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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.Section B 2a Reading安乡县董家垱中学 周丽Dongjiadang Middle School Sandy Zhou课题Ive had this bike for three years.教材出版人教民育出版社年级八年级下册第十单元课型阅读学时第四课时教学内容1. New words: nowadays, search, among, crayon, shame, regard, count, century, according to, opposite, especially.2. Tar

2、get language focus: search for, regard with, the mid-20th century, a symbol of教学目标1. Grasp the new words in the text.2. Understand the meaning of the text.3. Give a short speech after some reading and practice.教学重点难点1. New words and language in the text.2. Get the students to understand the text ful

3、ly教学方法1.Task-based Teaching method.2.Group Work.3.Cooperative Method.教学准备Multimedia, mini-blackboard, flowers.课时安排本课教材选自新目标英语八年级下册第十单元,本单元作5个课时安排。本节课是第四课时,课型为阅读课。Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.The forth periodStep 1 Warming-up1. Greetings2. Home work check-up and lead-in.(Before class: As

4、k students to find the structure of present perfect tense with time adverbials as many as possible from the text.)First, check the present perfect tense with time adverbials with the whole class.Then, look at the mini-blackboard and do several exercises. Give praise to the group well done.1. _ two y

5、ears 2._two years ago 3. _last month 4._ 1999 5. Ive known him _ we were children. Last, play a song. 回家的路. Talk about the so called “spring rush”.学习内容:找出文中现在完成时及其搭配的时间状语,通过练习回忆巩固现在完成时。学习方式:课前自学,课中展示,自主学习。设计意图:让学生课前预习,以现在完成和搭配的时间状语为切入点降低难度,既复习了现在完成时以及与其相搭配的时间状语,且有助于让学生对文章内容有初步了解,为后面语篇学习做好铺垫。通过歌曲回家的路

6、引起学生注意,谈谈“春运”。Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Talk about our hometown. Show some pictures of special places in the hometown. Where are these places in our hometown? What changes are happening in our hometown today?T: Where is our hometown?Ss: Anxiang.T: How long have you lived here?Ss: I have lived

7、here foryears/since/sinceyears ago.T: Do you like our hometown?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Lets look at these pictures. Are you familiar with these places? What are they? Please talk with your partner, what changes are happening in our hometown today?Ss:.学习内容:Talk about your hometown.学习方式:师生练习,自由讨论。设计意图:通过谈论家

8、乡的变化引起学生的兴趣,为阅读作准备。Step 3 Reading Comprehensive1. Give students 3 minutes to skim the letter quickly and finish the following exercises. a. Who is Zhong Wei?A 45-year-old husband and father.Has lived in Wenzhou for 13 years.Works in a crayon factory in Wenzhou.b. Read quickly and match the main idea

9、s:Para 1 Many people regard with great interest how their hometown has changed.Para 2&3 Many people like Zhong Wei leave the countryside to search for works in the cities.Para 4 Some things never changed, like many soft and sweet memories.设计说明:带着任务进行略读,帮助学生迅速进入阅读状态并且有助于学生提升阅读技巧(skimming),培养学生概括主旨大一的

10、能力,也是对语篇整体的理解。2. Read carefully. Give the students 5 minutes to read the text silently and fill the blanks:Hometown feelingsChangesRemainsNew1. _and _ appeared2. The government has built_1. A _opposite the school is still there. 2. Hometown has left many_ and _in our hearts.People1. Children have le

11、arned to_2. _ from the cities to help.设计意图:通过带有任务额默读和朗读训练,促使学生全面理解课文细节。3. Game time.Try to guess the meanings of the words. Raise your hands as quickly as you can if you know the answer. Your group will get one point if your answer is correct. Youre the winner if your group gets the highest score.lo

12、ok for consider across from in ones opiniongo back changes area 1Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.2With a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesnt find much time to visit his hometown. “I used to return home at least once a year, but I havent been b

13、ack for almost three years now.”3Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.4In many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from cities to help. 5Zhong Wei thinks such developments are good., and he also knows that his hometown

14、 cannot always stay the same. 6According to Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change. “In my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school.设计意图:通过游戏竞赛进一步加深学生对于文章主要内容的理解,争取每个学生都有课堂发言权。Step 3 Group discussionThe teacher will give students four minutes to discuss the changes happening

15、 in our hometown and try to talk about them with given expressions.4 students in a group, one is the reporter, one is the interviewer, one is responsible for taking notes, and one gives the speech to whole class.My hometown is lovely. I have lived in my hometown foryears/since/sinceyears ago. There are a lot of changes happening here, for example, I think these


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