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1、1206红光贴片灯珠规格书1206 red SMD Specifications描述 Description1206灯珠最大的优点在于性能稳定,性价比高.市面上用1206灯珠主要用于指示,LCD背光 1206 lamp beads the biggest adva ntage is the stable performa nee, high cost performa nee. The market uses 1206 lamp beads mainly used for in structi ons, LCD backlight.特点 Features产品具有亮度高,寿命长的优点,6000小

2、时0光衰The product has the adva ntages of high bright ness, I ong life, 6000 hours 0 light fa客户名称:CUSTOMER NAME:经办者:职称:DIRECTOR: TITLE:客户料号:CUSTOMER PART N 品名:版本:PART NUMBER:YT1206ROS1-6200 REVISION:2.0发件日期:回文日期:ISSUE DATE:2014-11-4RETURN DATE: /一、谨致执事者:兹提供敝公司产品之有关详细规格及图面数据,敬请给予办理测试认定手续。同时敬请送返一份附有贵公司签认

3、之测试认定后之样品认定书。We are please in sending you herewith our specificati on and draw ings for your approval. Please retur n to us one copy“ For Approval ” with your approved sig natures.二、附件:ACCESSORY 样品 出货检验记录表 封装尺寸图 电气特性曲线内部线路图 焊性建议 PAD建议包装方式三、客户意见栏CUSTOMERS PROPOSAL AGREE同意(请于认可栏中签名) DISAGREE不同意REASON

4、原因:客户认可签章:CUSTOMER SIGNATUREATTENTIONFeatures_3.2mmX1.6mm SMT LED, 0.90mm THICKNESS.LOW POWER CONSUMPTION.Descripti onThe Hyper Red source color devices are madewith OH inGaAlP on GaAs substrate : LightEmitting DiodeEmitting Diode._WIDE VIEWING ANGLE.DEAL FOR BACKLIGHT AND INDICATOR.VARIOUS COLORS A

5、ND LENS TYPES AVAILABLE._PACKAGE: 3000PCS / REEL._RoHS COMPLIANT.Package Dime nsionsPOLARITY MARK02Units:mmTolerance:o,2Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches).2. Tolerance is H 11(0.004) unless otherwise noted.3.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Selectio n GuidePart No

6、.DiceLens TypeIv (mcd) 20 mAViewi ngAn gleMin.Typ.2 0 1/2YT12O6ROS1-62OOREDWATER CLEAR70150120Note:1. T/2 is the an gle from optical cen terl ine where the lum inous inten sity is 1/2 the optical cen terl ine value.Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ta =25 CSymbolParameterDeviceTyp.Max.UnitsTes

7、t Conditions严eakPeak WavelengthRED617625nmIF=20mA2DDominant WavelengthREDnmIF=20mA如/2Spectral Line Half-widthRED25nmIF=20mACCapacitanceRED105pFVF=0V;f=1MHzVFForward VoltageRED1.92.2VIF=20mAIRReverse CurrenRED2uAVR = 7VRemarks:If special sorting is required (e.g. binning based on forward voltage, lum

8、inous intensity, or wavelength), the typical accuracy of the sorting process is as follows:1. Wavelength: +/-1nm2. Luminous Intensity: +/-15%3. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1VNote: Accuracy may depend on the sorting parametersAbsolute Maximum Ratings at T a =25 CParameterREDUnitsPower dissipati on75mWDC Fo

9、rward Curre nt30mAPeak Forward Curre nt 180mAReverse Voltage5VOperati ng/Storage Temperature-40 C To +85 CNote:1.1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width.URA600610620630640650wavelength A (nm)RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs. WAVELENGTHE6C1206URAC1UDA1E0Nu 4口 e*4DN4u4 匚一 MrLOLI 一 En-I50403020(4E)c4xlno P-ID 孝koLL.Fo

10、rward Voltoge(V) FORWARD CURRENT Vs. forward voltageIr-Forword Currenl (mA) LUMINOUS INTENSITY Vs. FORWARD CURRENT(E)4uatnop口JJI04504030201020 +0 60 80 100Arriblent Tflmpqralure T*(*C) FORWARD CURRENT DERATING CURVE-20020406080Ambient Temperature Ta (X) LUMINOUS INTENSITY Vs.AMBIENT TEMPERATUREUB20*

11、1.00.700.5SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION30*40*506070*旳90*可靠性 RELIABILITY测试项目及结果 Test Items and Results序号试验项目参考标准试验条件持续时 间取样 数接收水准(不合格: 数量/抽样总数)1温度循环JEITAED-4701-40C 25 C 100 C 25 C30分钟5分钟30分钟5分钟循环100回合500/502冷热冲击MIL-STD-202G-40 C100C15分钟 15分钟循环500回合500/503高温储存JEITA ED-4701200 201Ta=100C1000 小时500/504低温储存JEITA

12、 ED-4701200 201Ta=-40 C1000 小时500/505常温寿命试验Ta=255 C lF=20mA1000 小时500/506咼温咼湿寿命试验Ta=60C RH=85%|F=20mA1000 小时500/507可焊性(回流焊)JEITA ED-4701300 303Tso=235 C 5C ,5 秒使用助焊剂焊接一次, 5秒100/108耐焊性(回流焊)JEITA ED-4701300 301Tsol=260C ,10 秒 预处理:35 C 95%RH 96小时焊接二 次,每次10秒100/10备准以上试验项目如与客户试验要求存在差异的或者特殊客户特殊要求的可根据实际情况按

13、照客 户的要求进行试作,客户未要求的按我司试验标准试作不冋产品使用不冋电流进行测试5.注意事项Cautions(1)焊接条件 Soldering Conditions本产品最多只可回焊两次,且在首次回焊后须冷却至室温之后方可进行第二次回焊Number of reflow process shall be less than 2 times and cooling process to normal temperature is required betwee n first and Second solderi ng process.推荐焊接条件 (Recommended soldering conditions) L34cLCLCILJCLlio詐匚HQX.Recomme nded Solderi ng Patter n (Un its : mm)冋満却接 Reflow Soldering手工焊接顼热沮度Pre-heat 预热时何Pre-heat time峰值温度Peak temperature焊质时阖Soldering timeKondition有铅Lead Solder无朗 Ltad-freeSolderTemper at ur焊接时间Soldering time350E C Max. 3 sec. Wax. (onetime



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