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《Lesson Eleven Typhoon.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson Eleven Typhoon.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson Eleven TyphoonJukes was as ready a man as any half-dozen young mates that may be caught by casting a net upon the waters; and though he had been somewhat taken aback by the startling viciousness of the first squall, he had pulled himself together on the instant, had called out the hands, and

2、had rushed them along to secure such openings about the deck as had not been already battened down earlier in the evening. Shouting in hid fresh, stentorian voice, “Jump, boys, and bear a hand!” he led in the work, telling himself all the while that he had “just expected this.”Jukes和其他6个船上大副中的任何一个一样

3、都已经做好了准备(像撒网捕鱼时随意捞到的一个),尽管他有点被第一阵过来的暴风令人惊讶的邪恶吓了一跳,他立刻恢复镇定。 喊出水手们,催促他们关紧那些开着的夹板,那些夜晚早些时候没有封上的舱门,他朝气蓬勃,声音洪亮的喊到“快,伙计们,加把劲”他领着大伙一起干,一直告诉自己“这正如他所料”。But at the same time he was growing aware that this was rather mote than he had expected. From the first stir of the air felt on his cheek, the gale seemed t

4、o take upon itself the accumulated impetus of an avalanche. Heavy sprays enveloped the Nan-Shan from stem to stern. And instantly, in the midst of her regular rolling, she began to jerk and plunge as thought she had gone mad with fright.但是与此同时,他越来越清楚的认识到这相当多的超出了他的预期。自第一缕搅动的空气在他脸颊被感受到,大风似乎把山崩样被聚焦的力量放

5、在它身上。深重的浪花自船头到船尾包围着“南山号”,立即,在船的左右摇摆中间,它开始颠簸并且头向下好像它因为害怕开始变得发疯起来。Jukes thought, “This is no joke.” While he was exchanging explanatory yells with hid captain, a sudden lowering of the darkness came upon the night, falling before their vision like something palpable. It was as if the masked lights of

6、the world had been turned down. Jukes was uncritically glad to have his captain at hand. It relieved him as thought that man had, by simply coming on deck, taken most of the gales weight upon his shoulders. Such is the prestige, the privilege, and the burden of command.Jukes想,“这可不是开玩笑”当他跟他的船长交换解释性的叫

7、喊,突然沉下来的黑暗向黑夜袭来,跌落在他们的眼前像是可以摸得着,像世界上戴着面罩的灯被关小了一样。Jukes不加判断的高兴着,因为有他的船长在身边,这宽慰了他,好像这个男人,他只要跑到甲板上,就能把大风的大部分的重量压到他的肩膀。这就是指挥权带来的的威信、特权和负担。Captain Mac Whirr could expect no relief of that sort form anyone on earth. Such is the loneliness of command. To be silent was natural to him, dark or shine. Jukes,

8、at his elbow, made himself heard, yelling cheerily in the gusts. “We must have got the worst of it at once, sir.” A faint burst of lightning quivered all around, as if flashed into a cavern-into a black and secret chamber of the sea, with a floor of foaming crests.Mac Whirr船长不能期待从地球上的任何人那里获得宽慰,这就是指挥

9、权的孤独。不管黑暗或明亮对他来说他总是沉默寡言。Jukes就在他的手肘边,在阵风之间,他高兴的喊叫着,让他的喊叫被船长听见。“先生,我们将面临最具毁灭性的台风中心(马上要来了)” 一阵爆发的微弱闪电在周围到处颤抖,好像是闪电被照到了一个大山洞照进一个黑的,秘密的海上大房子,泡沫横飞的浪峰是房子的地板。It unveiled for a sinister, fluttering moment a ragged mass of clouds hanging low, the lurch of the long outlines of the ship, the black figures of m

10、en caught on the bridge, heads forwards, as if petrified in the act of butting. The darkness palpitated down upon all this, and then the real thing came at last.邪恶的,颤抖的一瞬间,闪电(提示了)让我们看到了参差不齐的一堆低垂着的压得很低的云;突然倾斜的船的长长轮廓;被困在驾驶台上的人的黑色身影,头往前伸着,像在顶撞的人突然被石化的样子。黑暗抖动着压着这一切上,然后真正的考验终于到了。It was something formidab

11、le and swift, like the sudden smashing oa a vial of wrath. It seemed to explode all round the ship with an overpowering concussion and a rush of great waters, as if an immense dam had been blown up to windward. In an instant the men lost touch of each other. This is the disintegrating power of a gre

12、at wind: it isolates one from ones kind. An earthquake, a landslip, an avalanche overtake a man incidentally, as it were-without passion. A furious gale attacks him like a personal enemy, tries to grasp his limbs, fastens upon his mind, seeks to rout his very spirit out of him.可怕的、快速的真正的考验,就像是装满愤怒的瓶

13、子突然打碎样。瓶子在船上的各个地方爆炸开来,伴随压倒一切的振动,还有很多的水狂冲着,好像是巨大的坝迎风被炸开。在一瞬间船上的上被冲散开,这就是大风的吹枯拉朽的瓦解一切的力量:风使一切被隔离。地震,山崩,雪崩不经意间抓住一个人,可以这么说没有任何激情。狂怒的大风像个仇人样袭击人,努力去控制住他的四肢,盯住不放去进行攻击他的头脑,几乎要把他的灵魂从他的身体里驱逐出来。Jukes was driven away from his commander. He fancied himself whirled a great distance through the air. Everything dis

14、appeared-even, for a moment, his power of thinking; but his hand had found one of the rail stanchions. His distress was by no means alleviated by an inclination to disbelieve the reality of this experience. Though young, he had seen some bad weather, and had never doubted his ability to imagine the

15、worst; but this was so much beyond his powers of fancy that it appeared incompatible with the existence of any ship whatever. He would have been incredulous about himself in the same way, perhaps, had he not been so harassed by the necessity of exerting a wrestling effort against a force trying to t

16、ear hi, away from his hold. Moreover, the conviction of not being utterly destroyed returned to him through the sensations of being half drowned, bestially shaken , and partly choked.Jukes被从他的指挥员身边赶走,他想象他自己在空中旋转出很远的距离。一切都消失了甚至,有一瞬间他的思维都消失了,但是他的手还抓住了横杆柱子。他的苦恼一点点也没有被他倾向于不相信这个经历的真实性而减轻。虽然他年轻,他见过很多坏天气,而且他从来没有怀疑过他把情况想象到最坏状态的能力,但是面前的台风是如此大大超出他的想象,以至于这个台风好像和无论任何一只船的存在是不相容的。(任何一条船都不应该存在这样的台风)如果他不是被“付出做摔跤样的努力来抵抗台风把他从一个拥抱中拉开的力量”的必要性折磨,同样他本来也不会相信他自己的。不仅如此


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