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1、新目标英语七年级上期末总复习教案一.重点句型1.A: Hi! 你好! B: Hi! 你好!实战: A: Hi! B: !2.A: Hello! 你好! B: Hello! 你好!实战:A :Hello! B: !3.A:How do you do! 你好! B: How do you do! 你好! 实战: A: How do you do! B: !4.A: Good morning /afternoon /evening! 早上好/下午好/晚上好! B: Good morning /afternoon /evening! 早上好/下午好/晚上好!. 实战:A: Good morning!

2、B: !5.A: Whats your (/his) name? 你的(/他的)名字是什么? B: My (/His) name is Bill. 你的(/他的)名字是比尔 实战: Her name is Helen.(就画线部分提问)6.A: How are you? 你好吗? B: Im fine (/Fine), thanks (/thank you). And you? 我很好,谢谢.你呢? A: Im OK. 我很好. 实战: Im fine. (就画线部分提问) 7.A : Whats his telephone number? 他的电话号码是什么? B: Its 8715678.

3、 是8715678. 实战:My telephone number is 8905789. (就画线部分提问)8.A: Whats this (/that) in English? 这个(/那个)用英语怎么说? B: Its a pencil. 它是一支铅笔 实战:That is an eraser. (就画线部分提问)9.A : What are these (/those) ? 这些(/那些)是什么? B: Theyre shoes. 它们是鞋子 实战:Those are dictionaries. (就画线部分提问).10. (1) A: what color is it (/this

4、shirt)? 它(/这件衬衫)是什么颜色? B: Its yellow . 它是黄色的实战:That sweater is blue. (就画线部分提问)(2) A : What color are they ( /these tomatoes)? 它们(/这些西红柿)是什么颜色的? B: Theyre red. 它们是红色的实战:These shoes are white. (就画线部分提问)11.(1) A: Wheres my backpack? 我的背包在哪里? B: Its under the table. 它在桌子底下. 实战:His ruler is on the dresse

5、r. (就画线部分提问) (2)A: Where are his books? 他的书在哪里?B: Theyre on the sofa. 它们在沙发上.实战:Her pencils are in the drawer. (就画线部分提问)12(1).A : Is this (/that) her dictionary? 这(/那)是她的词典吗? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的./不是. 实战: This is her baseball. (改为一般疑问并作否定回答) (2) A: Are these (/those) her watches? 这些(/那些)

6、是她的手表吗? B: Yes, they are. ./ No, they arent. 是的/不是.实战:Those are her watches. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)13. 实战:(1) This is my dictionary.( 改为复数句)实战: (2) Those are their watches.(改为单数句)14.(1 ) A: Do you (/they) have a basketball ? 你有一个篮球吗? B:Yes, I (/they) do. /No, I (/they) dont. 是的,我(/他们)有. 不, 我(/他们)没有.实战:I ha

7、ve a tennis racket. (改为一般疑问句作肯定回答)(2) A:Does he ( /she) have a volleyball? 他(/她)有一个排球吗? B:Yes, he (/she) does. /No, he (/she) doesnt. 是的,他(/她)有. 不, 他(/她)没有.实战:Xie Haifeng has six apples. (改为一般疑问并作否定回答)15.(1) A: How much is this skirt? 这件裙子多少钱? B:Its eight dollars. 八美元.实战:That black sweater is twenty

8、-eight yuan. (就画线部分提问)(2) A: How much are these pants? 这些(/条)裤子多少钱? B: Theyre nine dollars. 九美元. 实战:Those yellow pants are thirty-nine dollars. (就画线部分提问)16. (1) A: When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? B:Its October twelfth. 是十月二日.(2)A:when is Huang Feihongs birthday? 黄飞鸿的生日是什么时候?Hhh B:His birthday is D

9、ecember second. 他的生日是十二月十二日.实战:Wei Mings birthday is September ninth (就画线部分提问)17.(1) A : How old are you? 你多少岁了? = (Whats your age?) B: Im fifteen. 我十五岁.实战:He is twelve. (就画线部分提问)18.A: What kind of movies do you like ? 你喜欢什么类型的电影? B: I like thrillers and action movies. 我喜欢恐怖片和动作片. 实战:Lian Chunhua li

10、kes comedies and documentaries. (就画线部分提问) 19.A: Can you swim? 你会游泳吗? B : Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 是的,我会. /不,我不会. 实战:He can dance. (改为一般疑问并作否定回答)20.A; What can he do? 他会做什么? B: He can play the guitar. 他会弹吉他. 实战:Deng Gaopin can play basketball. (就画线部分提问)22(1).A: What time do you usually get up? 你通常什么

11、时候起床? B: I usually get up at five oclock. 我通常五点起床. (2).A : What time does she usually have breakfast? 她通常什么时候吃早餐? B: She usually has breakfast at 6:00. 她通常六点吃早餐. 实战:Lin Hai goes to school at 6:30. (就画线部分提问)23.A: What”s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么? B: My favorite subject is science. 我最喜欢的科目是科学.

12、 实战:Bills favorite subject is math. (就画线部分提问)24.A: Who is your English teacher? 谁是你的英语老师? B: Mr Pang is my English teacher. 庞老师是我的英语老师 实战:Mrs Tang is their math teacher. (就画线部分提问) 25.A: Why do you like English? 你为什么喜欢英语? B: Because its interesting. 因为它有趣. 实战:She likes comedies because theyre funny. (就画线部分提问)21.A:What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部? B:I want to join the art club. 我想加入艺术俱乐部.26.A:Can I help you? (/What can I do for you?)我可以帮你吗?!(/有什么可以效劳的吗?) B: Yes, please. 是的27.A:Thank yo



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