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1、.Reading comprehension (共56分) A. True or false (7分)Mr. Read works in a hospital. His medical skill is good and many people, in the town know him and go to ask him to look them over when they fee) unwell.One night, as soon as he went to bed, his door was knocked at. A young man came in and said his w

2、ife had a headache. He wanted to buy some medicine for her; Mr. Read didnt know what was wrong with the woman and decided to look her over at once. Of course the young man thanked him very much. When they got to the house, the woman was crying in her bedroom. Mr. Read looked her over carefully and g

3、ave her some medicine. He didnt leave there until she felt better.When Mr. Read came out, it was seven in the morning. It was very cold and the road was covered with thick snow. He was very tired but drove carefully. Near the town a truck went quickly and rushed to his car. At the moment he had to d

4、rive aside and his car hit a big tree and turned over. Luckily, he did not hurt himself. He had to come out through the broken window and went to the nearest house and asked someone to help him.An old woman opened the door for him. She recognized (认出) him at once.Good morning, Mr.; Read, the old wom

5、an shouted happily. I saw the accident by my window. Im sure the driver needs the doctors help. I was soon going to tell the hospital about it. I didnt expect you had already come here!71. Many people like to ask Mr. Read to look them over because of his good medical skill, f-72. One night a young m

6、ite came, to ask for some medicine for his wifes headache. 73. Mr. Read decided to go and look her over because he knew the woman very well.74. It was raining heavily when Mr. Read came out from the young mans house in the morning.75. Mr. Read was very tired and his car hit a truck and turned over.

7、76. An old woman found-him under a big tree and recognized him at once.77. The old woman thought pr Read was the doctor who came to help the driver in the accident.B. Choose the best answer (7 分)About ten years ago, a very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a neighborhood street. H

8、e was going a little too fast in his new Jaguar (美洲虎汽车). Suddenly a brick (砖头) hit a new car and broke the window. The angry driver jumped out of the car, caught the kid who threw the brick and shouted: What are you doing? Thats a new car and. that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Wh

9、y did you do it?Im sorry for breaking your new car, but I didnt know what else to do. the young boy, apologized. I threw the brick because no one else would stop!With tears on his face the little boy said; Its my older brother. He fell out of his wheelchair (轮椅). Would you please help me get him bac

10、k into his wheelchair? Hes too heavy for me to lift him up. The driver was greatly moved. He quickly lifted the handicapped (残疾的)boy back into the wheelchair and checked to see that he was going to be all rightYou are a nice man. Thank you, the little child said.The businessman watched the little bo

11、y push the wheelchair down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. After that, he kept the hole in his window to make him never forget this message Dont go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention.The world sends a messa

12、ge and speaks to our hearts: We all have the choice to listen.or Wait for the brick! 78.A brick suddenly hit Joshs new car while he was driving .A) very slowly B) with a kid C) his old Jaguar D) down a street79.Josh shouted at a kid angrily because the kid .A) was his own son B) threw a brick at his

13、 carC) jumped into his car D) had a brick in his hand80.The kid threw the brick at Joshs car because he wanted to A) buy Joshs car B) have tears on his faceC) apologize to Josh D) ask for help81.There was something wrong with the young boys brothers .A) legs B) eyes C) arms D)ears82.The young boys t

14、rouble was .A) his brother was handicapped B) the driver was greatly movedC) he could: hardly, lift up his brother D) he failed to push the wheelchair back home83.The underlined part go through life probably means A) save your life B) pass your time of lifeC) live a long life D) be responsible for y

15、our life84.Which of the following is Not True?A) Joshs new car is very expensive. B) The kids brother fell out of his wheelchair.C) Josh pushed the wheelchair back home. D) The hole is still in the window of Joshs car.C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (14 分) Prince Ahmad Fahad Ai-Sabah, the president of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) said at the Asian Games opening ceremony (开


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