2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 5 Music 课时跟踪检测(三)(含解析)新人教版必修2

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1、课时跟踪检测(三)Learning about Language & Using Language.根据提示写出单词的正确形式1The teacher wants the children to feel confident (自信的) about asking questions when they dont understand.2He dipped (蘸;浸) the brush into the paint.3She was very well before lunch, but felt sick afterwards (后来)4A bottle of wine would make

2、 a pleasant addition (增加) to the meal.5He has decided to grow a beard (胡须) and moustache.6Let me briefly (brief) tell you what happened.7I need you to message me your full name and address so that I can send you the invitation (invite) to their wedding.8In addition (add) to the twins, they have anot

3、her child.9Applying for jobs can be a long and painful(pain) process.10Finishing the work requires time, energy and devotion (devote).选词填空in addition; sort out; above all; agree on; feel down; come up with; go out; stick to1A child needs many things, and above_all,_he needs parents love.2We should s

4、ort_out the rubbish so as to recycle some of them.3We were having a party when the lights went_out.4You need money and time. In_addition,_you need diligence.5Specialists can come_up_with new ways to solve the problem of air pollution.6It is a virtue to stick_to ones promise.7We set up the date and a

5、greed_on the fee.8Susan felt_down after she lost her job.完成句子1He talked about the Great Wall as_if_it_had_been_built by himself.他谈论起长城好像长城是他自己建造的一样。2._Not_a_student has access to the library without_showing his student card.不出示学生证,就进入不了图书馆。3They walked about 30 miles_before_they_saw_a_village.他们走了30

6、英里才看见一个村庄。4To begin with, Id like to tell in_brief_the_importance_of_the_work.首先,我想简要谈谈这项工作的重要性。.完形填空A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she _1_ play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden win

7、dows high on another hill. _2_ she loved her parents and her family, she desired to live in such a house and _3_ all day about how wonderful and exciting _4_ must feel to live there.At the age when she gained some _5_ skill and sensibility (识别力), she _6_ her mother for a bike ride _7_ the garden. He

8、r mother finally allowed her to go, _8_ her keeping close to the house and not _9_ too far. The day was beautiful. The little girl knew _10_ where she was heading! _11_ the hill and across the valley, she rode to the _12_ of the golden house._13_ she got off her bike and put it against the gate post

9、, she focused on the path _14_ to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when she _15_ that all the windows were _16_ and rather dirty.So _17_ and heartbroken, she didnt go any further. She _18_, and all of a sudden she saw an amazing _19_. There on the other side of the v

10、alley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she _20_ that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her house.语篇解读:本文讲一个小女孩住在简陋的屋子里,通过窗户看到对面山上一所有金光闪闪的窗户的房子。终于有一天她到了那所房屋前,最终却发现自己住的房子才满满都是

11、爱。1A.mightBshouldCwould Dmust解析:选C她过去常常在小花园里玩耍。would表示“过去常常”,符合语境。2A.Unless BAlthoughCSince DBut解析:选B尽管她非常爱她的父母和家人,但是她渴望生活在这样的房子里。3A.dreamed BworriedCasked Dshouted解析:选A另一座山上的漂亮房子不是自己家的,当然只能整天梦想。4A.this BthatCit Dwhich解析:选C句意:整天梦想住在那里会多么兴奋和精彩。it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to live there。5A.different Bscientifi

12、cCmusical Dbasic解析:选D句意:当她到了具备基本的技能和识别能力的年龄的时候。有了基本的技能和识别力,自己能独立,父母放心了。6A.begged BblamedCinvited Dpaid解析:选A句意:她乞求妈妈让她去花园外面骑车。根据下文可知她的妈妈终于允许她,可推断出答案。7A.inside BoutsideCthrough Dalong解析:选B根据下文可知她的妈妈终于允许她,那肯定到花园外面了。8A.insisting on Brelying onCarguing about Dwondering about解析:选A妈妈不放心,坚持要求她在房子附近,不要骑得太远。9

13、A.travelling BrunningCriding Dwalking解析:选C既然是在房子附近,应该是不要骑得太远,选C。10A.madly BrapidlyCexactly Dpossibly解析:选Cexactly“确切地,完全地”。她完全知道朝什么方向骑。11A.Over BDownCAround DBeside解析:选B只有down表示“沿着”,沿着山,通过山谷。12A.windows BstepsCcentre Dgate解析:选D句意:她骑到金黄色房子的大门前。根据下文“the gate post”提示,所以选D。13A.Until BAsCWhile DBecause解析:

14、选B句意:当她从车子上下来,把车子靠在门柱上时。as可与非延续性动词连用,而while只能与延续性动词连用。get是非延续性动词,所以用as。14A.getting BintroducingCleading Dmoving解析:选C句意:把注意力集中在通向房子的路,然后是房子。lead to“通向”。15A.felt BlearnedCconcluded Dfound解析:选D句意:当她发现所有的窗户都很普通,并且相当脏的时候,她非常失望。find“发现”。16A.transparent BbrightCplain Dwide解析:选C句意:当她发现所有的窗户都很普通,并且相当脏的时候。pla

15、in“普通的,相貌平平的”。下文dirty和plain描述房子,使她失望。17A.anxious BangryCserious Dsad解析:选D句意:因为伤心和悲伤,她没有再往前走。和heartbroken感情色彩相同的词应该是sad。18A.turned around Bcheered upCsettled down Ddropped in解析:选A根据上文“她没有再往前走”,所以她转身准备回去。turn around“转身”。19A.hill BvalleyCbackground Dsight解析:选Dsight“景象”。下文“在山的另一边有一个小房子,它的窗户是金色的”就是她所看到的景象。20A.imagined BdecidedCrealized Dguessed解析:选C句意:看着这个小屋,她意识到她一直住在充满爱和关心的小屋里。.阅读理解



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