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1、100首摇滚经典英文歌曲流行音乐杂志滚石与MTV音乐电视联合评选出了自1963年以来世界最伟大的一百首流行歌曲。“甲壳虫”乐队的经典老歌“Yesterday”(昨日)被传唱三十七年,经久不衰,高居百佳之首。 滚石与MTV策划本次评选活动。之所以把评选的时间范围定在1963年至今是因为1963年“甲壳虫”乐队首次登陆美国演出标志着现代流行音乐时代的开始。仅仅选出代表这个时代的100首经典歌曲并非易事,五位滚石杂志的编辑和来自MTV的节目制作人、研究人员经过反复斟酌、仔细推敲才最终确定了这100首具有代表性的歌曲。 1-The Beatles-yesterday 披头果然不愧为摇滚音乐史上最受推崇

2、与喜爱的合唱团, 在 百大之中,他们总共有四首歌曲进榜,其中又以1965年十月九日获得连续四周冠军的 Yesterday 最受欢迎 。 如果以当年的排行来看,这首歌其实并不是他们的歌曲之中成绩最好的,只能算是第五,但正如前面所说,排行的名次并不真正具有决定性,而且披头的录音只是这首歌曲两千五百个不同版本里面的一种。根据金氏世界纪录的统计,这是有史以来被翻唱次数最多的一首歌。Yesterday by BeatlesYesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away,Now it looks as though theyre here to stay,Oh

3、I believe in yesterday.Suddenly, Im not half the man I used to be,Theres a shadow hanging over me,Oh yesterday came suddenly.Why she had to go I dont know. She wouldnt say.I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday,Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play,Now I need a place to hide away,O

4、h, I believe in yesterday.2-Rolling Stones-Satisfaction 这首曲子在越战中不知道抚慰了多少离乡在外士兵们的心灵,起码在现代启示录中我们看到的是这样,飞机在头顶盘旋,爆炸在身边响起,但是这些都比不上这一首歌带给人的激情和只属于那个年代的躁动。看见白发的这帮老杆子们在舞台唱高唱I CANT GET NO SATISFACTION的时候,我实在相信,他们还没有老,至少心是这样。 satisfaction - rolling stones I cant get no satisfaction, I cant get no satisfaction.

5、 cause I try and I try and I try and I try. I cant get no, I cant get no. When Im drivin in my car And that man comes on the radio And hes tellin me more and more About some useless information Supposed to fire my imagination. I cant get no, oh no no no. Hey hey hey, thats what I say. I cant get no

6、satisfaction, I cant get no satisfaction. cause I try and I try and I try and I try. I cant get no, I cant get no. When Im watchin my tv And that man comes on to tell me How white my shirts can be. Well he cant be a man cause he doesnt smoke The same cigarrettes as me. I cant get no, oh no no no. He

7、y hey hey, thats what I say. I cant get no satisfaction, I cant get no girl with action. cause I try and I try and I try and I try. I cant get no, I cant get no. When Im ridin round the world And Im doin this and Im signing that And Im tryin to make some girl Who tells me baby better come back later

8、 next week cause you see Im on losing streak. I cant get no, oh no no no. Hey hey hey, thats what I say. I cant get no, I cant get no, I cant get no satisfaction, No satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction3-Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit 世界上没有几个歌者能象Kurt Cobain那样在死后得到众多乐迷们“摇滚之神”般的供奉。 90年代,美

9、国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响与轰动,Kurt Cobain组建的Nirvana涅磐堪称Grunge的领军人物。1991九月,专辑Nevermind发行,刚推出5周销量就已达到50万张, 92年1月11日成为美国销量第一的唱片,全球的销量超过一千万大关。在商业上取得了巨大的成功。(Nevermind)使Nirvana步向成功,创造了一个非主流乐队成为主流的神话,同时也开始了一场心灵的悲剧。这里推荐的这首smells like teen spirit是NIRVANA 专辑Nevermind中的代表作品,音乐中扭曲的吉他,沙哑的歌喉,猛然

10、的爆发把Kurt Cobain 内心的狂燥、愤怒、压抑、扭曲、病态、激烈的矛盾冲突完全显示了出来,同时也也反映了KURT温柔、感性、脆弱和恐惧的一面。在MTV的unpluged演唱会上,Kurt Cobain 更似一个沉静、害羞的小女孩,与外部世界的格格不入已经为悲剧的爆发奠定了伏笔。 1994年4月5日,在中国祭拜亡灵的传统节日,Kurt Cobain在自己的住所用猎枪结束了自己的生命。自杀的原因就如同他在where did you sleep last night中那最后一声无奈的叹息一般,没有人能够真正理解,也许神就不应该留在人世之中的吧!Kurt Cobain用行动实践了他的音乐理想,

11、如凤凰一样涅磐重生,然而留给无数乐迷的却是无尽的怀念和心痛! 喜欢下载歌曲的朋友加扣扣:1413115223空间有歌曲下载地址smells like teen spirit - nvrvana Nevermindload up on guns and, bring your friends, its fun to lose, and to pretendshes over bored, and self assured,oh no, i know, a dirty wordhello, how low?(x bunch of times)with the lights out its less

12、 dangeroushere we are now, entertain usi feel stupid and contagioushere we are now, entertain usa mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, yeahim worse at what i do best,and for this gift i feel blessedour little group has always been, and always will until the endhello, how low?(x bunch of times)

13、with the lights out its less dangeroushere we are now, entertain usi feel stupid and contagioushere we are now, entertain usa mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, yeahand i forget , just why i taste,oh yeah, i guess it makes me smilei found it hard, it was hard to find, oh well, whatever, neve

14、rmindhello, how low?(x bunch of times)with the lights out its less dangeroushere we are now, entertain usi feel stupid and contagioushere we are now, entertain usa mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libidoa denial, a denial, a denial, a denial,a denial, a denial, a denial, a denial,a denial4-Madonna

15、 - Like A Virgin 全美专辑榜第1名(3周),全英专辑榜第1名(2周),全球销售量逾1800万张这张专辑引爆了麦当娜所有的潜在野性。她绞尽脑法出位的打扮,配合卖弄从骨子里透露出的风骚,公然与性感象征玛丽莲梦露一争高下。Like A Virgin同名单曲与专辑同时登上单曲榜和专辑榜的冠军。专辑中的舞曲旋律成为八十年代最有代表性的音乐。而麦当娜也开始在声音上扮演不同角色,有时如无知少女般单纯,有时如深谙风情的性感女郎。专辑的巨大成功使麦当娜展开了为期80天的美国十州“Virgin Tour”(处女巡回个唱)。1985年,麦当娜身穿白色内衣及金属腰环造型在首届MTV颁奖礼上献唱Like A Virgin引起轰动。另外,麦当娜更登上时代周刊,成为封面人物。至此,麦当娜似乎已经领悟到如何将自己成为全球话题的窍门。从此,一发不可收拾。Like A Virgin by Madonna I made it through the wilderness Somehow


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