前面的文本出现了很多的转折,因此,第一段延续这种内容的设定,写了Anna对做家务前后心态的变化,结合上文的伏笔,引出本文一个高潮:原本Anna要搭乘的公交车出事故了。第二段的目的在于通过Anna对这一天的反思,对全文进行概括,突出故事的主题。提炼归纳 1. 把握内在线索好的故事往往上下文呼应,所谓“草蛇灰线,伏脉千里”。因此,要做好文本的续


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