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1、留学生汉语教学大纲南京医科大学国际教育学院School of International EducationNanjing Medical University2005年12月汉语教学大纲(综合课)The Syllabus for Chinese language (comprehensive lesson)总则General通过一年的教学,帮助包括零基础的初级阶段学生掌握汉语普通话的语音,熟练使用汉语拼音,了解汉语的基本语法结构,掌握2500个以上的常用词和200个左右的语法点。听、说、读、写方面的综合能力达到进入中国高等院校理、工、农、西医类本科学习的最低汉语能力标准。具体而言,在听的能力

2、上能基本理解语速为每分钟120字左右、不含或者少含生词和新语法现象的内容,能在具体语境中听懂日常生活的基本谈话。在说的能力上能用汉语进行日常生活中基本的交际,能较准确地表述自己的意图。在叙述具体事情时,语句的错误率在30%以下。在读的能力上,借助工具书,阅读生词及新语法现象量在20%以内,字数在500以上的各类文章,阅读速度不低于每分钟100字。在写的能力上,初步了解汉字构造,能以正确笔顺写出学过的生词。能写出不低于300字,病句较少的短文。The objective of this Chinese course is to help beginners grasp the pronuncia

3、tion of Chinese, skillfully use Pinyin, understand the basic grammar and structure in Chinese, know more than 2,500 frequently used characters and roughly 200 grammar points. The students overall ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing should reach the basic level of Chinese which enable

4、s them to pursue their study in China colleges whatever in natural science, engineering course, agriculture and medical science.To go into detail, students should, by and large, be able to understand material spoken at a speed of about 120 characters per minute which doesnt involve or hardly involve

5、s unfamiliar words and newly-arising grammars. They are expected to follow, in specific situations, everyday conversations in Chinese. As for speaking ability, students should be able to carry out basic communications in Chinese in daily life and to express themselves clearly. Their errors in talkin

6、g should be kept under 30% of all. For reading ability, students should be able to, with the help of reference books, read Chinese text of more than 500 characters, the content of which involves less than 20% unfamiliar words and newly-arising grammars. Their reading speed should attain at least 100

7、 characters per minute. For writing ability, students should be able to understand the basic structure of Chinese characters, to write familiar characters in correct stroke order and to complete a short composition of no less than 300 characters with few mistakes. 第一课 你好Lesson 1 Hello教学目标与要求Objectiv

8、es and Requirements掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合,会读四声,掌握上声变调。能将“你好”运用于交际。Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, can read the four tones of Chinese, grasp the modulation of the 3rd tone. Make communicative dialogues with “你好”学时分配Distribution of Teaching Hours4学时4 teaching hours教学内容Cont

9、ents1声母:b p m f d t n l g k h发音及拼合2. 韵母:a o e i u ai ei ao ou发音及拼合3. 汉语的四个声调4. 上声变调:两个第三声连读时第一个三声变成第二声5. 课文1. Initials: b p m f d t n l g k h, their articulation and combination2. Finals: a o e i u ai ei ao ou, their articulation and combination3. Tones of Chinese Putonghua4. Modulation of the 3rd t

10、one: when a 3rd tone is immediately followed by another 3rd one, the first one read as the 2nd tone5. Text第二课 汉语不太难Lesson 2 Chinese language is not too difficult教学目标与要求Objectives and Requirements掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合,会读轻声。Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, learn to articul

11、ate the neutral tone学时分配Distribution of Teaching Hours4学时4 teaching hours教学内容Contents1. 韵母:an en ang eng ong发音及拼合2. 轻声的概念:一定条件下又短又轻的声调,并非第五声3. 轻声的词:爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 弟弟 妹妹4. 半上声: 第三声音节后面跟第一、二、四声和轻声音节时,读半三声5. 课文1. Finals: an en ang eng ong, their articulation and combination2. The neutral tone: Toneless and l

12、ight-short pronounced syllables, it is not the 5th tone3. The neutral tone words: 爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 弟弟 妹妹4. The half 3rd tone: A 3rd-tone syllable is immediately followed by a 1st, 2nd, 4th or neutral tone syllable, only the first half of the tone is read5. Text第三课 谢谢Lesson 3 Thanks教学目标与要求Objectives and Requ

13、irements掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合。能够运用课文对话表达感谢和告别。Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, make dialogues of appreciation and farewell with the sentence patterns from the text学时分配Distribution of Teaching Hours4学时4 teaching hours教学内容Contents1. 声母:j q x发音及拼合2. 韵母:i ia ie iao iou(iu) i

14、an in iang ing iong发音及拼合3. “不”的变调4. 课文5. 感谢和告别的交际训练1. Initials: j q x, their articulation and combination2. Finals: i ia ie iao iou(iu) ian in iang ing iong, their articulation and combination3.Modulation of“不”: when“不”is immediately followed by another 4th-tone syllable, it is articulated as the 2n

15、d tone4. Text5. Communication practice: Appreciation and farewell第四课 你去哪儿Lesson 4 Where will you go?教学目标与要求Objectives and Requirements掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合。能够运用课文对话询问日期。Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, make dialogues of inquiring about the date with sentence patterns from the text学时分配Distribution of Teaching Hours4学时4 teaching hours教学内容Contents1. 声母:z c s发音及拼合2. 韵母:i er ua uo uai uei(ui) uan(un) uang ueng发音及拼合 3. 儿化:后缀“儿”与其前一音节的韵母结合成一个音节,使该韵母带上卷舌音色的特殊音变现象4. 课文5. 一周七天的名称(星期一至星期天)的交际训练1. Initials: z c s



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