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1、电子级三甲基铝请在使用本产品前认真阅读本安全产品说明书电子级三甲基铝作为化合物半导体沉积的铝源。应用于发光二极管、 激光二极管、 晶体管高性能和高效率太阳能电池中。它还用于硅半导体产业化学气相沉积过程中。1.物理性能分子式(CH3)3Al分子量 72.09CAS 号 75-24-1外观 清亮透明液体沸点 127(760mmHg)熔点 15液体密度 0.752g/ml(20)蒸气压力 at 10C (283.15 K) 4.87 torrat 15C (288.15 K) 6.57 torr蒸汽压方程logP(torr)=B-A/T(K)A =2134 ,B=8.2242.危害识别三甲基铝为易燃

2、液体,遇水剧烈反应。接触皮肤时可能导致严重的烧伤。烟雾可能会导致皮肤和眼睛不适。由于三甲基铝及其分解物属有毒物质,应避免吸入。3.建议急救接触大量三甲基铝和及其副产品后应立即就医。急救人员应配备相应的防护装备(呼吸器具等),以防止三甲基铝在空气中自燃或与水反应发生的爆炸等潜在危险。皮肤接触立即排出产品所在区域范围内的水,在未接触皮肤时尽可能快的装备好防护用具。用肥皂和水清洁可能接触到的三甲基铝,包括头发和指甲下的肌肤等部位。并立即就医咨询。眼睛接触戴隐形眼镜的人员,尽可能不要接触三甲基铝。三甲基铝误入眼睛时,应立即用大量清水冲洗至少15 分钟。并拨开眼睑以保证彻底冲洗,同时立即就医咨询。吸入吸

3、入时可能导致过敏。作业人员应快速转移到安全区域,立即使用独立呼吸器具。如呼吸困难,应给氧。 如呼吸已停止,应进行人工呼吸,并立即寻求医疗援助。4.FIRE 灭火措施灭火器械金属有机化学材料发生火灾时,只能使用干粉、 纯碱或石灰灭火,绝对不能使用水、 泡沫或卤代化合物灭火。为保险起见,三甲基铝在储运和使用过程中应远离火源。暴露的危险在已控火灾中,三甲基铝在暴露的空气中或与水接触时会重新燃烧。专用防护设备防火服装、 独立呼吸器具、 面罩、安全护目镜、 安全鞋和抗火手套。5.意外泄露措施个人预防措施发生意外时,所有人员应撤离危险区域,并使用适当的防护设备,确保足够的通风。在尝试处理现场时应先用惰性气

4、体保护设备。如果容器或阀门发生泄漏,立即呼叫紧急电话。环境的预防措施在确保安全的前提下,尽可能的试着处理泄露的区域。防灭火措施见第 4 节。清理方法具体方法请联系合林。6、包装和运输 包装任何接触三甲基铝的设备都必须保证彻底清洁并保持密闭状态。使用前,必须排除系统内所有的空气和水分。运输三甲基铝为金属有机化合物,液体,自燃,遇水剧烈反应。包装运输应符合相关安全规则。7.特殊保护呼吸保护呼吸器具可供紧急使用。通风大型通风设备。废气排放防止大量的铝氧化粉尘散入空气中。防护手套耐火手套保护眼睛安全护目镜或面罩。其他保护安全鞋、 安全淋浴、 洗眼喷头和防火服。8、 稳定性和反应性预防措施空气中易自燃。

5、避免与水、 空气或其它氧化剂接触。氧化分解产物铝氧化灰尘、 CO、 CO2,具有一定危险性。9、 毒理学资料铝氧化灰尘形成这种化合物氧化时可能会导致试验动物肝脏和肾脏的毒性作用。铝氧化粉尘作业 (三甲基铝燃烧时) 不属是剧毒操作。IARC 、NTP 和 OSHA并未将三甲基铝列为致癌物质或潜在致癌物质。TSCA 清单上列出三甲基铝为有毒物质。此材料安全日期表中包含的信息是,我们的知识和信仰,可靠的情况下,最好但准确性,并不保证其完整性。处理和使用条件都超出我们的控制范围,因为我们没有保证的结果,和不承担这种材料的使用造成损害。所有化学品可能存在未知的健康危害,并应谨慎使用。某些危险本协议所述,

6、虽然我们不能保证这些都是存在的唯一的危害。化学的最终裁定是适宜性的用户的责任。TRIMETHYLALUMINIUMCAS No. 75-24-1UN No. 33941.PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Formula (CH3)3AlFormula Weight 72.09Boiling Point 127760mmHgMelting Point 15Liquid Density 0.752g/ml20Vapour Pressure 2.532mmHg08.656mmHg20Vapour Pressure EquationLog10P(mmHg) = 8.224 2135/T(K)Ap

7、pearance Clear Colorless Liquid2.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Pyrophoric liquid, decomposes violently in water. Skin contact can cause severe burns. Fumes may cause skin and eye irritation. Avoid inhalation of fumes.3.RECOMMENDED FIRST AID Prompt medical attention is required in all cases of over exposure

8、 to Trimethylaluminium and its by-products. Rescue personnel should be equipped with appropriate protective equipment (self-contained breathing apparatus,etc.) to prevent unnecessary exposure and must be aware of the fire and explosion potential of Trimethylaluminium.Skin ContactContact may cause se

9、vere burns. Immediately flush affected areas with large quantities of water. Remove affected clothing as rapidly as possible only if not stuck to skin. Get immediate medical attention.Eye ContactPersons with potential exposure to Trimethyl-MATERIAL SAFETYDATA SHEETaluminiumshould not wear contact le

10、nses. Flush contaminated eye(s) with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids open with fingers to assure complete flushing. Get immediate medical attention.InhalationMay cause irritation. Move exposed personnel to an uncontaminated area quickly using self-contained breathing

11、apparatus. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.If breathing has stopped, apply artificial respiration. Medical assistance should be sought immediately. Keep victim warm and quiet.4.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing MediaAlways use dry powder, soda ash or lime. Never usewater, foam or halogenat

12、ed compounds to fight fires involving metalorganic materials. Without risk, stop flow of this compound to the fire. Without risk, and if safe to do so, move container(s) away from fire area.Exposure HazardsIn a controlled fire any unreacted Trimethyl- aluminium may re-ignite when contact with air or

13、 water is renewed.Special Protective Equipment for Fire-FightersFire resistant clothing, self-contained breathing apparatus, face shield and safety goggles, safety shoes and fire resistant gloves.5.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal PrecautionsEvacuate all personnel from affected area. Use appropri

14、ate protective equipment. Purge equipment with inert gas before attempting repairs. Ensure adequate ventilation. If leak is in container or valve, call the emergency number listed footed.Environmental PrecautionsTry to stop release, if safe to do so. For fire-fighting measures see section 4.Clean up

15、 methodsContact Nata for specific advice.6.HANDLING AND STORAGE HandlingValve outlet seals must remain in place unless container is secured and valve outlet piped to use point. Use a check valve or trap to prevent hazardousback flow into the container. Any equipment used forTrimethylaluminium service must be thoroughly cleaned and prepared to eliminate contamination and must be maintained in a leak-free state. All air and moisture in the syste



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