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1、U3T2SBSection B. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第二话题的第二课时。主活动是1a和2a。通过Jane和Yukio不同的问候方式,进入本课的重点:谈论肢体语言。1a通过对话引入话题,1b和1c都是基于1a 而进行的理解练习。2a和2b则让学生学习收集常见的肢体语言。3要求学生完成排序,通过排序的过程,让学生在阅读中理解肢体语言在沟通中的重要性。4是一个很有趣的活动,贴近学生的生活。通过这个活动,也是要求学生在生活中要善于观察,学会“察言观色”。通过本课的学习,让学生通过肢体语言,知道一些讲英语国家的交际礼仪。. Teaching aims1. Knowle

2、dge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,了解一些讲英语国家的常见肢体语言。2. Skill aims: 能看懂一些常见的肢体语言。能在沟通中合理地运用肢体语言。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 培养学生在生活中善于观察,并能据此作出适当反应的能力。4. Culture awareness: (optional) 让学生知道语言具有多元性,知道肢体语言也是文化的一部分。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: silence, praise, research, s

3、ecret, victory, misunderstanding, be known as, use sth. to do sth., help sb. with sth., avoid doing sth.Sentences: I wonder if body language means the same thing in all cultures. I think that is known as body language.Grammar: Expressing the future by present continuous.2. Difficult points: 能理解在不同的国

4、家,同一个肢体语言的含义是有差异的。. Learning strategies 在交际的过程中,遇到语言障碍,能运用肢体语言来辅助交际。 在学习的过程中,要有意识地收集一些讲英语国家的常见肢体语言。 在做1c 时,要学会使用速记的方法。. Teaching aids图片/录音机/幻灯片/准备好材料的小黑板/卓别林的幽默剧片段等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(

5、2mins)Class activityChoose some Ss to play the game “I say, you do”.T: Hi, everyone! Fun time now! Would you like to play a game with me? Who wants to try? Dont worry. Its very easy. Just act out what I say.T: Good luck.T: Show respect.T: Express anger. T: Show agreement.T: Show friendship. .Listen

6、to the teachers instructions and act accordingly.老师可以把1a 和3里面的肢体语言编进来。能够播放一小段卓别林的幽默剧更好,无声电影都是通过肢体语言来表达的。2Revision(3mins)Individual workPrepare some Chinese sentences and ask the Ss to translate them into English and then read them out.T: Look at these sentences, you have to put them into English on

7、a piece of paper, then I will choose some Ss to read your sentences.Translate the sentences into English and read them out.S1: They are leaving for Beijing tomorrow.S2: Mr. White is staying here for only three days.S3: My mom is cooking in the kitchen now.S4: Miss Lee is coming back in three days.用现

8、在进行时态表示正在进行的动作和表示将要进行的动作都要有所体现。3Pre-listening(3mins)Individual workLet the Ss read the statements in 1b and 1c and learn “bow, hip” by themselves.T: Read the statements in 1b, 1c. Try to learn the two new words by yourselves. If you have any difficulty, you can ask your partner or me for help. Read

9、the statements in 1b and 1c. Learn “bow, hips”. Guess some of the blanks in 1c.让学生学会在听前进行猜测。4While-listening (6mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Play the tape recorder. Let the Ss do 1b. T: Listen to the tape, do 1b.Step 2: Play the tape recorder again. Let the Ss do 1c. Tell the Ss to writ

10、e the short forms at first and then write down the full words. T: Listen to the tape again. This time, you fill in the blanks, but dont try to complete the words at one time; you can just write the short forms at first. You can finish them after listening.Listen to 1a and do 1b.Listen to 1a again an

11、d do 1c.在学生做1c时,老师要告诉学生:不要试图一次性写完单词,只需要要写一个自己明白的简体,听完以后再补充完整。5Post-listening(23mins)Individual workGroup workGroup workIndividual workGroup workGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a, find the new words “silence, praise, research”, check the answers to 1b and 1c by themselves, then check together. Fin

12、ish 1b and 1c.T: Now, lets check the answers.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again, discuss in groups and list the key points. Finish 1a.T: Read 1a again, discuss in groups, and list the key points.Step3: Let the Ss study and discuss the gestures in 2a and try to match the meaning with the gesture.T: We

13、have learned some gestures, now we will learn more. Study and discuss the gestures in 2a. Try to match them correctly.Step 4: Check the answers and teach the new words “secret, puzzled, victory”. Finish 2a.Step 5: Let the Ss discuss in groups. Collect more gestures. Encourage some groups to act out,

14、 and let the other Ss guess what they mean. Finish 2b.T: Besides these gestures, do you know any other gestures? Please discuss in groups, then act them out in the front, the other Ss will guess. Go ahead!S1: (act to be tired and sleepy )S3: (act to have a toothache.)Step 6: Let the Ss read the inst

15、ructions in 4 and discuss one of their teachers typical body language. Encourage them to report to the whole class. Finish 4.T: Have you ever noticed my body language? Of all your teachers, who has the most typical body language? Now, discuss in groups, and then report to the class. The example may help you a lot. Pay attention to the liaison and intonation.Read 1a, find the given words, learn the words and check the answers.S1: T,T,F,F,F.


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